The Movie Blog: Uncut - Recorded September 26th 2008

Here is your 335th installment of The Movie Blog Uncut recorded September 26th. Don’t forget that the next LIVE installment of The Movie Blog Uncut starts right here at 8pm EST (5pm PST). Make sure to come back and join in the live show with us and get your questions and comments on air!

You can download or listent to the audio only version of the show here:


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14 thoughts on “The Movie Blog: Uncut - Recorded September 26th 2008

  1. Speaking of reposting, are you going to get the iTunes thing straightened out? I have very little internet time so iTunes is the only Feasable way for me to get Podcasts and yours is by far my favorite.

  2. Hey guys,

    This was the last one done in studio. We are currently switching studios and will be in the new one this coming week.

    We have still be doing the live shows, but in a very “UNPLUGGED” sort of format and haven’t been reposting them for download.

    Join our live show at 8pm EST here on the site.

    Reposting of shows will resume next week.


  3. Plague dogs is actually a pretty good movie. Watership Down, and Grave of the Fireflies are a couple of other uber depressing but very well made animated films.

  4. First, Thanks so much for posting the Live shows more regularly. Much thanks to The Chuck Norris for helping out.

    Second, is this the 334th or 335th? John, you said it was the 334th and you also said the previous show was the 334th.

    Doug, Awesome Uke music!!

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