Matilda Rose Vs. The Man

A lawyer has taken on the case of Matilda Rose, and is fighting for her to receive the 10 million in insurance that her father (Heath Ledger) took out for her. We get the following scoop from the justice caves of Yahoo:

A former attorney for Heath Ledger is suing over a $10 million life insurance policy he claims has gone unpaid since the actor’s death.

Attorney John S. LaViolette sued Minnesota-based ReliaStar Life Insurance Company in July, claiming the company is trying to avoid paying the claim to Ledger’s young daughter, Matilda Rose.

I had to fight for insurance over a stolen bike once, and that was a pain in the ass.
You pay insurance so when something horrible happens - money is given to you in response to the tragedy. It’s like the lottery, only you buy your ticket with sorrow. Insurance companies are notorious for doing their best to avoid their end of the bargain, even if that means ripping off the Joker’s daughter. Word of mouth is the best weapon against shady companies, and is also the best means to find quality sellers.

It’s kind of this lawyer to go to bat for Ledger’s daughter. I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he is doing this for selfless reasons. I would hate to see him jump to her rescue, only to take half. But until I hear otherwise, I will call him a samaritan and hope that the law is in his favor, and that girl gets the moneys that are owed to her.

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6 Responses to “Matilda Rose Vs. The Man”
  1. ADOX says:

    i hope so too, good luck matilda, i hate when insurance companies pull this stuff.

  2. Amish_Bill says:

    I’m assuming the hangup is whether Ledger’s death was intentional or not. I’m sure the insurance company is claiming it could have been suicide, which means they are not obligated to pay out. It will be tied up in legal proceedings and chances are slim this little girl will see any money.

  3. 790 says:

    Insurance companies suck.
    You make your payments and then when its time to get something back they say, NO!

    Screw all you insurance scum.
    Why do you think ppl hate insurance salesmen.
    Bunch of con-men!!!!

  4. Kristina says:

    The job of insurance people is to make sure you get no money. So, these folks are doing their job. Can’t let emotions and morals and dumb shit like that get in the way of your job.

    That being said, they should back up the Brinks truck and give the kid the money.

  5. Steve says:

    That certainly isn’t what the job of insurance people should be. If they can’t operate their business above board and turn a profit, get the fuck out of the business. So unless the way in which Ledger died violates a claus in the deal and therefore nullifies the contract, they should pay the money and they deserve any and all bad press that comes to them in the mean time.

    All that said, to even imply the lawyer isn’t going to taker his fair share should they win is totally naive. He’ll be taking his cut I’m sure.

  6. Nixon says:

    awesome !!!! good luck to Matilda !!!

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