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Already Bored With Michael Cera

By John - October 4, 2008 - 23:43 America/Montreal - 60 Comments

Michael-Cera-Bored.jpgThere are circumstances when an actor who always seems to be the exact same bloody guy is forgivable. When you go to see a Steven Seagal movie (do people still go to see Steven Seagal movies?), you expect to see Steven Seagal, nothing more, nothing less. Certain action heroes or 1 schtick comedians are assumed to be the same guy each time… and to some degree that can work.

However, for the most part it becomes an annoying and often distracting trait when a performer seems incapable of being anything other than one character. Today’s case in point is former Arrested Development star Michael Cera.

Now let me go on record here. I liked Cera in Arrested Development. I LOVED Cera in Superbad. I thought Cera was pretty good in Juno, but I started to really notice that he was essentially the same guy… but he was just a supporting character so it didn’t bother me too much. However, the other day I watched the boring, yawn inducing and infinitely dull “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” and there was no getting away from it… Michael Cera once again was the exact, to the letter, in every way, with every mannerism, with every trait same bloody character that he’s been for the last couple of years.

The IMDB lists his character name as “Nick”, but it might as well have been “Evan” or “Paulie”… or for that matter you could have just named the whole bloody movie “Superbad 2: Evan In New York” and the ONLY reason anyone would have doubted it was a Superbad sequel would have been the absence of Jonah Hill.

Yes, I get it Cera. You’re a mildly awkward, good hearted, understated and sympathetic post-teen who struggles with identity and self confidence despite having a lot to offer. Oh wait… which one of his characters are we talking about? Oh that’s right… ALL OF THEM!!!

I’m now officially bored with Michael Cera. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t DISLIKE Cera. I’m very open to seeing him in something else, as long as he’s playing a different character (even in the slightest way) from the one and only guy he seems to know how to play. Other than that, not interested.


  1. WolfMarauder says:

    I ADORED Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist - though it wasn’t because of Michael Cera.

  2. John says:

    Hey Wolfmarauder,

    Was it the total lack of any laughs, the completely unbelievable way the two characters fell in love in 1 night, the way we were supposed to buy her as having “ugly” issues, the way they had sex on the couch with all their clothes still on… or was it something else?


    But seriously, I’m glad you liked it if you paid to see it. All film is subjective… but aside from a good soundtrack, I found nothing at all redeemable about this movie other than the most convincing drunk chick I’ve ever seen portrayed in a movie.

  3. ndef says:

    I’m curious why it is that you think Steven Seagal can get away with this and Michael Cera (and others) can’t. Is it because no one expects to take Seagal seriously? I haven’t seen Playlist, so I can’t comment on that, but in general

    1. If a movie is boring or derivative, I have a problem with the production.
    2. If a character is inappropriate to the story, then I have a problem with the script.
    3. If a character is portrayed badly, then I have a problem with the actor.

    From what I’ve seen of Michael Cera, he plays his part well, and his character makes sense for the story (in Arrested Development, Superbad, Juno). If any of those productions, or Playlist, fail to have something unique or interesting to say, well, that movie probably shouldn’t have been produced. But it doesn’t make a lot of sense to blame the actor for performing well, even the part doesn’t demand much of a range.

  4. Sean says:

    As long as we get an Arrested Development movie then I don’t care what Michael Cera does with his career. :D


    hey john

    im disapointed

    well about fucking time you posted this..

    lmao =]

    but no jokes: i have questions:

    did you really like cera in superbad? or seth the fat guy? think abotu that…cuz the movie was spinning around that fat guy and maclovin…ceras character was irrelevant to me….even in fucking juno…if juno had no idea who the father was it woulda ended the same way…

    oh- and i like steven seagal lol..i mean i just liek how he has no expression!! it looks badass but only in action movies…i dont see himbeing in the remake for the notebook

  6. lone ranger says:

    i have only seen superbad and juno, but i get yout point and agree with you. It was the same with Mathew Perry some years ago when all his characters were Chandler from Friends, especially when he played the dentist in whole nine yards with Bruce Willis. The only exception to this was his small part in the West Wing.

