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xXx: The Return of Xander Cage

By Doug - September 15, 2008 - 10:50 America/Montreal

Because no one asked for it……. Vin Diesel is returning to XXX! We get this strange scoop from our friends at the movieweb:

Columbia Pictures is in negotiations with producer Joe Roth to develop a new version of xXx, and plans to bring back Vin Diesel as star and Rob Cohen as director..

The third incarnation has a title, xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, but no script. Diesel has agreed to return and so has Cohen, but talent deals won’t be worked out until the studio pact is made. No word on when production will begin.

Well I didn’t expect this news to greet me in the morning!

When I first heard about the plot for the original XXX, I remember thinking “what a ridiculous idea,” fast forward to news of the sequel (with Ice Cube) and I remember shaking my head in confusion. Now we have news of a third XXX film, Vin is returning to a franchise no one cares about, and a role that will only kick additional dirt on the grave of his career. If I were Vin, I would have stayed far away from this one - but I don’t make the rules.

My morbid curiosity however, is in full swing. Could The Return Of Xander Cage be the greatest XXX film to date just by being mediocre? One thing is certain - I will have to have a 3 film XXX extravaganza. During intermissions between films only the music of Ice Cube will be played, it will be an evening of peculiar celebration and binge drinking.

No word yet on when this is set for release, (or if it will even make it to theaters) but we will be sure to keep you posted!


  1. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    awsome! im not a vin fan but i hated ice cube in the last one…and the first xxx was good so im glad theyll be bringing him back in

    and vin diesel doesnt have a bad career…hes in a bunch of movies and i liked 2 of them but still….i mean if you compare him to other actors he sucks balls but…hes succesfull…not alot of people get to be the lead actor of like 5 movies…only time i ever sawll him not being the protagonist was in saving private ryan (or some war movie from ww2)

    his movies sucked (i liked the first xxx but thats it) but everyone knows who he is and hes been in a couple of movies now…

    im not supporting him im just saying…some people just like saying he sucks because he looks retarded (and he acts retarded SOMETIMES but hes extremely succesful nontheless)

  2. Gordon Shumway says:

    Well they killed him off in a DVD extra, using the back of some bald guys head, it was hilariously shit. If he is a reanimated corpse this time, Im all for it, and the acting will then be acceptable.

  3. chris says:

    Has there even been a actor that has revisited his past franchises like this? Fast and Furious and now XXX and next Boiler Room

  4. Gordon Shumway says:

    Reminds me of Van Damme doing Universal Soldier the Return when he was all washed up. At least he had a major career before resorting to this tactic, Diesel didnt really get to far.

  5. Slushie Man says:

    The general public loves the XxX movies, as do I. I can’t wait to see this. Although I was hoping to see a female XxX in the next one, maybe there’s going to end up being two XxX’s in this movie, Diesel and a chick.

  6. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    There is no script yet. Did they ever make a script for the first two?

  7. Josh Miller says:

    @Obi-Wan Kubrick, I doubt it, it was probably just “Hey Vin, here are some cars and motorbikes, ride around while we make things go boom!”.

    Not that I’m complaining,I enjoyed XXX.

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    1. Better him than Ice Cube.

    2. I thought xXx wasn’t great; but xXx2 State Of Confusion made it look like Sophocles’ Antigone.

    3. There was a time (and anyone feel free to correct me if I am wrong) when the offer was up for Diesel to return for the sequel. He wasn’t interested (more pay?) and they “killed off” Xander Cage offscreen, with a jab at Diesel as a lookalike was “out cold” in a heliocopter. The bright people then had double dipped the first film, with an extra short “teaser” for State of Confusion, with Xander getting bumped off.

    How cheap and low. They not only made a horrible sequel, they rub it in.

    How things change. Babby- Lone AD tanked bad. Vin was already wrapping up Fast 4, in talks to reprise Riddick (his best bet) and now he has to reach to the bottom of the barrell.

    A Man Apart 2 on the way…?

    He’s catching up to Stallone.

  9. Sherrie says:

    Oooh! Good!

    PS: I’ve never seen the Ice Cube sequel, seemed pointless without Vin Diesel. But I loved the first XXX. So I’m happy about this news.

  10. BamKazaam says:

    i’m sure theres a trilogy of The Pacifier in the making…

    The Pacifier : A Menace to Society, The Pacifier : Attack of the Killer Diapers & The Pacifier : Revenge of The Pacifier.

