Making “The Anniversary” - Rejection

For those of you who may not know yet, I’m making a little feature length comedy called “The Anniversary”. I’ve never done anything like this so all this is totally new to me. Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be doing some short video journals about my experience in trying to get a little movie made.


Today’s installment comes right after I had lunch with a named actor trying to see if they’d be interested in doing “The Anniversary” and the fear of rejection that comes along with it.

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27 Responses to “Making “The Anniversary” - Rejection”
  1. moviegab says:

    Hope you get the mystery man to participate in your movie. I think I have an idea who it is :P

  2. Kristina says:

    Borat guy? Ken Davitian?

  3. Sound Designer Dan says:

    It’s Patrick “I fucked cancer in the ass” Swayze, you heard it here first folks!

  4. Robert(wolf) says:

    Chris Tucker, I knew it!

  5. Seth Rex says:

    Good luck. I hope he does it, there’s probably a big chance he won’t, as you’re not even maybe a full fledged director in the sense…and that may turn him off. But I’m really hoping that this works out for you.

  6. Chuck Norris says:

    UPDATE: After he bought me lunch, I had to let John know that I wasn’t “that” Chuck Norris. He was sorely disappointed.

    Seriously, though-John, keep swinging, man! Overcoming the fear of rejection is the toughest thing ever.

  7. Nixon says:

    Oh man ! that’s great !!!!

  8. bruce says:

    good luck john

  9. wahoomilko says:

    John, I highly suggest reading the book “Rebel Without a Crew” by director Robert Rodriguez as you get ready for your feature. It should be read by anyone who wants to make a film regardless of the amount of money or experience you have.

  10. ryanclay21 says:

    godspeed with your casting and overall film experience! cannot wait to see this thing!

  11. digital drew says:

    Either Pauly Shore… or Andy Dick

  12. Robert Forest says:

    In all sincerety: “GOOD LUCK!”. I am glad to hear that you are doing something that you love and believe in. I only wish you the best and hope everything works out for you. Don’t let the words of others discourage you in the least and just push on and fight this thing out til the bloody end if you have to. What you did was difficult, but as you take each step toward reaching your goal it will be easier for you to overcome even the most difficult of challenges. May all of the gods be forcing the winds in your direction.

  13. Phil Gee says:

    I hope its Timothy Dalton. I know it isnt but I would want him to be in your film more than anyone.

    You’d better not reject him whoever you are. You don’t know how many TMB zealots there are, ready to fuck you up:)

  14. D. Golovko says:

    This sounds like an interesting project…it’s pretty early in the development but if you’d like some help when it comes to audio check out - covering music/sound design and all audio related stuffs…

    I AM AN AD

  15. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    Hey John,

    What camera are you using in this video?

    Also what camera are you using for the Anniversary and how are you financing it?

  16. Dragonslayer says:


  17. Jonathan says:

    I recommend reading Bruce Campbell’s “If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor” for some low-budget, high-creativity inspiration.

  18. Bobsyeruncle says:

    Is it that actor whose name escapes you?

  19. John says:

    Hey ButterOnMyPopcorn

    For these little journal videos I’m using the “Flip” video camera. As for which cameras I’m using for the movie, that’s a topic for another journal installment this weekend. How I’m financing it… another journal installment. :)

  20. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    hey john
    will you review your own movie when it comes out? no im dead serious i would love to see you review that, that would be insane dude

  21. Mark says:

    John, good luck with your film! I hope to be shaking your hand in LA one day.

  22. Darek-T says:

    Why is this so small?

  23. Doug says:

    Very interesting. Looking forward to the next installment. Pretty cool seeing someone you “know” giving the step by step of putting a movie together. Heck, you’ve got a documentary to go along with the movie. Best of luck, man. Can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

  24. Yeeles J Nerrad says:

    I think it’s a character actor, like Bill Paxton or someone like that.

  25. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    holy shit i still cant believe you guys are making a movie! thats insane! the best of luck to you guys!!!!

    is doug and rodney like part of ther crew? are you the writer john? director perhaps? produce…..

    im going to take a shot at the actor….its obviously a movie weve all seen hence john said we know him..but hes not THAT famous….

    legit guess:

    the skinny black haired guy from the pc/mac comercials that was in die hard, strange wilderness and dodgeball?
    hes not a great actor yet we all recognize him….
    he was also the gay guy in the front desk in the movie the break up thta always said “happy holidays” lmao

  26. aaron says:

    wow john good luck!!! :) should be fun.

  27. Kelly says:

    Loved your video blog and I’ve felt that way this last few weeks. Saturday I shot my and directed my first short film, we’re editing right now. Best of luck! Your blog is great!

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