The Spirit Trailer #2

Just when I was starting to think “The Spirit” couldn’t possibly look any worse than it already does, along comes the new trailer that have sunk my expectations about 3 floors below the basement. What is starting to materialize is what many of us have suspected all along… Frank Miller shouldn’t be directing. At least not a movie of this scale and at least not yet. Behold more of the evidence.

The trailer was already abysmal, and then came that damn line “I’m gonna kill you all kinds of dead” and I almost laughed out loud (not in the good way either). This flick looks like it’s going to suck on a Jenna Jameson level.

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56 Responses to “The Spirit Trailer #2”
  1. Broly says:

    What was Frank Miller smoking on? Oh that’s right POT he was smoking pot during the making of this movie.

  2. Quietus says:

    “This flick looks like it’s going to suck on a Jenna Jameson level.”

    That sounds both hot and capable of breaking all sorts of box office records.

  3. Broly says:

    But in all seriousness i don’t know how this movie will turn out, maybe not as much as the studios expect… but then again Sin City also had some bullshit in it but the only difference between them was Sin City wasn,t showing the sillyness in the trailer.

  4. Paul says:

    “I’m on my way” Whaa? I’m really hoping that this movie is just being poorly marketed, but to evoke the Warren Beatty Dick Tracy movie… I’ve never known anyone overly fond of that one… I hope this isn’t the Kiddie Sin City that the trailers make it out to be.

  5. Broly says:

    You know what i take that back this film looks like a bucket of shit.

  6. Goodly says:

    You really think it’s that bad? The trailer seems a little rushed, like the sound and colors haven’t been properly edited yet, but I think it looks like a fun ’style over substance’ macho-movie - which is usually Millers style. (In the style of Millers other movies and maybe even more ‘Shoot ‘em Up’ with Clive Owen which was darn cool…)

  7. Broly says:

    No i don’t think it looks that bad…but my first response was WTF?

  8. Tim May says:

    Miller’s lost his mind. His recent comics work is hideous, and this isn’t looking much better.

  9. Shane says:

    I think it looks fine. Yeah, stylistically it looks similar to Sin City and 300, but that’s obviously a style that suits Miller’s work. I enjoy that style, and I think it’s quite possible to make a movie in the same style without it having to be compared to what came first. Is every western the same because they share similar stylistic values? Is every Tarantino film the same because he has his way of doing certain things the same in each film?

    I think it looks fine. Probably not as good as Sin City or 300, but I thought they were exceptional films to begin with. I’m confident that it will be a decent enough film to enjoy watching at least once.

  10. Ricci says:

    So much hate!

    I think it looks like a fun popcorn flick, so it isnt goin to get niminated for any oscars! but fun non the less.

  11. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    “im octopus. ive got eight of everything”

    HA! that sounds so fuckign lame…liek something a 2 year old would say while playing with his octopus little toys…

    i saw the first trailer and thought this movie would be good. i was dead wrong

    um i think this might be the 3rd trailer….cuz i saw 2 others….but i liked the first one

    THIS ONE however…..kills my hope for it

  12. Terry Letourneau says:

    Wow, I’ve seen better acting in fan films.

  13. GeneSiskelsGhost says:

    This is the Speed Racer of 2009.

  14. GeneSiskelsGhost says:

    Even though it’s coming out in 2008!!

  15. PADTHAI says:

    i think it looks fun.

  16. MrWhiteKeys says:

    you complain about “im octopus. ive got eight of everything” when itcomes from the guy who said ” Im sick of these mother f***ing Snakes on this Mother f***ing Plane”?

    I’m actually looking forward to this film more after this trailer. Yeah there was some parts tat made me sigh. but same thing happened in sin city. I think it’ll be a good pocorn flick with some really cheesey lines that i wish never happened.

  17. Robert Forest says:

    O.K. So, the “Teaser” Trailer had me hooked. Gorgeous with that great music over it. The “First” Trailer (the dreamy one with all of the women) turned me off and I had lost my urge to want to see the movie at all. But then I saw the “Second” Trailer and I said, FUCK YEAH! This is exactly what “the SPIRIT” is all about. Will Eisner (R.I.P.) would be so proud of this movie! It stays very true to his artistic vision but is done in Frank Millers style and it doesn’t apologize for being either or both. Great. The Spirit has always been a goofy and fun “over-the-top” character and book. This hits the mark perfect as both source material and updated for the new generation! Bring it on!


