Making “The Anniversary” - Casting Call

I’m keeping a little video journal as a non-filmmaker, of my experience trying to get my first little movie made. A guy who has no bloody idea of what he’s doing. Maybe it’ll give you some inspiration for doing a film yourself (”well if this idiot can make one, so can I” sort of inspiration), or maybe just laugh at how fast I go down in flames. Either way it’s all good. :)

This installment I just talk for a minute about the process of trying to get cast and about holding my very first auditions today.


Part #1 - Fear of Rejection
Part #2 - Cutting Down The Script

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10 Responses to “Making “The Anniversary” - Casting Call”
  1. Ross says:

    Similar to what you said at the very end of the video there but let me just ask - will there be videos of the auditons actually taking place? I know a lot of the time auditions of people are videotaped for the filmmaker (in this case you) to look at later. Just curious.

  2. Phil Gee says:

    I have actually held auditions once before (not on the scale of people you’re talking about John) so i can tell you that it is a bit of a double edged sword. You are guarenteed to meet some very odd and untalented people:)

    But i’m willing to bet you will also meet exactly who you’re looking for and will know it instantly. Best of luck.

  3. RantingMan says:

    Good luck John (you’ll need it with that many applicants) I’m looking forward to further vid reports.

  4. Rodney says:

    No worries John, you know that 38 of those are Chris Tucker… he has 17 agents looking for work for him right now.

  5. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    im like 89% sure johns talking about the pc/mac guy from “live free die hard”

  6. John says:

    so does doug or rodney have any part in the making of this movie?

  7. Nixon says:

    AWESOME !!!!

    Wait are we gonna see anything ?

  8. Jesse says:

    Well I know I’m not one of them, though I sent in my info a little while ago. Actually only a few days ago. Thats when I came across the post. But since I’m not located in the mecca of L.A. I’m probably out of the running though.

    But, I’m still avaliable.

    All the best.

  9. BISHOP says:

    How is this film being financed? Who is directing? What studio is distributing? This is all very exciting although details of the production in a future video would help other inspired filmmakers.

  10. aaron says:

    exciting!!! good luck John

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