This entry was posted on Thursday, September 18th, 2008 at 4:41 pm.
Categories: Funny | By John

Doing the live show here on The Movie Blog is great, but sometimes it’s hard to always be able to pull people’s names off the top of my head and I get frustrated about it. Uncut viewer GeneSiskelsGhost put together this little video to further illustrate the point. It’s pretty funny.

The Movie Blog Song by GeneSiskelsGhost

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. moviegab

    haha funny video gene. But ya i do understand what you mean john when you forget them

  2. ADOX

    HIRARIOUS, glad u took my advice, yeah i’m taking credit


    lmao we were all just watching this on the chatroom…

    its okay john..happens to the best of us…

    doug wasnt very cooaperative either:

    “not a good day for names”
    “cant remember the names of directors..were in the wrong fucking job”

  4. twil

    great video. thts a lot of times forgetting john haha but i get why u forget

  5. GeneSiskelsGhost

    It’s all done out of love, guys. In appreciation of TMB becoming my new internet addiction… as opposed to porn.

  6. doug nagy

    my favorite part was Webster

  7. Kristina

    Hahahahaaaa “we’ll call her bitch”!

  8. Nixon

    hahahah !

    that is the best thing I ever seen !!!!!!!!
    Well Done,

    because if your a fan of movies then you know this line,
    what this actor name again,

    because we always talk about movies !!!!

    ALWAYS !!!

  9. joonavar

    Does this trend extend to other areas in your life, because I feel that it could start to get a little embarrassing at a certain point… :P

  10. Ross

    The link doesn’t work.

  11. Sahil

    Nice job.

  12. rafa1215

    Great Job. Very Funny.

  13. Moviereign

    Holy shit that’s ball droppingly funny. This makes it two - the number of fan made videos paying respect to one and only Movieblog

  14. Phil Gee

    “Oooooooooh why is his name eluding me” - John’s no.1 catchphrase.

    I doth my cap to you Gene Siskel’s Ghost. You are mighty.

  15. GeneSiskelsGhost

    Phil Gee is far too kind. I suggest everyone check out his The Movie Blog Trailer. THAT is truly AMAZING!!! Nothing holds a candle to that one.

  16. sean dailey

    umm, is it me or has tmb really been slacking lately. not a single update today? c’mon guys.

  17. Hey Sean Dailey,

    You go to 4 movies in one day and let’s see how many posts you put up.


    you went to 4 fucking movies?
    lol holy shit! once i skipped and saw 2 movies but goddamn….

    thats brutal.

    although im sure that if the movies are 2 hours each….8 hours..then ull have plenty of time for a couple of posts lol :P

  19. Hy Hazmat

    Haven’t seen them all yet. Just in between screenings. Heading into the next one (Best Friend’s Girl) now. Ugg.


    looking forward to the tsunami of reviews that await us movie blog fans…

  21. War Journalist

    Funny. Very funny. I loved Doug’s little song.
    “If we can’t remember
    the names of directors
    then we’re in the wrong
    fuckin’ job!”

    Doing this shit every weekday plus going to the theatre constantly must really drain you guys. But this is why you have your trusty chat-board pals. We got your back, guys.

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