Buy A Dell Computer - Get Iron Man Pre-Loaded On It

You know what, this is such a good and simple idea I’m shocked it wasn’t already being done for years. It was announced that Dell computers, as of today, is offering customers the option to buy their computer with a digital copy of Iron Man pre-loaded on their machine. It’s a $20 option.

So you order the computer, and when you crack it open Iron Man is already there. This is a GREAT idea.

Our friends over at IESB give us this:

Movies like Iron Man are now immediately accessible from a Dell computer desktop or laptop — no DVDs or downloads required. Dell plans to expand future entertainment selections and will continually refresh its offerings to include the most exciting Hollywood blockbuster and perennial classic movies. More information about the Dell Movies is available at

Now, I’m not thrilled with the price of the option (to me $20 for a digital copy is far too steep, especially when you consider that the copany doesn’t have to ship it, print a disc or the packaging and it has no weight). I’m also not thrilled that there is only one movie to choose in your order. However, the principle here it solid. I’m sure at some point (at least I hope) they’ll increase their movie selection and hopefully bring down the price to something like $9.99.

Will this have a serious impact on film distribution? No, probably not, but it’s a nice little addition to the distribution model for the studios to investigate. And all other things being equal, if I was going to buy a PC (I’m a Mac guy personally) and I was trying to decide between a Dell machine and a Gateway machine… I’d go for the one that had Iron Man pre-installed on it… all other things being equal.

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2 Responses to “Buy A Dell Computer - Get Iron Man Pre-Loaded On It”
  1. Kristina says:

    The Nightmare Before Xmas DVD that just came out comes with an extra disc allowing me to put a digital copy onto my computer. I haven’t done it yet. Maybe that could be something they start doing, adding digital copies into box sets like that. If I had to choose between getting my computer loaded with movies or not, I think I wouldn’t do it. If I already have the DVD, why pay money to get another copy of it? I guess it’s convenient if you’re bringing your computer onto a plane or something and you don’t feel like lugging the physical DVD case around. It’s a neat double-dip, but still a double-dip nonetheless.

  2. Arioch says:

    PCs suck balls

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