  7. aaron g says:

    hey bailey, how was american carol? it looks, like, so amazing.

    i was sick of cera even when he was only known for AD. i dig the show, but his whole gangly, awkward schtick was tiresome even then. maybe it’s because i fell into the indie rock cesspool a few years back which is populated by bland turds like cera, but i’m glad to see other people finally coming around and calling this precious pony out for what he is: a one-trick snooze fest. oh, and i’ve heard from several “people in the know” that cera really *is* like the characters he portrays, which means he’s also a talentless hack.

    as for peter sollett, skip . . . infinite playlist (wtf kind of bullshit name is that, anyway?) and rent his directing debut, raising victor vargas. *that* is an actual independent film about real, multivalent kids in nyc.

  8. batdan says:

    how about gene hackman.?

  9. DG Music says:

    I’ve never given much thought to Cera’s performances because really…even though he does portray basically the same character all the time…it works in the context of the film(s). I haven’t seen this latest one he’s in, but in the past I haven’t really noticed anything good or bad from him…

  10. Kristina says:

    John, I swear sometimes you jump into my head, root around for post ideas, and booyah! We are totally on the same page when it comes to Cera. I liked him in Superbad, then I saw Juno and recognized a pattern was starting to emerge. N&N sealed it for me. I saw Nick and Norah and said the exact same thing about Cera that you did in my review.


    Great minds think alike, I swear!

  11. Dragonslayer says:

    Michael Cera is the man! Best part of Juno besides how hot Ellen Page was.

  12. WolfMarauder says:

    “Was it the total lack of any laughs, the completely unbelievable way the two characters fell in love in 1 night, the way we were supposed to buy her as having “ugly” issues, the way they had sex on the couch with all their clothes still on… or was it something else?”

    I laughed through the entire film - I identified with it a lot. I don’t think any film has captured the illusory hipness of being that age in the mid 2000s (and as you know John, I see a ton of movies).

    I do not expect films to be realistic. They are fantasy, and the unrealistically quick relationship that developed between these two is completely irrelevant to me when it was as sincere and sweet as it was. It was probably the most fulfilling on screen romance since 2004’s Garden State for me.

    Not sure what you mean by “ugly” issues.

    They didn’t have sex on the couch. I saw the film last week with Peter Sollett, who made a big deal about that scene. I feel that along with the scene with Caroline in the toilet stall, it was the most tonally inconsistent scene in the movie, but it certainly didn’t spoil anything for me about the way it made me feel.

    I actually found the soundtrack to be the worst part of the movie.

  13. chris (the real one) says:

    hmm wolfmarauder, ur really selling me this movie…..i was really turned off by the ipod generation, hipster vibe of the trailers, but i was surprised at how much i enjoyed garden state. the romance parts were actually my favorite parts of the movie…hmm

  14. jaffahut says:

    I’ve noticed it too… But I think everyone’s throwing their opinnions in the air a bit too soon. I mean, think about it. He hasn’t really done a lot yet. Everyone’s just throwing around the four “big” roles of his.

    Now, yes that does say something about his talent, but his only in his 20’s or something. I think every “teen celeb” has gone through this same process. And don’t they usually go to an acting school somewhere around “this” point?

    All I’m saying, everyone should give Cera a little more time.

  15. tobor68 says:

    if cera is gonna do scott pilgrim, the shy doofus that he excels at won’t work. he’ll have to stretch himself a bit.

    personally, i don’t see him as scott pilgrim based on his roles to date but he could surprise me.


    heey..stale popcorn huh?

    doesnt look bad at all…

    nice review

  17. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I agree with you that he plays the same character and it is getting old. I love his work from Arrested Development, Super Bad, and Juno but he needs to do something different before it gets old the way Will Farrel has become.

  18. Robert(wolf) says:

    I liked Cera in everything so far( Haven’t seen Nick & Nora yet), but I do agree he is moreless the same character. I do think the guy is good enough to play a different character if he can.

  19. John says:

    You guys should do a list of top 10 most successful one character actors.

  20. SML says:

    The problem with “Nick and Norah…” is it’s billed as a comedy when it’s essential a soft drama. Cera, actually, was showing another dimension and it all comes down to timing (you won’t see him emote like Pitt and pray that you never do). He’s a classic Jimmy-Stewart-straight-man (to those crazy Bluths, to that penis loving Jonah Hill, to that fast mouthed Juno. In “Nick and Norah…” he was the straight man in a movie full of straight men (hence your boredom?). But if you go back and look at his performance he’s doing something very brave (and what some may read as boring), he’s being subtle (as opposed to Kat Dennings - who just can’t act).

