Al Pacino Interested In Tommy Larsorda Biopic

We have word today that Pacino may be set to star as baseball’s own Tommy “the strangler of giants” Lasorda. We get the following scoop from our friends at the movieweb:

The life story of Dodgers’ manager Tommy Lasorda is being fasttracked for development at Miramax, with Al Pacino expressing interest in playing the infamously difficult Lasorda.

According to Variety, Michelle Pfeiffer is potentially eyeing the role of his wife.

No word on a production start date as of yet, but we’ll be sure to share all information that is made available unto us.

I have no knowledge of the man known as Lasorda. I try to avoid Baseball like HIV, Godzilla and Responsibility all rolled into one.

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2 Responses to “Al Pacino Interested In Tommy Larsorda Biopic”
  1. Mark Mandel

    That’s great! I love Lasorda and the Dodgers. And Pacino would be a great choice to play the irascible former manager. Just think of the possible scenes:

    After a game in which Dave Kingman hit three homers to beat the Dodgers, Tommy was asked by a reporter what he thought of Kingman’s performance.

    Reporter: What’s your opinion of Kingman’s performance?

    Lasorda: What’s my opinion of Kingman’s performance? What the BLEEP do you think is my opinion of it? I think it was BLEEPING BLEEP. Put that in, I don’t BLEEP. Opinion of his performance? BLEEP, he beat us with three BLEEPING home runs! What the BLEEP do you mean, “What is my opinion of his performance?” How could you ask me a question like that, “What is my opinion of his performance?” BLEEP, he hit three home runs! BLEEP. I’m BLEEPING pissed off to lose that BLEEPING game. And you ask me my opinion of his performance! BLEEP. That’s a tough question to ask me, isn’t it? “What is my opinion of his performance?”

    Or another time, when a Dodger pitcher was fined for hitting a San Diego batter and Padre outfielder Kurt Bevacqua said: “They ought to fine that fat little Italian, too. He ordered it.” Soon Lasorda was asked his opinion of Bevacqua.

    Lasorda: BLEEPING Bevacqua, he couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a BLEEPING boat. And I guaran-BLEEPING-tee you this, when I pitched and I was gonna pitch against a BLEEPING team that had guys on it like Bevacqua, I’d send a BLEEPING limousine to get the BLEEPER to make sure he was in the mother-BLEEPING lineup because I’d kick that BLEEPER’s ass any BLEEPING day of the week. He’s a BLEEPING mother-BLEEPING bigmouth, I’ll tell you that.

  2. leeloo

    oh ffs.

    some body please give pacino a few good hard slaps.

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