This entry was posted on Thursday, October 30th, 2008 at 7:02 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We get word of harsh justice for a Maryland man from the gulag caves of Yahoo this morning.

A Maryland man was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison on Tuesday after he admitted to recording two films in a Washington, D.C., theater, “28 Weeks Later” and “Enchanted.”

Michael Logan, 31, could be responsible for illegally recording more than 100 films from January 2006 to January 2008 in five states and the District of Columbia, the Motion Picture Assn. of America said in a statement.

Sucks for the dude, but 21 months isn’t a bad run in the slammer; a good hobby will chip that time away in no time. With luck, the jailbird will be able to pass the time watching all of them in prison.

International Friends, if you are thinking of recording a film with a camcorder - please don’t.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Roguepirate

    So when they say “could be responsible” doesn’t that mean they dont any proof that he actually did pirate those additional 100+ films?

  2. Doug Nagy

    Yes. I am assuming guilt.

  3. Gutpunch

    Never understood people who actually watch these shitty camcorder versions.

  4. Slushie Man

    Because most of them are actually really damn good quality for a cam these days. Like along the lines of almost perfect VHS-quality. It’s only the occasional one that’s actually horrible quality these days.

  5. Unoriginalguy

    Uhh your remarks don’t reflect the story.

    He got 21 months for two films. The theory that he might have done something by the very people of whom it is best interest to make such claims has nothing to do with anything.

  6. Doug Nagy

    Thank you UG, you are correct.

  7. obi-wan kubrick

    I hate the high price of movies tickets but I wait 4-5 months for the DVD like normal people. Give him more prison time.

  8. Dragonslayer

    I hope he didn’t give my dad anything…

  9. will

    This is crazy! 21 months in hardcore prison for bootlegging a film. I f people really want to watch a shitty movie recording, who cares. They obviously weren’t going to go see it in the theaters anyway. He should be punished but this is way over the top.

  10. Slushie Man

    “This is crazy! 21 months in hardcore prison for bootlegging a film. I f people really want to watch a shitty movie recording, who cares. They obviously weren’t going to go see it in the theaters anyway. He should be punished but this is way over the top.”

    No it’s not. He deserved what he got. He didn’t download a movie, he recorded it himself. He knew the dangers going into it, so its his own damn fault.

  11. The Reason

    21 months in FEDERAL prison for camming in a theater?

    I could understand maybe a state prison, or house-arrest/probation, but Federal freaking prison? Yes, what he did was illegal and he knew that, but seriously, why send a poor nerd to a maximum security lockup thats housing notoriously violent and deadly criminals who are serving life sentences with nothing to lose?

    I can’t stand our legal system. Just because someone is a criminal doesn’t mean they are dangerous. He didn’t murder or rape anyone, yet he’s being grouped with people who have.

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