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5 Minute Trailer For The Day The Earth Stood Still

By Doug - October 30, 2008 - 08:35 America/Montreal

I gotta say, this film continues to interest me more and more. I hate that they have remade the original and wish this film stood on its own….but I’m interested in seeing it none the less. International Friends - what are your thoughts on the trailer?


  1. Alex Delarge From Liveagl.com says:

    I think I was intrigued at first, but with the more scenes exposed, the more im starting to lose interest..

  2. Broly says:

    I’m going to watch the film but for the wrong reasons.


    Looks interesting, Keanu does look like an alien messenger in human form. I hope it’s not more bullshit like War of the Worlds or Signs (although Signs was pretty kewl until they showed the alien at the end).

  4. Jon H says:

    I was getting really interested until they pulled out the robot/alien with heat vision.

    Maybe I’ll watch the original instead.

  5. Slushie Man says:

    I hated the news of this remake at first, but the more and more I see, the more and more convinced I am it’s going to be an entertaining 2 hours when I go to see it.

  6. bigsampson says:

    my opibion is the obot will not be as impressive as it was in the original.
    and keanu wont be as impressive as his days in wyld stallions.

  7. Kevin says:

    I wasn’t real happy at first to hear they are messing with a classic, but this new trailer really does look good. I am hoping it’s not another War of the Worlds, though. Once again, Keanu has found a role that does not require any bit of emotion or acting….his agent must rock!

  8. Klendathu says:

    Hey, uh JON H

    The robot/alien with heat vision’s in the original too….

  9. Terry Letourneau says:

    As Keanu would say…WHOA! Finally I get a glimpse of Gort. Very looking forward to this.

  10. bobsyeruncle says:

    Thank you, Kevin: My thoughts exactly.

  11. Dragonslayer says:

    That…was…AWESOME. Can’t wait till the film comes out in theaters

  12. Brent says:

    The alien looked like something out of battlestar galactica

  13. hephaestu5 says:

    Gort looks awesome

  14. FunkyMunkey says:

    I think it’s time to watch the original

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