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Angels And Demons Trailer

By Doug - October 31, 2008 - 07:49 America/Montreal

We have a teaser trailer for Angels and Demons to show you guys this Halloween thanks to the good people over at the movieweb:

I want to go to the Vatican one day. The building has so much history within its walls and apparently has rooms with floors of gold. I may even go to mass to see how the pros do it.


  1. aaron says:

    that was eh

  2. ADOX says:

    for a teaser it was ok, looks better than DaVinciCode anyways

  3. Kate says:

    Vatican City is amazing. Was there back in February. The Ceiling’s as well as the floors are covered in Gold. The place is amazing.

    Really looking forward to this film. I think Angels and Demons has more action in it. Should be better then the last one.

  4. Kim says:

    I thought it looked pretty good, but then again, I’m one of the few people who really enjoyed The da Vinci Code…

  5. Mike Peterson says:

    It looks pretty good.

    I read both books Angels & Demons was a MUCH better read than The DaVinci Code. I also believe it will make for a better film.

    I wasn’t happy with the way The DaVinci Code movie turned out so I hope they do a better job on this one.

    This trailer gives me hope.


    Looks nice but then again, the trailer always looks good let’s see if the film per se says the same. The Da Vinci Code was weak, the book was ok, I think it’s the director, maybe if Ron Howard hadn’t directed it, it would’ve been different.

    If Tarantino had directed the thing, it would’ve been a cult classic too, scenes like “Silas: shit, I just blew Sister Sandrine’s head off, I need to call the Bishop, he’ll clean this up…” or “Sr Teabing : Hey Bobby, gimme the f@#%ing cryptex or I’ll I’ll execute every one of you motherf@#$%&s” something like that.

  7. Dragonslayer says:

    I heard The Da Vinci Code sucked. And I really have no interest in seeing this film

  8. Mr. Chris says:

    The narrator did it! What a twist!

    This book was so much better than “The Da Vinci Code” and much better suited for an action movie. And considering recent news in the world of science, this movie couldn’t have come out at a better time.

  9. OMGuy says:

    I didn’t see The DaVinci Code because I haven’t read the book yet but I’ve read Angels & Demons and it was awesome and so is this first little teaser. Just seeing those few little scenes is great. It all looks stunning. This time I’ll be there when this movie hits theaters.

  10. Slushie Man says:

    I LOVE the book for this so much more then the DaVinci Code. While I didn’t dislike the first movie, I didn’t love it either, but I have high hopes for this one because the book was so kick ass, whereas the book for the first was just kind of meh.

  11. Phil Gee says:

    Argh, images too quick……to….make out.

  12. mikey says:

    How come no one has said the completely obvious…..They cut Tom Hanks’ mullet completely off.

    And I agree A & D’s was by far the superior novel.

    @ Dragonslayer
    Way to think for your self and have your own opinion. Sheep

  13. Mr. Chris says:


    This is a prequel, so the mullet is still in it’s early stages.


    the davinci code was awful but this movie looks really really good

  15. Mikey says:

    @Mr. Chris


  16. Dragonslayer says:

    I haven’t seen the film because it’s against my religon, therefore, I will not see it.

  17. obi-wan kubrick says:

    They should have dumped Ron Howard after DaVinci Code. That being said I loved this book and can’t wait to see the movie. Just keep Howard away from Digital Fortress.

  18. HAZMAT_basically_pwns_all says:

    dude is the book good im thinking of reading it…right now im on dr hyde (again…i just like that book)

    like did anyone here read it? i wanna know more about it cuz this trailer look amazingly fantastic

  19. aaron says:

    so dragon slayer, if u dont mind me asking, whats your religion? if it’s Chirstianity, you rock!!
    no trying to divide anyone though.
    but yeah angels and demons looks ok

  20. Mikey says:


    So I am going to make an educated guess that you are a catholic. Have you ever watched a movie where someone was murdered? Anything with premarital sex? Stealing? All of which are pretty much against all religions at a whole. Cause I don’t think that you would be able to watch much of any movies other then High School Musical 3 if that really is the case.

  21. aaron says:

    Dragon Slyer is talking about Angels & Demons, not HSM3, or any other film.
    i applaud Dragon Slayer.
    but guys lets not get in a relion fight here, ok.
    thats how blogs get torn up, dont want that here!
    just respect everyone’s opinion, and stick to the main topic

  22. Mikey says:


    I know he is not talking about HSM3. If you read i said according most religions that would be the only movie he could watch since almost everything in movies today is against most mainstream religions. If you also read his comments above you would also read that he said i heard it was bad so i didnt see it. He said nothing about religion being the reason for not originally seeing it. So stop “tearing up” my comments and just assume that I am bashing religion. Most people throw religion as a scapegoat. No religion says you cannot watch something that is not totally in line with my religion. Its only when you take it as scripture and use it to blasphemy the lord or take it as a false idol. Thats when it becomes against a religion. So applaud him all you want but know what you are talking about before you start jumping into coversations.

  23. aaron says:

    i know i didnt say you were bashing religion

  24. Mikey says:

    but did you read where he said i didnt see it because someone told me it was crap….and then came back and said it was because of his religion after i said he didnt think for himself? I said someone told me that it was bad but i meant it was against my religion…sounds like a cop out

  25. aaron says:

    ok, there’s where i read wrong, sorry Mikey

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  27. aaron says:

    kareimaq is spamming us.

  28. Sister Sabbay says:


    Very Interesting Release!!! I don’t quite know where to begin. I am an SDA writer and Christian; one who acknowledges after much research that the Vatican is involved, as deep as the Illuminati, Luciferian’s teachings of SELF, MAGIC and PATHWAYS have emerged to the populous. For supporting evidence:


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