Top 10 Robert Downey Jr. Performances

RDJ-RDJ.jpg2008 seems to be the year of Robert Downey Jr. and why not? The man has gone through a lot of hell (it should be pointed out that it was all his own damn fault), but managed to pick himself up and re-establish himself and his career. The year started for him with two smash hits, Iron Man and Tropic Thunder, and now there are people whispering the word “Oscar” about him for his upcoming movie “The Soloist” with Jamie Foxx.

It’s the type of year most performers only ever dream of. But lets not forget that amidst all the turmoil his life has been known for, Robert Downey Jr. has ALWAYS been a top notch actor with some incredible performances to his credit. So as we exit his hugely successful summer, let’s look back for a moment at Robert Downey Jr.’s 10 best performances. Now some of these movies are horrible, but Downey was solid in them all:

A lot of people will find this to be an odd choice considering Downey got an Oscar nomination for Chaplin, but to me he nailed this film and character so perfectly and brought so much life to it I can’t deny it the #1 spot.
RDJ-Chaplin.jpg #2 - CHAPLIN
This movie isn’t even all that old so I’m shocked at home many people haven’t ever seen it. A flat out terrific film and once of Downey’s best performances ever.
RDJ-Zodiac.jpg #3- ZODIAC
Confession time. I didn’t even like this movie. I thought it was a bloated, self important mess that most people gave too much credit too for what it was TRYING to do instead of what it actually accomplished. But that’s just me. Still, Downey nearly saved the whole film for me.
RDJ-Iron.jpg #4 - IRON MAN
With the possible exception of The Avengers or Iron Man 2, this film will probably always be his biggest box office success. And the #1 thing to me that made this movie work (lots of things made it work, but this was #1) was the pure charm and charism Downey brought to Tony Stark.
A film with a loads of film festival acclaim and buzz, but never really caught on for one reason or another. Shame… it’s really solid.
RDJ-Tropic.jpg #6 - TROPIC THUNDER
I nearly spit the pop right out of my mouth the first time I saw the trailer and witnessed Downey as a black man in a war movie. The idea alone is priceless… and it was made even better by the performance Downey brought to it.
RDJ-Ally.jpg #7 - ALLY McBEAL
So shoot me, I know this isn’t a movie, but in all seriousness Robert Downy Jr. was insanely good in this series. It was so good he was poised to make his big comeback… until he screwed it up again with more drugs. Such a shame.
Yes, there is no doubt that this was David Strathairn’s movie all the way, but part of what gave this movie so much punch was the great supporting roles, not the least of which was Downey.
RDJ-Scanner.jpg #9 - A SCANNER DARKLY
I’m always amazed by actors who somehow find a way to deliver a solid performance when the movie they are performing is in excessively stylized. You need to do it a little different than you would in a normal flick and it can easily be screwed up. Downey didn’t screw it up.
RDJ-Marshals.jpg #10 - U.S. MARSHALS
This poor pseudo-sequel to “The Fugitive” suffered from a lousy plot… and yet was almost saved by guys like Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Downey Jr. I think Robert needs to do more villains.

So there you have it, my little list of Robert Downey Jr.’s top 10 best performances. It looks like this list will have to be updated once The Soloist comes out (at least I hope it will), but for now it’s good to remember that Robert Downey Jr. was doing great work long before he put on the Iron suit and started blowing up terrorists.

Am I missing anything on this list that you would have included?

52 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Melanie

    Less Than Zero? I remember this as being his breakout film. Too bad he basically lived this part for a number of years.

  2. Rob

    I have to disagree with you on U.S. Marshals. I think both he and TJL sold out for this sequel. I would replace that with his cameo in “Bowfinger”.

  3. BobaFett

    I think you got the great performances of the man.
    However, i think the omission of Natural Born Killers was glaring.
    Wayne Gale is one of his best performances easily.

    I just hope that his demons are truly in his past.

  4. leeloo

    i LOVE scanner darkly but HATE the animation.
    totally screwed a good movie.

  5. Krys

    KKBB is amazing and Downey (and Kilmer) are so hilarious. I wish more people saw that movie.

  6. Rob

    Here’s another bad movie, but was redeemed by a great Downey performance, Hearts and Souls, also starring Charles Grodin, Kyra Sedgwick, among others.

  7. jason

    Wonder Boys. Easily top 3.


    10? how many movies HAS he been in? i didnt think it was that many….

  9. Nazz

    Hearts and Souls is the first film I saw Robert Downey Jr in. I agree with most of your choices John but I would put his performance in Natural Born Killers somewhere in the top 3

  10. Lyle

    One of his best was Two Girls and a Guy with Heather Graham. It was phenomenal. Have you seen it JOHN?

