Armie Hammer Still Thinks Justice League Is A Go

Armie-HammerJeepers! An E reporter recently chatted with Armie Hammer about the status of Justice League, and Armie thinks it is still happening! We get the peculiar scoop from our friends over at IESB:

Got an alert to an article posted on the E! Website, interesting in a purely comical way, the columnist talked to Hammer while he was shooting in Vancouver this week and says Justice League is still a go and they are just waiting for a location. Now that’s a double take!

I’m sorry, did you all not read the Wall Street Journal interview with Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov where he had a whole lot to say about the future of JLA? Apparently not.

I am not sure if Armie is being kept in the dark, being lied to or suspending disbelief. As glad as I am that the Justice League project has been axed, you have to feel for the people that were cast as the heroes. Armie Hammer apparently has a Batman suit made for him, wore it ….and now will not be Batman. That is like getting the best christmas present ever, only to have your father hawk it for booze the next day.

The reporter that interviewed him should have gave him the straight goods and talked about other topics. Poor Armie now looks like a discombobulated dullard as a result of this. I hope someone from Warner Bros. gives the dude a call and sets him straight; and in the name of all that is good and just - let him keep the suit.

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6 Responses to “Armie Hammer Still Thinks Justice League Is A Go”
  1. Rodney says:

    In the interview he also says in the workout regiment they had them in they were training with real guns. I really hope he meant that the badguy actors were using guns, because no one in the Justice League does (that is slated for this canned movie anyways)

    I am glad they are not going with this proposed project. It was a bad idea from the start. Pity someone didnt tell this guy about it.

  2. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    lol guns?^^^ maybe martian manhunter uses some kickass gun or something (just trying to make a point…)

    dont feel bad for him doug…i mean…he can still be a batman character….just…get him in the next one…hell be with christian bale and hell play some other character….some one other then batman……

    oh whats that doug? what character? you wanna know what character? oh idk..let me think..OH YEAH!


    this guy looks PERFECT! make him wear the blue robin on his chest…. shit he looks good…(i know robin is 15, but ill say 2 words to that…..HELL NO)

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    The only possible location for JLA right now is the empty space between Arm & Hammer’s ears.

    As for him being a “perfect” Bat character, I don’t think Robin/Nightwing; but maybe Anarky. Better yet, have Armie move on to other, more worthwhile (?) projects.

    Like The Anniversary Party. Gio would love to have ya, I think.

  4. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    ha! he does look like anarchy that is dead on! if he were maybe a little slimmer but whatever

    great choice for a villain though darren i am 100% game for a movie with anarky on it he is extremely sick

    only problem is fans dont know jack about him. but who gives a shit

    but anarky was around when batman and ROBIN wee around…so….hinthint*

  5. Gutpunch says:

    Is that really his name Armie Hammer…Army Hammer. His dad must be a soldier.

  6. Gordon Shumway says:

    Baking soda toothpaste.

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