“Shaken Not Stirred” Not In Quantum Of Solace

Posted by on 23. 09. 2008in News Chat

We’ve talked a lot on The Movie Blog about how much we loved the latest James Bond incarnation “Casino Royale”. That movie just bloody rocked, and Daniel Craig instantly become my favorite Bond of all time (and that’s saying something considering I liked all of them up to this point). So despite the fact that the new Bond film has one of the dumbest titles in the history of the franchise (Quantum of Solace?!?!) I’m pretty stoked about seeing it.

Interesting news came out that two very popular and famous phrases that are synonymous with James Bond have been cut out of the new movie. His lines “Bond, James Bond” and “Shaken not stirred” have both been withheld from the movie. Our fiends over at Incontention give us this:

In this morning’s Oscarweb round-up, we linked to a story in London’s Independent newspaper about the upcoming 22nd installment of the James Bond franchise, “Quantum of Solace.” It appears director Marc Forster and company have opted to exclude the infamous catch phrase, “Bond. James Bond.” from the film’s script. Also getting the cut is the “shaken, not stirred” aside that we all know and love. It’s an unexpected departure that could have a few fans up-in-arms…or not.

Ok, here’s my take on the situation. Would I rather have the “James Bond” and “not stirred” lines in the movie? Sure, who wouldn’t? But at the same time does it really bother me that they won’t be in there? Not even a little. What words are spoken over 3 total seconds of screen time will neither improve nor detract from the film. Yeah it would be nice to still have them in there… but its not like without those lines the movie will be a 5 out of 10… but WITH those lines it suddenly becomes a 9 out of 10. That’s just nonsense.

I hope they get put back in… but I REALLY hope no one makes an actual big deal out of this.

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32 Responses to ““Shaken Not Stirred” Not In Quantum Of Solace”

  1. Jalon says:

    This Bond is gonna be the best one… easily. Why?
    Because it is directed by Marc Foster.
    It won’t have anything to do with “Bond”, just like the previous one didn’t… But as a film, ya it’s gonna be great.
    Marc Foster is currently the only director whos every single film is great.
    (All of Nolans movies are good, but nothing special)

  2. John says:

    Hey Jalon,

    Have to disagree with you about Foster.

    Stay totally sucked ass
    Stranger than fiction is overrated
    The Kite Runner was a let down

    So no, Foster doesn’t come close to Nolan just yet.

    But yes… Quantum of Solace will rule.

  3. 790 says:

    This is cool,,,!
    Those phrases are overdone…!

    Great idea !!!!

  4. melbye says:

    AHH, BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!

    Seriously it’s not a big deal, although i would think Bond James Bond should be obligatory in a Bond-movie

  5. Colin says:

    I’m more worried about how utterly sh&t the new title song is than anything mentioned in the article..

  6. TheMovieVampire says:

    With all the crazy, somewhat heretical, changes to the formula they made in Casino Royale I don’t think anyones going to get all that angry over two lines.

  7. Paul says:

    I’m more irritated that the organization isn’t named SPECTRE. Though Casino has quickly become my fav Bond movie, so I’ll trust em for now… (That type of relationship ended badly with Spider Man…)

  8. Gordon Shumway says:

    Its another step towards being like the literary Bond, who never said these things, so I guess he will be on the whiskey instead. I also heard its going to be the shortest ever Bond movie.

    They used ‘Bond, James Bond’ to great effect last time so why force it in this time? not bothered, as long as the intro gun barrel sequence is back this time.

  9. probitionate says:

    “…but I REALLY hope no one makes an actual big deal out of this.”


    Uh, right. Like, for instance, people continuing to make comments such as “…the new Bond film has one of the dumbest titles in the history of the franchise (Quantum of Solace?!?!)”

    It’s a FRANCHISE. The title means NOTHING. People don’t make a decision about whether they’re going to go see a franchise film based on the title any more than they make one based on its theme song.

    Unless they’re fanboys, evidently.

  10. Freeman says:

    John, have you guys just given up on posting the new Uncut episodes everyday?

  11. BamKazaam says:

    no harm done. the movie is still gonna kick ass.

  12. rafa1215 says:

    The Kite Runner was awesome. Man the way the best friend carried his own guilt throughout the movie was just plain brilliant. That’s too bad about the shaken and not stirred lines. Are they trying to prevent teens from drinking? Did MAAD make them do this? Anyways the chase scene in the beginning of the movie was the best foot chase scene that I’ve ever seen in Casino Royale. I think the director of this movie will do a great job.

