Fresh Valkyrie Trailer/Poster

We have the new Valkyrie trailer for you guys to check out today thanks to our friends from ropeofsilicon, Check it out.

We also have the following new poster thanks to Tapley over at InContention:

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22 Responses to “Fresh Valkyrie Trailer/Poster”
  1. moviegab says:

    the movie doesn’t look that great but it doesn’t bad either. I do like poster with the red line in the middle, looks stylish :P

  2. ADOX says:

    poster looks a bit out of place, too modern maybe? Like the trailer. Not big on Tom Cruise now though

  3. leeloo says:

    heil boot lifts!

  4. Freeman says:

    That trailer drove me nuts. The constant pulsing of black was REALLY annoying.

  5. Tarmac says:

    Trailer would have been nice if they hadn’t tried to blink me to death.

    However at least Tom Cruise is continuing to pursue unusual and challenging roles, people should credit him with that from time to time at the very least …

  6. Nixon says:

    First of all Poster looks simple which they want you to think that way, with clueless/vague !

    also the background poster looks a bit of blueprint….

    I also think The trailers looks very exciting as Usual Suspect.

    I have a huge high hope for this movie !

  7. AjaxLou says:

    Hehee! Cruise looks hilarious as a pirate Nazi!

    This will be a lot of fun to make fun of.

  8. Mike D says:

    Any reason why no one in the movie so far is talking with an accent? I understand that it’s not a German language film, but can’t they get people to at least sound like they’re from Germany, instead of just sounding American?

  9. Kristina says:

    I was just about to ask the same thing, Mike. Where the fuck are the accents?

  10. doug nagy says:

    Yea, as silly as it sounds I prefer they have a German accent as they speak English.

  11. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    Why isn’t the trailer playing properly on the page? The right side is cut off. I refuse to watch this in partial full screen.

  12. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    Ok I watched it from another site and the trailer looks amazing! I love Bryan Singer’s work. I do kinda wish they spoke German but oh well. They should have done it like they did in Hunt For Red October.

  13. handle says:

    the poster is fucking sweet.

    Very De Stijl-ish or Bauhaus. Which was going on during that time period. Very kewl.

  14. Gutpunch says:

    Have they re dubbed the movie? Cause people were saying that Cruise’s accent sounded hilarious.

  15. EZELL says:

    You all are just haters yo being against Tom Cruise. This film looks to be good but this is dumb to hate a guy of a religion and hate Mel Gibson when you are committing the same crime.

  16. Darren J Seeley says:

    Whirlwind time. Sit down and down whiskey and a valium.

    First, let’s talk poster.
    What the hell has gotten into the int’l friends?

    The poster is clearly “blueprints” of the famous bunker Hitler was going to be in at the time of the assassination attempt; the red line which is the access to that room, leads to the mastermind of the assassination plot.

    The poster also loosely hints of German expressionism and (dare I say it) a reminder that Bryan Singer directed the Usual Suspects and the two X-Men films - I don’t mean the type- I mean the “lining up” of the given actors.

    I like the flow and visual of the poster. It’s one of the best posters I have seen in a long time.


    As for the trailer:

    What’s wrong with it? It’s fine.

  17. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    I agree with Ezell. I could care less about Tom Cruises religion and that he jumped on Opra’s sofa. I don’t care and never did. It is stupid for people to bash crazy Scientology when most of you believe in that magical old guy in the clouds called God.

    I liked the blinking effects and black bars in the trailer it was very effective.

  18. Nixon says:

    Why have accent when it’s in english, its like saying GERMAN SOLDIERS is speaking in english then I would understand, at this moment, no accent… !

  19. Sound Designer Dan says:

    I wonder how Clint Eastwood would approach a story like this. I bet he would shoot it in German with an all German cast.

  20. Mike D says:

    Why have accents? I dunno, maybe because the movie takes place in Germany, with German characters? When Spielberg finishes Lincoln, are you going to be happy if Liam Neeson has an accent while playing Lincoln?

  21. Sahil says:

    I dont think I am interested in the movie I think they did a great job on the trailer.

  22. Geoff Gresh says:

    I like how you can almost see a red swastika forming in the background. If you’re high on paint fumes….I’ve said too much.

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