  11. Mr. Chris says:

    This sounds really pathetic actually. Just the title “Return of Xander Cage” makes it sounds like they’re desperate to win back the box office of the first film, even though they probably don’t have an idea for a story yet.

    I never thought I would hear myself say this, but I hope Ice Cube is in it. They’ve already made XXX2 - they might as well work with what they started. Even if they turn Ice into a villain for this one, it would somewhat justify the existence of the second movie if Vin Diesel has to take him on. There’s nothing I hate more than needing to ignore a bad sequel. Either work with it, or stop.

  12. rafa1215 says:

    Maybe they will reunite Vin and Ice Cube? Maybe they are brothers and didn’t even know it?

  13. Jay says:

    Live up to the title and make is a hard-core adult-action movie.

  14. Phil says:

    “Kicking additional dirt on the grave of his carier?” I say that Vin started to do that when he tried to get away from making action films and started making drama and comedies like The Pacifier, Find me Guilty etc. Now I know that every respectable actor/actress in no way would ever want to be type cast to a specific roles but lets face facts; Vin didn’t exactly break into films due to his great acting skill. He did it based off his image (namely his physical appearance). Now he can go off and do all of the romantic comedy gigs he wants to but when none of them make any money he will always come crawling back to the roles that made him big. And I welcome it!! His films are by no means great films but they’re entertaining if nothing else. I am actually thrilled to hear that there is another Fast and Furious on the way, with talks of a 3rd XXX film and possibly 2 more Riddick sequels, not because I think they will be great films but because every once in a while I like to induldge the “Meat Head” in myself and go see a mindless action flick with guys with muscles who drive fast cars and where occasionally s**t blows up!! Here’s just a suggestion for future films/sequels that I’d like to see Vin do over the next 5-10 years:

    -Fast and the Furious 4,5,6. Hell, we made it to part 4 why not 5 & 6 too?
    -XXX3 then wait a few years and film a prequel and/or reboot with Vin deisel.
    -2 more Riddick films to be released within the next 3 years. With a new trilogy planned soon there after.
    -D4: The mighty Ducks. Sure maybe Emilio doesen’t want to return to the role of coach Bombay, just get someone who will-enter Vin diesel.
    -Spy Hunter. So the thing with the rock fell through, obviously the movie will get made at some point-enter Vin Diesel!
    -Turok. At some point I know there will be talks to make a movie adaptation of the hit videogame/comic book Turok and they will want some badass to play the part-enter vin diesel.
    -Duke Nukem. I know at some point there will be talks to bring the
    trash talking BAMF from the hit 1st person shooter to the big screen-enter Vin diesel.
    -Star Trek 12: Sure JJ Abrams’ Trek adaptation may rekindle some intrest in the Trek community and Paramount will be needing a dedicated actor to play the part of “young Kirk” in subsequent sequels-enter Vin diesel.
    -Star Trek 12: so maybe Paramount decides to get another actor to play the part of “young Kirk”, well any Trek fan knows that sooner or later the plot will have to involve the klingons and you will need a hulky actor to play the part-enter Vin Diesel.
    -Jurassic Park 4: The plot would no doubt include guns, cars, explosions, guns, planes, women in distress and guns. Enter Vin Diesel.
    -If they ever decided to make a film based off the videogame big mutha truckers-enter Vin Diesel.
    -If they ever make a remake of planes, trains and automobiles I can think of no better person to play steve Martin’s part than Vin Diesel!
    -Friday the 13th part 9: Vin diesel could play the part of Jason!!

    These are just to name a few suggestions. Maybe there is just a little sarcasm in this list, Okay maybe just a hint!

  15. Arnold says:

    i think that both vin diesel & ice cube are suppose to join in the third film

  16. Corey says:

    Um i don’t no were all you’s guy’s are from. But to me all he movies were alright. You’s guys are all just dum cunt’s who think its great to say shit about a guy you never will meet. I’dd like to see you all say it to he face. Its not he folt no one liked the film’s. He just did the acting realy. The ritters are the ones who need to be shot and picked on, not him. He did he part thy did there part. Get over your self’s. Also i want to say i think the new film is going to kick ass. Its the movie he is good at.

  17. justin says:

    hey all u dum fucks out there bashing Vin, shut up! u don’t even know the guy and his movies were badass, thank you very much. XXX, Fast and The Furious, and Riddick were his best. I would also like to see you mouth off to his face, he would kick ur ass! this film is going to be badass and I support Vin and his fellow fans all the way.

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