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The Strangers Gets a Sequel

By Rodney - August 28, 2008 - 10:20 America/Montreal

A modest little filme called The Strangers managed to elude my attention amidst this summer rush of Blockbusters, but it is being hailed as quite the success. The Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman film had a $9 million budget and made about $54million. Score!

So in good Hollywood form, there will be a sequel.

IESB.net says:

Rogue Pictures has set in motion a sequel to its summer hit “The Strangers” and has set Bryan Bertino to return to write the script.

Bertino wrote the original and made his directing debut on the film; it’s yet to be determined whether he’ll helm the sequel.

The expectation is that Liv Tyler, along with several of the original villains, will return. Production is being slated for early 2009.

I wonder about the sequel stigma affecting this movie. I hadn’t even heard of the first one, and now I imagine with its success the stars would want to see a little more cash for the sequel raising its production costs.

With the exception of some major blockbuster titles, most sequels are not as successful as the first.

But with news of a sequel are you curious to seek out the first one?? I know I suddenly want to check it out.


  1. Mykrantz says:

    The movie was OK. The suspense was outstanding, but it would have been 100 times better if the first 3 minutes of the movie didn’t literally tell you how it ended. Unless the sequel involves Liv findin and slowly killing the 3 people who tortured her in the first movie, there is really no need for a part two.

  2. handle says:

    eh. First was aweful and I really was excited to see it. I thought the trailer was really effective. The film had a few jump scares but nothing more. It was predictable (it gave away the ending in the first 5 minutes, but you could of figured it out regardless). Only scene I liked was the last scene, while gruesome, was the only powerful scene in the film when the guy sees her wearing the wedding ring.

    Other than that I hated it.

  3. handle says:



    but Liv’s character died. As well as the guy.

  4. digital drew says:

    I didnt see it, but maybe the sequel will be about them making a movie about a true story.

  5. aaronk says:

    the film was border line unwatchable. c’mon! they told you the ending at the beginning, and while the suspence was pretty good, the 2 main character continuously did stupid/unrealistic things trying to get away.

    a sequel to this is truly a disgrace to the horror genre.

  6. parker says:


    I thought he first movie was alright, but the major flaw in it was that the two victims being terrorized had a freakin shotgun, and the people terrorizing them did not have any guns, and not only that, it was a guy who could barely breath and two teenage girls. If they started banging on my door and terrorizing me I would either beat the shit out of them or fucking blow them to peices with my shotgun.

    At least in vacancy(done by same people) the victims acted with some kind of sense.


  7. Dragonslayer says:

    @ Handle

    Or DID they? DUN DUN DUN!

  8. Mykrantz says:

    Sorry, about the spoilers, the movie has been out for months, so it din’t occur to me to post with the SPOILERS tag, I am sorry.

    That Said: ****SPOILERS AHEAD*****

    Liv’s character sat up and screamed at the missionary kid at the end for a last gotcha, so she isn’t dead, although she should be, since they show her being killed by the trio in masks.

    Again, there really is no need for a sequel, unless the victim turns the tables on the killers…

  9. Nate-O says:


    They showed her being stabbed not being killed….as seen in the last scence she did jump at that kid….so there’s a possibilty and besides she an ELF….duh

  10. joonavar says:

    YOOOOOOOOO…what’s with all the god damn spoilers??? This movie has only just come out over here…bit of respect peeps.

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