  11. mofo toshio

    Natural Born Killers- hated the movie, loved every minute RDJr was on screen!

  12. Chuck Norris

    @ Jason:

    I loved “Wonder Boys” as well, although to be fair I suppose it would be a stretch to say that Downey “starred” in it.

    That said, “Wonder Boys” is a GREAT movie (directed by Curtis Hanson) and well worth anyone’s time.

  13. sahil

    I think his best movie was The Zodiac.

  14. entertainmenttodayandbeyond

    Actually John, Robert owes alot to David E.Kelly who gave him a shot when nobody else would by casting him on ALLY MCBEAL, which was a really good show before it burned itself out creatively!

  15. Jon

    The fact that US Marshals is on here and not Wonder Boys is an insult to Mr. Downey. This film contains some of the best lines from his career…”Jamie, Jamie, Jamie” US Marshals is his attempt to fill a typical action movie role which didn’t allow for his style to be prevalent…aka gave him a nice paycheck. Take it off!

  16. Nazz

    @ Chuck Norris

    Yup, Wonder Boys is awesome but it’s mostly thanks to the screenplay and a brilliant performance by Michael Douglas.

  17. Freeman

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of my favorite movies. Love it!

  18. Matt B

    Yes, “Wonder Boys” is a great film. It should really be on the list even if he did not “star” in it. But I would say he did.

    Was any one else thinking about his lust in “Wonder Boys” for Tobey Maguire during the “Satan’s Alley” fake preview for “Tropic Thunder.” Classic!

  19. obi-wan kubrick

    Natural Born Killers should replace US Marshalls.

  20. inbruges

    Nice to see a call out to “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints.” One of the most underrated movies out there, in my mind.


    @ john..

    yeah youre just crazy…

    satans alley is # 3 EASILY

    that got the fox crying monkey awards remember???

  22. Josh Brunsting

    People need to start seeing some of these movies…ESPECIALLY AGTRYS, and KKBB…both fucking brilliant flicks…

    Also, just a few omissions that may not have made the list, but are still great
    The Singing Detective
    Eros (All three parts are phenominal, but his part is called Equillibrium and is directed by Steven Soderbergh…really awesome flick)

  23. Kristopher tapley

    Yeah, WTF. Less Than Zero > U.S. Marshals

  24. shadess

    A GUIDE TO RECOGNIZING YOUR SAINTS - only good thing about that movie was RDJ. So not really a great movie when it’s totally 100% dependant on one actor.

    CHAPLIN hard to see movie. Not very well available at least where I am, no wonder people haven’t seen him. Oh and it’s about Chaplin so not exactly a huge people magnet.

  25. George

    Zodiac is one the best films of the past 10 years…easily.

  26. Kristina

    KKBB is indeed AWESOME. His narration is what tips that movie from fun to sheer sexy awesomeness to the tenth power. Fo sho.

    I loved Singing Detective. Fur is wacky, but Downey is the bright spot. And I agree with Shadess about Guide to Recognizing Your Saints. TERRIBLE movie, but Downey is good in it.

  27. Kristina

    And I never watched Ally McBeal, but the clip of him singing a cover of “River” on that show is AMAZING. He’s got a killer voice. If you haven’t seen it, here it is. Ignore the German dubbing in the very beginning.

  28. Kristopher tapley

    The REAL list (hehe):

    1. “Natural Born Killers”
    2. “Chaplin”
    3. “Less Than Zero”
    4. “Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus”
    5. “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”
    6. “Iron Man”
    7. “Zodiac”
    8. “Tropic Thunder”
    9. “Restoration”
    10. “Wonder Boys”

  29. Darren J Seeley

    I loved his role on this year’s earlier “Charlie Bartlett”, also, I want to shout out two early supporting roles: “Back To School” and “Weird Science”. I also agree with the above: the biggest omission is, hands down, “Natural Born Killers”! I’d replace it in ‘Marshals’ stead (despite that in the film TLJ shared a scene with a high school classmate of mine) or perhaps ‘Zodiac’, which I felt was overrated. I also LOVED the film True Believer w/ James Woods.