    … and, btw, they didn’t have sex… he gave her a hand-y (I wish my girlfriend would climax that fast).

  21. Orren Jensen says:

    If I were to put up a question: Do I look like Michael Cera, Yes or No? Most of my friends and the people who see me on a regular basis would vote yes. I work at a movie theater and a lot of customers that come in state something like, “Has anyone told you that you look like the guy from Juno.” As a homage, to all the people who say I look like Michael Cera, I have use a picture of Michael Cera as my Facebook profile picture. With all that being said I have grown fond of Michael Cera and his movies. Yes, I will agree with Jonh, Michael Cera is being type-cast as the “mildly awkward, good hearted, understated and sympathetic post-teen who struggles with identity and self confidence despite having a lot to offer.” I think that Michael Cera is playing himself and not acting, once he starts acting then the type-casting won’t be as big of a issue.

  22. ADirtyJob says:

    Totally agree. Cera has gotta mix it up. He’s like Jon Heder!

  23. Homero says:

    I’ve been having the same problem with Denzel Washington for the past 10 years, he always plays some sort of law enforcement officer who believes in total justice. The only movie I saw him really stand out is Man On Fire.

  24. WolfMarauder says:

    Homero - American Gangster?

  25. CrazyGuy says:

    Orlando Bloom is alone the same lines, Ashton Kutcher as basically everyone on the top 10 highly paid but no talent (or whatever) actors somewhere on this site

  26. aaron g says:


    training day?

  27. Formless says:

    This is precisely how I feel about Will Ferrell. I enjoy some of the movies he’s in, like Zoolander or Anchorman.. but he ultimately just plays the same character over and over. Yet people still love him.

    I agree though that Cera hasn’t really had too much experience under his belt to be too bored of him yet.

  28. handle says:

    Cera was the only good thing about Superbad. He is hilarious in Arrested Development. Some skits he has done on Tim and Eric Awesome and with Zach Galifinakis are hilarious.

    He can keep doin what he is doin for all I care. I’m a fan.

  29. Jay Oaks says:

    Two words: Jimmy Stewart (my favorite actor of all time)

    He played the same role a lot, but it worked! I love Cera, and have to disagree. Anything that keeps him coming back to Conan.

  30. Deborah says:


    It’s called, he gave her a female hand-job. Duh.

  31. John says:

    Hey Deborah,

    Hmmm… “duh” huh. So what about all the dialog you hear with him taking her bra off…. and then she’s still there will not only her bra, but her whole shirt as well. Duh.

  32. Deborah says:

    I really really hope you read that. Because it’s important for people to know that you can give girls orgasms with their clothes still on.

    Now to comment on the movie:
    I appreciated it SO MUCH, as an 18-year old girl growing up in the suburbs of Toronto (which is more or less Canada’s lame answer to NYC). I think that like Superbad and Juno before it, this movie really helps capture what it’s like to grow up in our generation (late-80s- to early-90s-born kids). If you hated it, that’s fair, perhaps your generation was waaay more awesome than mine. Still, for me at least, it is so fucking refreshing to watch a movie that is supposed to represent my demographic, that at least makes an attempt to be realistic. The best part of this movie, I think, was the homosexual characters being actual PEOPLE, and not sidekick caricatures. Also, see: Rocknrolla.

  33. Deborah says:

    woah, you did! yessss.
    Alright I saw this movie a long time ago so I don’t remember the bra dialogue. Wish I could have a nice healthy debate about his but I don’t have the movie script with me.

  34. aaron g says:


    i was born in the early ’80s (i’m at the leading edge of the “millennial generation”) and this movie just doesn’t appeal to me at all. it just seems like a really mainstream version of “mumblecore” movies (e.g., funny ha ha, LOL, hannah takes the stairs, etc.) that were all the rage in the “indie” scene a couple years back. i think it has less to do w/ a generation gap and more to do w/ a very specific, certain archetype repeatedly being portrayed in these movies, i.e., the awkward indie kid. yawn. that’s why it’s a bummer to see sollett jump on this bandwagon, because raising victor vargas was about poor, working-class kids from the dominican republic and NNIP is just another indie kid flick.

