National Treasure 3 Starting To Assemble

We have rumblings about a Disney announcement about National Treasure 3 from our friends over at IESB to share with you:

It was certainly an all Disney, all the time kind of day here at IESB. The studios’ preview and showcase of upcoming films was full of a lot of good information and surprises.

One surprise had producer Jerry Bruckheimer and actor Nicolas Cage on stage to talk about their favorite Disney franchise, “National Treasure.” Jerry Bruckheimer, Nicolas Cage and Disney’s Dick Cook confirmed that National Treasure 3 was currently in development.

I don’t think this will surprise anyone. We knew they were going to do another film, this simply confirms common knowledge and expectations.

I am not interested in this film. I haven’t enjoyed what I’ve seen of the franchise (saw 2, missed 1), and do not expect this to change the third time around the block. I am curious to know more about Disney’s Dick Cook however. When I read that line - I did a spit take. I pictured a man wearing a leather mask, stirring a cauldron (ala Conan orgy scene) in the disney lunch room full of boiled man tubes. I apologize for the childishness of my imagination - but I had to share.

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13 Responses to “National Treasure 3 Starting To Assemble”
  1. melbye says:

    I liked number 2 so i am happy with this news. Looking forward to seeing what was on page 47

  2. HDpunk says:

    i like both 1&2, so this is good news. i hope part 3 doesnt disappoint.
    btw part 1 is better than 2 doug

  3. JimYahoo says:

    Does it involve Nic Cage running all over the world looking for his great, great, great, great grandfather’s headpiece to see if it really did have a chinstrap?

  4. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    They are both films. They are well made , fluffy, and light. Like cookies.

  5. sonya says:

    oh so really looking forward to it

  6. War Journalist says:

    Number one was great. Number two was slightly worse(being twice as unbelievable). I hope #3 can give us more of the same(but with slightly more realism).

  7. IRIS says:

    light fluffy and easy on the brain.

  8. Pants says:

    I love Nic Cage but i don’t give a crap about a national treasure 3. please move on to more roles that involve mullets and throwing people off planes.

  9. Dragonslayer says:

    Great! I loved both National Treasures (But the first was the best in my opinion). Can’t wait!

  10. kiddo says:

    I was very entertained by the first one actually, I was surprised that it was a decent adventure film. The second one didn’t entertain me though, the stupidity of it bored me.

  11. Stevie says:

    Both movies were fun to watch… ready for the third installment.

  12. Paul says:

    1 was good, 2 was AWFUL. It took me 2 sittings to get all the
    way through it.

  13. OzzyOne says:

    Second movie was better than the first in my book. A happy lightversion of an all american Indy.
    Enjoy the popcorn, laugh a little and have smaile. It’s all gone the next day, but, you had a fun two hours :)

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