    1. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

    2. Chaplin

    3. Iron Man

    4. Charlie Bartlett

    5. The Singing Detective

    6. Back To School

    7. True Believer

    8. Less Than Zero

    9. NBK

    10. Weird Science

  30. Karma

    Dude, you forgot Wonder Boys

  31. Sina

    @ Darren J Seeley
    I don’t think overrated is a good word to use for Zodiac
    You didn’t like it , there is no problem here but there is a problem when you said shite about something and the only reason is that you didn’t liked it.
    It was a very well acted movie and Art direction and cinematography rocked also it told its story in a really enjoyable way that i personaly didn’t feel it was that long
    no hard feelings anyway
    BTW good list JOHN I would add singing detective to but not Wonderboys (we are talking about acting not movies) and I really don’t see a point to defend a movie like Natural Born Killers

  32. Marla Singer

    i even liked his part in gothica

  33. Patrick Urrutia

    No mention of Weird science in this Top 10 best performances of Robert Downey Jr? What the hell

  34. Ben

    I’ll switch Heart&Soul with US Marshal. US Marshal was too bed for even Downey to save.

  35. Justin Levine

    George hit the nail on the head - Zodiac was easily one of the best films of the past decade. You need to unclog your brain and see it again John.

  36. Hey Justin,

    Hey… if you’re so easily amused by a bloated piece of crap like Zodiac, I’m not going to tell you ya shouldn’t like it. I’m content just seeing it for what it is. :P

  37. 790

    Mofo Toshio, nailed my thoughts on NBK, never the less, here’s my list.
    1 -Chaplin
    2- Iron Man
    3- Less than Zero
    4- Tropic Thunder
    5- Air America
    6- Zodiac
    7- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
    8- Natural Born Killers
    9- Charlie Bartlett
    10- Weird Science

    What a cool post!!!!

  38. Derek 8-Track

    where is Heart and souls?

  39. Kristopher tapley

    John’s blissfully ignorant about Zodiac and, hey, that’s okay.

  40. Hey Kris,

    If by “Blissfully ignorant” you mean didn’t buy in to the aimless meandering, lack of direction or focus mess… then yes… I am blissfully ignorant and happy to be so.

  41. Robert Forest

    Definately should have mentioned “LESS THAN ZERO“! He is brilliantly hard to watch in that film… it’s way tragic and the book is even more tragic. Brett Easton Ellis is my favourite author of all time though, so I’m very biased.

    However, there is no denying the impact of Downey’s performance on a person who watches that movie. Plus James Spader is great in it too. The whole cast actually. But, a precurser is that, it is definately a very depressing movie.

  42. Robert Forest

    what the hell… here’s my 2 cents:

    01. Less Than Zero
    02. Weird Science
    03. Kiss Kiss Band Bang
    04. Wonderboys
    05. Zodiac
    06. Soapdish
    07. Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus
    08. The Pickup Artist
    09. Good Night, and Good Luck
    10. Chaplin

    This was a great post JOHN! BRILLIANT! you should do (at least) one post a week like this, with a different actor / director / writer everytime.

  43. marco

    In Dreams!

  44. Andrew James

    Iron Man? Good Night Good Luck (5 minutes of screen time?), US Marshalls?


    Two Girls and a Guy (easily #1)
    Wonder Boys
    Natural Born Killers

  45. Vincent Stephen-Ong

    Yeah seriously- agreed with the many previous posters- how in the world can Less Than Zero not be on here?

  46. Jonathan

    John, here was my take:

  47. Tone blare

    U.S. marshalls ? you gotta be kidding me. he was coked out the whole time. That movies horrible. How do you not put less than zero or wonder boys which he should have received a best supporting actor nomination for. He’s a great actor but doesen’t always choose good movies. for as long as his career is it’s not that impresive.

  48. Tone blare

    U.S. marshalls ? you gotta be kidding me. he was coked out the whole time. That movies horrible. How do you not put less than zero or wonder boys which he should have received a best supporting actor nomination for. can’t forget natural born killers as well. He’s a great actor but doesen’t always choose good movies. for as long as his career is it’s not that impresive.

  49. Bob

    I must agree with Lyle and Andrew James…

    “Two Girls and a Guy” is the most versatile, complete performance I have ever seen him in and it is a one set movie that he carries from start to finish.

    Its not big budget or mainstream which is why none but a few here have seen it but if you are going to make a top ten list, please be comprehensive.

    He sings, he dances, he cries, he acts like he cries…

  50. Hey Jonathan,

    How DARE you travel back in time and steal my idea! I’m calling my lawyer to send you a Cease and Desist!


  51. Dink

    Yeah, I’m going to say Less than zero deserves to be up there way more than fucking Us Marshalls.

    I do agree that Zodiac was a piece of shit that literally put me to sleep as I watching it. People just like to pretend it was awsome because of the director. Finch

  52. Dragonslayer

    Christian Bale could kick his ass

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