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Maguire Gets 50 Million Fro Next Two Spiderman Films

By Doug - September 16, 2008 - 11:11 America/Montreal

I was wondering how much money it was going to take to lock Maguire down for another 2 Spiderman films - apparently 50 MILLION was what made it happen. We get this glorious news from our friends at ropeofsilicon:

According to Times Online Tobey Maguire will receive approximately 5,000,000,000 pennies to reprise his role as Spider-Man/Peter Parker in Spider-Man 4 and 5, which the Times says will be shot “back-to-back over six months next year.” On top of the $50 million the site reports Maguire will also receive profit shares from the two films. The site compares it to what Keanu Reeves earned for filming Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions back-to-back, a shoot that Reeves said left him exhausted.

This is cerianly crazy. The franchise makes a ton of money, and Maguire certainly deserves his share, but 50 million dollars! That is an amount of money that I will never see playing Monopoly, never mind real life.

Congrats to Toby and his agent, I hope they celebrate every day until shooting starts. Spiderman 4 is currently slated for a 2011 release, we will be sure to keep you updated on the progress and will be watching to see what Toby does with his money.

International Friends - what would you do with 50 Millions?


  1. box says:

    He should make that sick ass Robotech movie he’s been talking about. And I could use a million to if he could spare it.

  2. steven says:

    50 million dollars?? i’d fuck doug nagy.

  3. Johnnyjetlag says:

    50 million Fro??? That’s got to be some hairdo!! (gets coat…)

  4. Phil Gee says:

    “On top of the $50 million the site reports Maguire will also receive profit shares from the two films.”

    Can someone please explain how this makes any fucking sense? Is there a huge fan base out there ready to boycott the next Spidey films if Tobey isn’t in them? Is he really that important a component to the franchise that he can get such an insane deal that already guarentees a huge chunk of budget and profits is taken up by him?

    Look, good for Tobey for getting a killer deal. I’m just saying that, once again, mistakes have not been learned from and a Hollywood studio is ridiculously and needlessly over spending on a franchise that they cannot even guarentee will make a huge profit.

    People were so burned by Spidey 3 that they might not even turn up for the next one.

    And if I had 50 million, I would build a movie theatre at the crossroads between Canada, LA, & Liverpool and call it ‘Phil’s’. We wouldn’t need to show commercials or tolerate children.

  5. Robert Forest says:

    Die Happy… that’s what I’d do.

  6. RyanMag says:

    50 Million?

    I would make a series of documentary films in which I give a homeless person 1 million dollars, and then follow him around in his new life.

    It will be called:

    “I Once Was Lost, But Now I’m Rich Beeotch!”

    Volumes 1-25

  7. Bill Clay says:

    Hopefully for 50 mil he can look energetic and excited this time around, instead of the mopey “fuck, I gotta do this again?” face he made throughout Spider-Man 3.

    And better still, I hope they manage to write some one-liners for his masked alter ego. There were a few in the first film (not enough), even less in the second and none in the third. Whatever happened to Spider-Man using humor to cover his fear?

    Maybe he needs some Amazing Friends to be his audience or else he’s off his game. heh.

  8. Ransom Betty says:

    50 million for Toby is crazy. It would really be something if the next Spider-Man flick flops. I mean he could just take the paycheck and quit acting.

  9. Scotty says:

    If i had 50 mil i`d pay my window cleaner the £3 I owe him, he even sends his kids to the kids. ;)

  10. Moviereign says:

    Two chicks at the same time maaan

  11. Mozzerino says:

    50 big ones? Now that is HUGE. No wonder he’s doing it again against all odds. Who wouldn’t?
    I wonder how big Raimi’s paycheck is…

  12. rafa1215 says:

    I would move to Welland.

  13. Derek 8-Track says:

    i’d drop out of school and move into a McDonalds or Taco Bell

  14. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    well..at first i didnt like him as spiderman..then i realized it was the writers fault for not giving him any “spiderman-ish” sarcastic lines…so now im used to him and if they did take him out it would have fucked up the movies for me…now when people see HIM they usually dont see tobey..they see spiderman..too late to switch him now

    50 mil..good for him….

  15. leeloo says:

    spidey 3 was so stupid and lame that ive lost all interest in more from the same people.

  16. BamKazaam says:

    50 mil or 5 billion, doesn’t matter to me (well good for Tobey) but if the movie still sucks, somebody should sue somebody for killing Spidey on the big screen. I think its gonna suck cause with the amount of money they’re paying these actors to come back, they’ll need a higher profit margine and by that they’ll usually go the route againts what the fans need, and its always terrible. They won’t sit down and say “we have to think for the fans” nope they’ll say “how can we get richer?”. Heck 50 mil? thats like paying 50cent to Tobey.

  17. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I don’t know why people hated SPider-Man 3 so much. It was equally as lame and cheesy as the first two Spider-Man films.

  18. bjon86 says:

    yea I know this may seem petty but you spelled “Tobey” wrong like a hundred times….so sad….lol

  19. Kristina says:


    He doesn’t deserve a penny. He’s not good in those movies at all. He always rubs me the wrong way in those films. Ugh.

  20. Nixon says:

    Even if its 10 million Tobey would’ve said yes !!!

  21. Nixon says:

    So another word, the Studio got screwed for not paying less !!!

  22. jeff says:

    Wanna know why he’s getting $50 million for two movies? Because he married the daughter of freakin Sony Pictures!!! Daddy wants his baby well taken care of…

  23. Jon says:

    No wonder peopel steal movies. Movie budgets are out of control.

  24. The Jim Walker says:

    Dammit! JOHNNYJETLAG beat me to the joke!

  25. Sahil says:

    Wow, I didnt see that coming.


  26. Cap'n Pickle says:

    Good for Tobey, I guess…but everytime I see these numbers thrown around I can’t help but get a bad taste in my mouth and just want to stop watching movies, sports, TV, etc.

  27. Jay says:

    I wonder if it was a press typo..he should have got 50 cents!

  28. David Lopan says:

    I don’t know what I’d do with 50 mil, let’s ask Chris Tucker what he did with his 25 and maybe toby will do what he did twice?

  29. Dragonslayer says:

    You’ll know when I’ve gotten fifty million because you’ll never see my fat ass again (or here at least)

  30. Dragonslayer says:

    You’ll know when I’ve gotten fifty million because you’ll never see my fat ass again (or hear from me at least)

  31. Superman37 says:

    50 million are you kidding me??? I mean I am a spidey fan, but is one person really worth that much. What are the other actors getting? I really hope he lives up to the spiderman name this time around. Keep kicking ass Tobey, I can’t do any better! I would pay off my bills with 50 million, buy a house etc etc etc…

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