Seven Pounds Trailer

We have the new Seven Pounds trailer for you to check out. It is sopping wet with drama and emotion. The only thing that could add greater drama to this trailer would be a wide shot of 10 000 doves, followed by a close up slo-mo shot of one single dove in flight. Someone get Woo on the phone.

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14 thoughts on “Seven Pounds Trailer

  1. This movie was awsome. You get lost in the first half because it only gives you clips but if you watch it until the very end you wont be disappointed. It is one of the best movies that I have seen in a very long time. I cried during the last 10 minutes of the movie because it was so sad. It is a must see dont listen to anyone else it was another great movie for Will Smith!! 10/10

  2. Are you kidding me, this looks awfull. Maybe there is a part of the population that likes to pay 15 bucks to see a movie where a crazy dude wants to give total strangers money but definitely not moi!

  3. The Pursuit of Happyness was really good so hopefully this is too. I can’t really tell what the movie is about from the trailer though…

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