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David Heyman Confirms Our Suspicions On Half-Blood Prince Delay

By Doug - October 30, 2008 - 08:23 America/Montreal

David Heyman has spilled the milk regarding the Half-Blood Prince release date change. We get the following scoop thanks to our friends at comingsoon:

“I think that there was some people… kids were definitely upset, and I’m really sympathetic to that,” Heyman told us when asked about the decision to delay the sixth installment. “I would love the film to come out in November; we would have been ready, but the fact is partly because of the writers strike and for whatever reason, Warners didn’t have any movies next summer. They had Batman this year which was bigger than they ever thought it would be, so they came to me, and they said, ‘David, we want to move it.’ Warners has been really good to us. They’ve given us lots of money and lots of independence. It defies belief how much independence we have on these films. They give us the money, they read a draft of the script. I choose the director, we make the film, they come and visit. We show them a cut of the film, they say they like it, they give us some notes, we make the changes that we want to make. We test screen it once and show it to them, and then the movie is released. They’ve been so supportive that one has to support… they needed it. It’s a film business.”

Film is a business, but if you have printed posters and promised fans a release date - class dictates that you keep your word. To move it ahead a Summer just to boost next years numbers is ridiculous. I have a hard time thinking that the delayed release will make them more money. I could be way off here, but I think they did this just so next years summer quarter looks as appealing as this years to shareholders.

When it comes to being fair to your shareholders or your paying customers, you should always choose your customers. They are the ones that make the machine run with their money, so the business should be kind enough to return the favor with decency and respect.

We have long supposed that WB made the move for the reasons mentioned above. The word on the street was swirling about and many were upset. I think this was a terrible idea, and has killed buzz and momentum for the film. I am not sure if it will hurt it at the box office, but it will be interesting to find out.


  1. Ross says:

    The thing is though….this thing will make serious bank no matter what time of the year they release it. It will make virtually ZERO difference to the money it makes at the box office now that it’s next summer. I bet you it would even have made MORE if released as planned this November as there would have been less competition. So if anything they’ve created problems for themselves by now having to worry (Although I can’t think of much that would hurt fucking Harry Potter:P) about other films released close to it (some probably even on the same date).

    This is a stupid move on there part, as has been said many times since they announced the delay. Again - Harry Potter will make tons of cash no matter when it is released, and putting roadblocks in the form of competition in your way is exactly what you should avoid in a situation such as this.

  2. Jeremy says:

    On the plus side, it is probably this move that allows us to see the new Jame Bond movie in November instead of the original December release date!

  3. obi-wan kubrick says:

    This makes a lot of sense. They don’t want their 2009 year to look like of made 1/4 of the money they made in 2008. Moving HP to 2009 will bolster their 9009 income results.

  4. Slushie Man says:

    “The thing is though….this thing will make serious bank no matter what time of the year they release it. It will make virtually ZERO difference to the money it makes at the box office now that it’s next summer.”

    That’s exactly the point. They have no big tentpole movie for next summer, to make them any money, while this year they’ve had a few already. So since it will make the same amount of money no matter when it’s released, they moved it so they still have a steady source of income, come next summer. I don’t agree with it, but I understand it.

    And anyone that thinks it’s going to make less money and that people are going to boycott it because of the move, are idiots. There may be 2 or 3 people in the entire world that will boycott it, but not enough to even put a $30 dent in the B.O. And those people are idiots too.

  5. Ross says:

    @Slushie Man,

    Yes but they are going to make the money regardless of when they release it. What’s the difference whether they get the money at the end of this year or next summer? In the end they’ll still have the money in the bank account. So if they can make the same money from either release date why not release it in November so that you have the advantage of being true and good to the fans?

  6. jaffahut says:


    It’s not ‘exactly’ the same thing.
    The amount of money stays about the same, but they’d have less of it next summer, and that could lead to some problems, so to say… Doubt it though. WB still has a few bucks in the bank even without the incomes of Half-Blood Prince.

  7. Slushie Man says:

    Ross, if you started a new job and you are going to be there for a year, and you were told you could have two options: Get paid everything all at once within the first 3 or 4 months, or get paid periodically over the course of the entire year, which would you truly pick?

    As Jaffahut said, the amount will be about the same, but they’d have much less come next summer. With no large movies bringing in the cash between Harry Potter and whatever they release a year from this upcoming summer, they’d be getting pretty tight for cash come that time, and it could result in many many layoffs and job cuts. Hundreds of people could loose their jobs.

  8. Ross says:

    @Slushie Man,

    I get what you’re saying but using the anaology of a normal job and which would I take money all at once or periodically doesn’t apply that well. With that case that’s my ONLY income, like I am depending on that as pay for my working. But it’s not as if Harry Potter is the ONLY way they are gonna’ have money in the bank. I just think that since they promised the fans, especially the hardcore Harry Potter fans, it’s release on November and just because they want a big movie for next summer they delay it; I think it’s totally unfair, it’s just my opinion. I still get what you’re saying, I just don’t share the view.

  9. jaffahut says:

    Well look the bright side. Less time between Deadly Hallows

  10. Slushie Man says:

    Oh, and I agree 100%. I even said above, that while I UNDERSTAND what they’re doing, I in no way agree with it, and am just as pissed off as anyone else that they did such a move. All I’m saying is that I understand why they did it, unlike many decisions that various companies make with their movies, that just leave me confused and baffled.

  11. John says:

    The Studio doesn’t OWE the fans anything at all. So far the fans haven’t paid one cent to see this movie, and so the studio doesn’t owe them a thing.

    It’s not like they accepted advance ticket orders and people already paid their money. THAT would be a different story. Moving the release date hasn’t “cost” the fans anything. They can release their movie whenever they please and then the fans can choose to see it or not see it. Simple as that.


    i liked the other guys explenation better

    “were fucking warner brothers.. MAYBE youve heard of us…the matrix…the dark knight..we can do- whatever the fuck we want. so everyday you send us angry emails we will delay this movie back by a day..were not to be fucked with.so please stop bitching, you little pieces of shit”

  13. Ross says:


    I see what you’re saying but they set a date. They set a date, what effectively is a PROMISE, of when the next installment in what is for many a beloved franchise. And just over having money on this date as opposed to that date….it’s just not a nice thing to do. I totally understand from a pure business perspective but for the fans they really shouldn’t have changed it.

  14. John says:

    Hey Ross,

    Setting a date is NOT a “promise” to anyone. It’s just them ADVERTISING their business plan is to release the movie on a certain date. It is not a “promise”… it’s advertising.

  15. jaffahut says:

    I think we should all just quit talking about how unfair move it was from WB, the film’s not coming any closer.
    It sucks, but I understand the move.

  16. Ross says:


    It seems that we are looking at it in two different ways; you OBjectively, me SUBjectively. And like I say I understand the move from a business perspective (and in that way it’s in keeping with what this is; a BUSINESS) and see and understand what you’re saying too it’s just from a subjective kind of angle….I just don’t think it was nice of them. That’s all. I’m just saying if I was in charge and I had the choice of when to release it, November or next summer, but by releasing it this year I had the advantage of being true and good to the fans I would take that option.

  17. Impatient says:

    They should have released it on the original date. The economy is so bad that people can’t pay their rent, let alone take the family to the movies. Serves them right if they don’t make the cash crop they banked on, for delaying the release.

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