    I personally Love! the “Dick Tracy” movie that you are speaking of. It’s the best, most stylized comic book adeptation to date in my opinion. It stays so true to the source material and the colours are so good and vibrant.

  18. Daria says:

    This movie will be awsome so all of you shut the fuck up !

  19. Rodney says:

    Daria, don’t keep your feelings hidden… tell us how you really feel. Geez.

    Anyways, it looks a little over stylized and those movies are always hit and miss. Sky Captain looked good til it actually came out, and 300 looked great and was. Sin City was awesome and people will not hesitate to compare this to it just because of the comic book film noir stylization.

    The trailers are uninspiring above my belt, but it appears there isn’t a dame in this flick that wont get a twitch below. It likely could rest on its eyecandy laurels if Sam Jackson wasn’t playing such a ridiculous hokey villain.

    Love ya Sam, but the Octopus was a BAD call. That villain is nothing short of full on retard.

  20. Rodney says:

    @Tim, “His recent comics work is hideous, and this isn’t looking much better.”

    Miller hasn’t done much of anything in comics for a while. You might be thinking of Mark Millar (who is getting luke warm to contradicted responses lately)

  21. Broly says:

    Your right GeneSiskelsGhost in a way this is the next Speed Racer.

  22. Robert(wolf) says:

    I don’t think the trailer is all bad. I’ll go see it. Maybe I don’t find it all that bad because I have not read the comic or had expectations?

  23. ryanclay21 says:

    my response to the trailer: “this isn’t ‘The Spirit’!”

    might be a fun movie, but who knows, trailers can be deceptive as all hell.

  24. chris (the real one) says:

    lol…wow this is alot of hate, guess im just into different movies…..i loved speed racer, and this looks like more ridiculous fun…..but the comic nerd is kinda pissed miller turned what was essentially a cooler darker detective book into sin city 2, but still sam jack looks badass as usual so im down……

    oh and “im octopus. ive got eight of everything” and then he pulls out the 8 barrel guns is all kinds of badass

  25. Sahil says:

    I think that if you are going to make a movie like this then you should make it R Rated not PG13.

    The first trailer was ok because it was so short and you didnt know much about the film but not with this extended trailer I know that I am not going to watch this movie (atleast not in theaters).

    Scarlett Johansson still looks very hot.

  26. Formless says:

    I know this may seem completely outrageous to you guys but.. -gasp- maybe it was SUPPOSED to be cheesy? It sure looks that way to me, and I don’t really see anything wrong with that.

  27. chris (the real one) says:

    oh my bad i was thinkin about the shadow…that was the darker one, not too familiar with the spirit…sorry

  28. Broly says:

    Who is these days?

  29. lunacarrow says:

    Visually the film looks good, but the dialouge is HORRIBLE, and every delivery is extremely flat.

    I love Miller, but the dude ain’t a director. And no, standing around the Sin City set as Robert Rodriguez directs the film dosen’t constitute directing.

  30. shadess says:

    Seriously what the fuck. ITS A MOVIE WITH SAM JACKSON AND EVA MENDEZ WHAT DID YOU EXPECTED FROM IT. A guy who hasn’t had a good performance in anything for about 10 years and a woman who hasn’t had a good performance ever.

    …and about speed racer…that movie might not have been the greatest story ever done but it did exactly what it was supposed to do. If you’ve actually know anything about speed racer you couldn’t have expected it to be much different from what it was.

  31. Broly says:

    Hey Shadess, when i said it was going to be the next Speed Racer that doesn’t mean that its bad… what i ment to say was The Spirit is going to gain a cult following just like what Speed Racer did and Speed Racer was already being bashed before the movie come out just like what’s happening right now…

  32. Darren J Seeley says:

    First things first.

    “So, the “Teaser” Trailer had me hooked. Gorgeous with that great music over it”

    Yes, it looked nice. Now, here is the Seeler’s good deed for the day: find Ennio Morricone’s score for “The Untouchables” (1987). Thank me later.


    As the trailers progressed it becomes clear to me the idea IS to capitialize on films connected to Miller, specifically “Sin City”. My concern is that while “Spirit” may capture the same feel or a bit of that style, it will feel like something of like an afterthought.
    If the sex is played up (Gio’s Jenna Jameson’s quip is spot on, considering the previous trailer, which was kind of drowning in pop culture kink) then play it up.