  13. MandarinOrange says:

    I am going to miss the “James Bond” line. That is just one of those lines that everyone waits for and one of the most quoted and parodied lines in all movies (up against “I’ll be back.”). Taking it away will be a disappointment and, if there is a good spot for it, could drop the movie by about a half point (on a 10 scale). Altogether I think I would be better if they had it but we haven’t seen the movie to know if it would or would not fit.

  14. leeloo says:

    i <3 stay.

  15. Ian C. says:

    I know those lines are signature James Bond, but I often felt - especially with the Pierce Brosnan films - that they’d become so rote and cliche. (Maybe it was Brosnan’s delivery.)

    It gave the Bond movies a “paint by numbers” feel. 1) Flirt with Moneypenny. 2) Visit that wacky Q. 3) Introduce yourself to someone. 4) Order a martini.


    When (or if) Craig actually does deliver that line, it’ll be that much more special because it won’t be such a cliche.

  16. chris (the real one) says:

    awww….this kinda disappoints me….those two lines were the only thing that really identified this film as a bond movie imo….

    imo the bond movies are moving towards a bourne identity like feel, in tone and action……i kinda miss the goofy bond but this doesnt take away the fact that casino royale was a great movie all around……

    i wouldve liked to hear “bond, james bond” …..not having it takes away from the bond feel but doesnt impact the movie as a whole…

  17. Meli says:

    Well, if those lines don’t flow smoothly and are only forced there for tradition sake then I’m fine with their omission. Still, a small part of me is a tiny bit sad the lines won’t be there.

  18. Phil Gee says:

    Don’t forget the other news John. The running time is confirmed at 106 mins making it the shortest Bond film to date. Which means the film will probably move like it has a rocket up its arse and is sure to please the people who felt Casino Royale was a too long (i’m not one of them personally).

  19. Kryptonite says:

    “Quantum of Solace” is a GREAT title! A quantum is the smallest possible quantity of something. Bond’s life has always been in personal turmoil, and he seeks peace through his job. The title refers to the fact that Bond will never get the peace he seeks. What’s wrong with that title then? Unless you didn’t understand it….

  20. ADOX says:

    I like the way they tackled the drinks phrase in Casino Royale:

    barman - ‘shaken or stirred’

    bond - ‘do I look like I give a damn?’

  21. Mikey says:

    I’m glad they aren’t going to use the lines. We get it youre Bond, James Bond. And besides both lines are so pretentious anyways. And for Christ sake who the fuck stirs a martini?

  22. theduckthief says:

    John the title comes from the Bond book. Fleming had some weird titles and I’m not sure how closely the movie will be tied to the book but I’m assuming there has to be some connection if they’re using the same title.

  23. Jon H says:

    As someone who is new to the franchise, this is kind of a bummer. I was among the many who stood up and gave it up when Craig said the final line in the last movie.

    Oh well. :/

  24. John says:

    i’m glad - after a while, it starts to feel ‘forced’. and besides, like you said john, it’s all about the character. while the argument could be made that those lines are part of his character, i don’t think the essence of who james bond is would feel the need to say these things all the time.

  25. twil says:

    they should have the lines although i agree john it’s not that big of a deal. i do however, disagree about the title. i think its awesome. it adds suspense to the film.

  26. 790 says:

    Isn’t this 2008, he could say “I’m fucking James Bond asshole!”. Depending on the scene of course. ;-)

    The other phrase could be altered to “just pour the bloody shit, and don’t stir it”…

    Course that could get the film a R rating. Hmmm what to do.??

  27. DarthMuppet says:

    As long as they’ve made the best possible film about James Bond that they possibly could… I couldn’t give two shits whether those lines are included or not.

    Also, as for the running time… the reason that Casino Royale had such a long running time was that it needed it to properly (re)introduce the character of James Bond and set up the story of how he became the hard-ass cynical bastard that we all love. Now that that’s all out of the way, I have no problem with QOS being a much shorter film and cutting to the chase. As long as the movie is the proper length that it needs to be to tell the story it needs to tell… once again, I really couldn’t give two shits about the shorter running time.

  28. Gordon Shumway says:

    I think it is just for publicity that they have old us these lines wont be in it. Its not the first film where he hasnt said the lines, hes says neither in From Russia With Love, and thats my favourite.

  29. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    I love both lines but in the end they are kinda cheesy and cliche after 46 years. I will be fine without them.

  30. Stevie says:

    I’m glad they decided to turn the page and go on. This is the new ass kicking bond. The gadgets as well as those two lines were old. I hope this pic is as good as the last.

  31. Zuke says:

    Looking forward to this film!

    Craig is the Bond to rule all others. He was even good in Golden Compass, which was kinda so-so!

  32. SF says:

    Apparently QoS is a Michael Bay movie! Oh no!


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