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Bill Murray Still Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts

By Doug - October 9, 2008 - 15:33 America/Montreal

Bill Murray is scheduled to deliver the following answer on The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet this Friday on FOX TV. Through the magic of the internet we’re able to deliver unto you his thoughts on the percolating Ghostbusters project via our friends over at IESB .


“It’s promising… it’s never been promising before. (on whether the writers of “The Office” will be behind the next movie.) The idea of having a fresh look at it is a great idea. To see it through someone else’s eyes…I think a new idea would be great.”

Well this is encouraging, I think Bill Murray would bail if the script was shit. I don’t want to see a Ghostbusters 3 without him and am glad that if it is going forward, he will be a part of it.

The writers from the Office are also a huge boon to this film and I could see them working very well with the gang of characters that they have available at their disposal.

My only question that remains is this: Will Rick Moranis make a cameo appearance?


  1. Gordon Shumway says:

    Id love to see Rick Moranis, has he done anything at all recently? Harold Ramis should shed a few pounds too.

  2. ADOX says:

    I like Rick Moranis, but he’s not really needed, a cameo would be plenty if he is willing

  3. Terry Letourneau says:

    If Bill Murray can do Garfield, then he HAS to do Ghostbusters 3.

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’m there in the theatres if BIll shows up, with Harold, with Dan and even Ernie Hudson. I would not mind a cameo from Rick Moranis. But y’know what?

    I want Signorney Weaver, dammit.

    We need completion.

  5. bruce says:

    This question goes out to Doug and everyone else who is posting. why they hell do you want to see a ghost busters 3? have you all lost your dam minds? are you just not thinking straight? are you all starting to except more and more rubbish? who cares about the writers of the office, i love that show but take a step back look at other comedy’s average at best, look at other remakes and reboots, now clear your mind and realize ghost busters 3 this something we dont want.

    everyone seems to be riding high on seeing it if people make cameos, guys there not the people or characters they once were! its not going to be as solid, if that’s what your hoping for from this movie then it probably will get made. i think thats a shame because its one of the only franchises left which hasnt been raped just like in south park.

  6. Doug Nagy says:

    It is happening and there is nothing that we can do about it.

    I also wish Ghostbusters stopped at 1, and would prefer no sequels.

    If they must make a third however, I welcome any positives that may make it a better film.

  7. Flyer28 says:

    Well, it couldn’t be worst than GB 2. A walking Statue of Liberty? Are you f___ing kidding me!

  8. Ransom says:

    This is one franchise that I would welcome a few sequels from. Can’t be any worse than 2.

  9. Robert Forest says:

    I don’t care what anyone thinks… I really like both of the first two GB films. I welcome a third with open arms (if done well). Just don’t put shit young actors in the film for the hell of it though. I don’t want to see Johnny Knoxville, Sean William Scott, Ashton Kutcher, and Deon Richmond as the Ghost Busters. I would love to see a bunch of old guys trying to fend off the evil ghoulies as they walk around complaining about arthritis, back pain, hemroids, and having to empty out their colostomy bags… that would be awesome! Remember how great Bubba Ho-Tep is? It could be kinda along those lines. It could be like Grumpy Old Men meets Ghost Busters. That would be a funny movie!

  10. Samo says:

    I’ve heard that the new ghostbusters film is going to be all in SGI, does anybody else know anything about this? Is it true? Id much rather have the real Bill Murray than a SGI vioce over.

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