    @ Shadness:
    “. A guy who hasn’t had a good performance in anything for about 10 years and a woman who hasn’t had a good performance ever.”

    I thought Mendes was really great in “We Own The Night”, and as far as Sam Jackson not having a good anything in ten years, then I guess you have not seen Resurrecting The Champ and/or Changing Lanes, and have underrated the best character in the Star Wars prequels. It should be also noted that the majority of Jackson’s roles are more of a character/supporting actor, which would also include his cameos in Iron Man and Kill Bill (2).

  33. R. Wolff says:

    Hey Shadness “Seriously what the fuck. ITS A MOVIE WITH SAM JACKSON AND EVA MENDEZ WHAT DID YOU EXPECTED FROM IT.” Why dont you go rent Black Snake Moan and then revise your statement.

  34. Ross says:

    I always knew Sam Jackson had 8 dicks

  35. Broly says:

    He’s Samuel L. Jackson he could do anything.

  36. says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only movie blogger who looked at this and DIDN’T say “ohhh… NOW this looks like it’s gonna be awesome.”


  37. aaron says:

    oh. my. this will suck, i could see this coming a mile away. i’d rather go see speed racer again, and i hated that

  38. Geoff Gresh says:

    Oh, John. Your certainty is adorable.

  39. Royal says:

    I think it looks good.

  40. Besley says:


    All Star Batman and Robin, new issue came out last week. What a train wreck that comic is. “Are you dense? Are you retarded? I’m the god damned Batman, that’s why!” Yeah, kill me now.

    Yeah, this movie looks bad but I’ll reserve judgment until it comes out.

  41. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    it has some good scenes…but sam jacksons few lines killed it…

    and the snakes on a plane lines where awsome

    i hope it just has alot of fight scenes…

  42. ryanclay21 says:

    I actually get a kick out of reading “All Star Batman and Robin.” Can’t get enough of bats calling Robin retarded. ;-)

  43. Story says:

    I think this film looks like awesomely cheesey greatness. I’ve seen John’s opinion but I want to hear Doug’s. If a guy can love Barbarian tit films then he should be able to find something in this. I don’t have any delusions that this thing is going to win an oscar but if the action is good and this thing doesn’t take itself seriously then this should be a fun watch.

  44. Phil Gee says:

    I don’t think it LOOKS too bad but after too trailers, I still don’t know what the friggin story is (which leads me to think that it might not have one). I’ll put this in the ‘wait for the good reviews’ pile.

  45. Dragonslayer says:

    I thought the Spirit looked cool…until this trailer came out. Now it looks like something I’m gonna wait for till DVD

  46. Kristina says:


    I TOLD YOU on the live show this trailer was worse than the first, and you didn’t believe me! Now come here and admit I was right!!!! Raise my hand in victory!!!!!!!

  47. John says:

    “I’m going to kill you all kinds of dead!” LOL

    i think i’ve found my next catchphrase.

  48. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    yeah…kristina was going off about this trailer sucking like 4 months ago lmao ^^^^^

    but the first one wasnt bad guys….and this one has SOME good parts…

  49. Jay Oaks says:

    “Somebody get me a tie. And it better be red”. Dear Lord.

    Thank God “Watchmen” and “Sin City 2″ are coming to cleanse the palate.

  50. Kelly says:

    I was actually very entertained by this trailer…Will Eisner’s Spirit was filled with cheesy goodness-and the movie certainly seems faithful to that!

  51. sean says:

    do not want.

  52. DeAnte T. Goodloe says:

    I think this movie will be brilliant. Or something close to it.

    THE SPIRIT looks pretty badass to me.

    “Someone get me a tie. And it sure as hell better be RED.”

    “Is every damn woman in this damn hell hole out of her damn mind?”

    “I’m gonna kill you all kinds of dead.”

    Love it! Sounds like a good, fun quota-a-polooza flick. I’ll definitely see it in the theaters.”

  53. Nixon says:

    LOOKS CRAP ?!!!?!?!?

  54. insertcleverid says:


  55. Brian says:

    worst case scenario it sucks, but, it could be a so bad it’s good kind of thing. With over the top dialogue and acting.

  56. David Lopan says:

    I keep making fun of my girlfriend for wanting to see this movie.

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