No Blessing For McG

It appears McG was fibbing about receiving blessing from Cameron for Terminator 4. The mantle was not passed, the anointing was not poured; delusion is all that remains! We get the alternate history and clarification from Cameron himself though an interview with the National Post via the movieweb:

In an interesting Q&A posted by The National Post, James Cameron spoke out on the upcoming fourth installment of The Terminator franchise, Terminator Salvation. In recent interviews, McG has been quoted as saying that he went to Cameron, original creator of The Terminator mythos, to get his blessing on the film. But apparently that isn’t true.

Cameron recanted McG’s claim that his film had been blessed by the seminal sci-fi filmmaker, stating: “It could be a big steaming pile or it could be brilliant. Sam Worthington is in the Avatar and the new Terminator and he likes the script, but I never saw it. There was no blessing involved.”

This doesn’t mean that the film will suck; it really has no play on the film whatsoever. It does make McG look like an ass however. If you say you have the blessing of someone, you better have gotten that blessing; and they better know what the hell you are talking about. It’s proper for Cameron to call McG out on his shit. No one has the right to put word’s in someone else’s mouth, period. It’s extremely offensive and I’m glad Cameron didn’t let this slide.

Hopefully McG will learn from this experience and mind his manners.

Not having the blessing of Cameron changes my anticipation of the film a bit, I cannot lie to you. Perhaps this is why McG lied in the first place, to raise everyones expectations. Regardless of his intent, I’m glad Cameron called foul and gave this man a public education. McG was clearly wrong to pull this shit and should be ashamed of himself.

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15 Responses to “No Blessing For McG”
  1. Phil Gee says:

    Of course, it’s the same as “Galactus is not a cloud” and “Lexi Alexander wasn’t fired, she’s having a baby”. Just BS the fans and hope it doesn’t bite you in the arse……….which it always does.

    McG, you don’t deserve the letter ‘G’ in your name. ‘G’ stands for honest and courtesy where i come from boy.

  2. ADOX says:

    how would you put galacus in it as a serious threat though and have it all fit?

    i dunno this guys work

    T4 must have a good script if Bale is in it. Though T3 doesn give me confidence

  3. leeloo says:

    lol. busted!

  4. DarkKinger says:

    How long did McG say he got Cameron’s blessing?

  5. Kevin C says:

    Yeah, thats kind of weird that he would say that, Im interested to see if McG responds (Ugh, hes gotta lose that name). I still have a ton of interest in this film and I think its going to be very good.

  6. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    How does a hack director like McG get a gig at making a sequel to a beloved franchise? Was Brett Ratner not available?

  7. Level1Alt says:

    probably didn’t get any blessing on making t4, because he isn’t making t4.

  8. 790 says:

    lol Obi-Wan,,,

    Its funny but T4, and Star Trek XI, are both coming out within a weeks release of each other next year. Star Trek first,,,
    Its gonna be tough if mcg also lied about killing Connor, I’m tellin ya the fans are gonna hate that if true!!! Bales not going to save this film, if the script sucks. No way,,, (Equalibrium)

    Wow I have a feeling that were going to get a very visual T4, but the story is going to blow chunks !!! Who knows?

  9. Gutpunch says:

    Who gives a shit if Cameron gave his blessing or not. It’s not like it’s going to change the outcome of the movie. Why does he have to give his blessing in the first place?

    I’m pumped to see this, I like McG as a director and with Bale on board it must have at least something to it, other than a big fat check. Hopefully.

  10. bjon86 says:

    Okay it would be nice if you explained what happened to the site. Couldn’t get on all of yesterday.

  11. Josh says:

    And this is on top of McG not getting the blessing of (or even communicating with) Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright for the Spaced US redo he wanted.

    What a toss. Seriously. Way to piss off people you respect dick.

  12. bigsampson says:


    im not a MCg fan but whats funny is im pretty sure that what he said was lame but im also sure it was out of text. the sad thing is that internet people will complain blah blah blah…….fact is stfu and wait till the movie comes out…..but again as time and time has showed me this site rather go thru the comments left by actual fans and not just haters and take it off if it doesnt appease the creators of such site……maybe thats what mcg does on his blog page too…idk but fact is he shouldnt have said it if it didnt happen and people should act like the movie sucks when it hasnt come out yet.

  13. Jon says:

    In his this video he says that he didnt want to disrespect Jim Cameron so he went and talked to him and Cameron said he was interested in his filmmaking. There’s nothing about blessings. So maybe the whole blessing thing is just media BS. I think its more likely that it was a friendly exchange.

  14. giren says:

    Busted! LoL!

  15. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m actually excited for this movie. All of you are gonna crucify me for saying that, but I am.

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