The Fly Opera

We have some news about David Cronenberg’s upcoming opera based on The Fly! We get the following scoop from the science caves of Yahoo:

David Cronenberg’s sci-fi terror movie “The Fly” has taken on a new life in the Canadian director’s first foray into the world of opera.

“The Fly,” described as a classical re-imagining of the 1986 movie about an eccentric scientist who turns into a massive fly, will open the new season at Los Angeles Opera in September with LA Opera director Placido Domingo conducting the orchestra.

The Fly is an opera that I would see! I remember seeing the original as a child and being creeped out. The fly mask is almost laughable now, but the quality of the acting in reaction to the reveal, more than made up for it. I prefer the original but didn’t mind the work of David Cronenberg. This is a remake that I actually enjoyed; as a rule I hate them, but this is a noted exception.

I think the story of The Fly will make for an excellent opera. The story of The Fly is a tragic tale told within the realm of science fiction. For its time the idea was absolutely brilliant and still stands up as an tale if the unforeseen dangers of science. I would very much like to see this in LA and hope I am able to get tickets in September.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Dragonslayer


  2. JohnIan

    Doug, here are images from the postcard advertisement…

  3. JohnIan

    Doug, here are images from the postcard advertisement…

  4. Mr. Chris

    “The Fly” as a musical. I love it!

  5. Anderton

    Hi guys, here’s a video of the opera when it opened in Paris last July :,,3901174,00-mouche-sur-planches-.html

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