A Peek At Dorian Gray

Posted by on 16. 09. 2008in News Chat

Here you go Kristina! We have a few pictures from The Image Of Drian Gray for you guys to check out. For the rest of the set, please go to the source over at The Bad And The Ugly.

Dorian Gray 1-1

Dorian Gray 3-1

The walking stick is a manly accessory. If it contains a secret sword - all the better.

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17 Responses to “A Peek At Dorian Gray”

  1. Phil Gee says:

    Ha ha ha, we shall not hear the end of this from her until the flipping film comes out.

  2. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    oh wow..you know what? he looks perfect! even better then the other guy from that one retarded movie with the long name….someone help me out here…

  3. Kristina says:

    DO me DO me DO me!


    I’m okay. Thanks Doug!

  4. Kristina says:

    And Philly Gee, don’t be hatin’

  5. Freeman says:

    Is that supposed to be a smile in the second pic? lol

  6. krazie835 says:

    Ben Barnes is one hunky HUNK!!!!

  7. sonya says:

    The movie you are talking about is the The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen if I remember correctly.

  8. vargas says:

    My brother has a walking stick with a sword. He calls it a pimp cane.

    Looks like a period piece! I love stuff like that.

  9. Meli says:

    Yummmy!!! -swoons-

    Thanks for posting these for Kristina, Doug. Us girls need some eye candy around here. ;)

  10. Doug says:

    In that second pic, I can’t tell if he’s supposed to be smiling or he just shat himself.

  11. Anti-Septic says:

    The film premise really has great potential, even as a male viewer I would be interested in seeing it as long as they dont make it to much like a hallmark movie. Too much drama and I lose interest. My wife loves those Hallmark movies, bless her!

  12. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    i was going to say he TASTED shit but you beat me to it…

  13. Doug (not Nagy) says:


    Ha, sorry. Glad it’s not just me seeing it, though.

  14. HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:

    that would be a good “look at his face. tell us what you think hes thinking” post for doug nagy

    lol….he DOES look like he tasted shit….

    or got some to see if it was chocolate or poo and sayd “yup..poo” and hes wiping it in his pants (look at his right hand)

  15. Ekta says:

    When is this movie going to release ???
    I am dying to watch Ben as Sexy Dorian …..
    He’s damn Sexxxxxxxxxxxy !!!

  16. k says:

    my gosh, we definitely need more from this film! looks more goth and Ben Barnes is just eye candy even at his darkest moments! thank you for posting those *swoons*

  17. Harriette says:

    “HAZMAT_PWNS_ALL says:
    that would be a good “look at his face. tell us what you think hes thinking” post for doug nagy

    lol….he DOES look like he tasted shit….

    or got some to see if it was chocolate or poo and sayd “yup..poo” and hes wiping it in his pants (look at his right hand)”

    He does not look like that at all, he’s giving the paparazzi a dirty look.

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