  35. Deborah says:

    @Aaron G

    I hear you. I think if I was as knowledgeable about indie films as you, Nick and Norah would piss me off. But the thing is, I mostly watch mainstream movies, and this “awkward indie kid” archetype hasn’t had a huge presence in the teen movies I’ve watched until just recently. I went into Nick and Norah with the lowest of expectations — I was expecting a mainstream “teen comedy” with the same level of dumbassery as Bring It On. What I got was much, MUCH better. This movie probably does suck in comparison to Sollett’s other movie, but at least Michael Cera’s musician kid is more believable and likable than the “alternative” Clash-loving dude from Bring It On. (yes, Bring It On is the only teen movie I can think of at the moment. But it’s a good example, I think).

    @ John:

    My “duh” was totally supposed to be jovial. Sorry if I offended you with my poor internet etiquette / sarcasm-conveying skills.

  36. bret says:

    i love kat dennings so We shall see haha

  37. aaron g says:


    you should check out funny ha ha and mutual appreciation by andrew bujalski. you can check out the trailer for MA here:


  38. Burn Hollywood Burn says:

    Yeah, just like Jennifer Aniston. No matter what she does shes still just Rachael from Friends. A comedy that if it had no canned laughter would be considered a dull drama about a bunch of boring twenty something dickheads.

  39. bret says:

    well I just got back from Nick and Norah, and I loved it. I found it really charming, and Michael Cera seemed a lot more confident in this movie. He was not confident with his ex but very confident with nora, which is different than Evan from Superbad who was just all around socially awkward. Kat Dennings played her part very well, she was just so adorable and genuine. Loved the movie.

  40. bret says:

    and john you never hear him taking off her bra, he says someone has the same bra (which is visible with the shirt on), then he talks about how hard the button on her jeans is to undo.

  41. Mike Mai says:

    he does play the same character everytime. but i love george michael, i dont mind it.

  42. Deborah says:

    @Aaron G
    That movie looks awesome. I bring up nerdy things, such as asymptotes, in every day life, as well. And yes, judging from the trailer, Nick and Norah is a mainstream version of that movie. As in, the camera lurks as Nick and Norah have sweet, awkward conversations that are obviously way more scripted while other characters take part in craaazy hijinks.

    This is unrelated to the topic, but where do you find out about these movies? I know that a theatre in Toronto once played a mumblecore movie (”Baghead”), but I’m not really sure how else I can get ahold of these indie movies.


  43. SimonZ says:


    He Got Game

    Check it out.

  44. Rumbanana says:

    There was no mention of Nick taking off Nora’s bra. She commented on his cold hands and asked why she bought the jeans if they were impossible to get out of. Besides that, I thought the movie was great and reminded me of how great teenage love can be.

  45. John says:

    The stupidity of Nick And Nora is astounding.

    Love this scene: He makes some off handed insult to Nora… and she walks over and strikes him in the throat. Sorry folks, in the real world that’s the end of the night… or she gets taken to the hospital.

    Imagine how up in arms everyone would be if SHE had made some off hand insult to him… and he walked over and punched her in the face. Is it still a charming teen romance movie now?

    Stupid stupid brainless, humorless waste of a film

  46. Rumbanana says:

    Totally your opinion and I respect it but that’s why it’s a movie John! The writer and director are telling a story! No one walked into Iron Man thinking “This wouldn’t happen in real life, I hate this movie. It’s ridiculous and I want no part of it. Give me my $8.50 back!” The fact is that many people adore this movie because they can relate on some sort of level. The movie obviously didn’t take itself seriously half of the time, and sometimes you have to suspend belief.

  47. John says:

    Hey Rumbanana,

    All film is subjective, and if you like Nick and Nora, I’m legitimately glad you did. That’s what movies are for.


    It’s a poor comparison to Iron Man. One is a real world (supposed) comedy, the other is a sci-fi fantasy movie. Not a good idea to compare them.

    My opinion, a horrible, boring, poorly told, poorly acted pile of drivel.

  48. Ransom says:


    I have to agree Nick and Nora was not my cup of tea, but I can see why many would like it. I’m glad you finally called out Cera on his total lack of ability to step outside of his comfort zone. Also he’s really starting to annoy me.

    Peace Out.

  49. LBoogie says:

    Seriously, I was just talking with my girlfriend a few days ago saying the exact same thing about Cera. It’s almost akin to the Will Ferrell backlash that has no doubt slowed his career down since Semi-Pro, although with Ferrell, he has branched out from his comfort zone to play drama as well.

  50. total jiu jitsu says:

    i’m not a huge cera fan, infact i didn’t even know his real name until a few weeks ago, other than that he was the nerdy guy in superbad (or at least one of them). cera might already started to bore a lot of people, but i think the dude is smart for choosing roles that he is good in. let’s face it he’s not going to be an action star anytime soon. he has found his niche market, good for him. he makes more $ than all of us. i hope there aren’t a lot of people on the “michael cera is boring wagon”…

  51. Deborah says:


    Kids are different these days. I punched a guy five times in the crotch after he downloaded goatse as my desktop image. It was NOT the end of the night. In fact, we remain good friends.

  52. Deborah says:

    Well, ok, it was the end of the night, sexually.

    But Norah didn’t punch Nick in the crotch.

  53. Deborah says:

    To make this more about the movie, and less about me:

    Insecure girls will violent to guys these days. Norah was insecure. Plus, Michael Cera looks totally punchable, you have to admit. Even I could beat him up.

  54. Meli says:

    I’m not ready to write Michael Cera off, but he is on the edge of becoming uninteresting and unfunny. I hope he shows another side to his acting or else his career will run short the moment he looks too old to play his current schtick.

  55. This time I brought sandwiches! says:

    Okay, Michael Cera plays the same basic role in everything. So did Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford and probably more than a few others. But that is why you went to see them. I didn’t go to see the softer side of Clint Eastwood, which is probably why “Play Misty for Me” is not a favorite. I like Johnny Depp when he plays the quirky Benny and the similarly quirky Cap’n Jack Sparrow. For me the struggle is that we are lacking the manly men crowd that I grew up with. We don’t have Clint, or Mel, or John. We have a few people Will Smith, Matt Damon, Vin Diesel and maybe Christain Bale that can pull off the manly roles, so I see John Heder, Michael Cera, Matthew Perry and many other roles that all seem to be from that same “not really manly, but certainly sensitive” crowd. I think that only highlights those roles, but makes me think “You know what, I have seen that somewhere before.”

  56. ASIF says:

    Already bored with Michael Cera? Yes.

    Already bored with Shia Labeouf? YES.

  57. karolina says:

    Probably Cera was not essential in everything he’s done except AD, but I did not mind him being in them. The humor he brings is different and you’ve got to admit that many actors can’t pull off what he does. Not every teen is a jock and super popular and Cera is portraying perfectly the oddballs that there are out there. Plus indie movies include different types of people. Keep the movies coming Cera!

  58. clap says:

    what if the casting directors simply hunt me down and hire him for the appropriate role- the one you’ve seen everywhere. it isn’t as if he casted himself in these, nor did he write his own script.

    for fuck’s sake, complain about him more all the while continuing to watch his movies.

    i hope you die in a fire you self-important, hypercritical asshole.

    i don’t even like cera, i just hate when people complain about him being the same guy; how is it any different that people go to watch Segal movies and those that go watch ‘Cera’ movies. Might as well be a Segal-fanatic and complain he doesn’t do comedy or romance.

    i’m sick of people writing shitty blogs as if their opinions were dawned upon by the gods, translated into an apprehensible human dialect and then conveyed, truthfully, by YOU. i half gave you a chance that you had a reputable reason to dislike him or lose taste for him, instead, i read this.

    • Ian Barefoot says:

      I find it’s nearly impossible to find anything negative ABOUT Cera, I’ve been looking. If you think the talk on here is harsh, it’s nothing compared to the movie industry itself, there are thousands of young guys that can act clamboring to get a break in this industry and meanwhile you have a one-dimensional character actor like Cera who’s fans have developed enough of a soft-spot to believe all it takes is for him to take a few acting lessons? not very likely.

  59. Juno says:

    Well, you won’t get bored with the Juno Soundtrack.

    Get the Grammy nominated Juno Soundtrack for $3.99. Today and Tomorrow at Amazon.


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