Shyamalan gives Wahlberg’s Worst Advice

Mark Wahlberg is one of my favourite actors. I typically enjoy just about anything he is in. Well recently he got some advice from a guy he respects and calls him “a true artist”, M Night Shyamalan. But he calls that advice the worst he ever heard.

MTVMovies Blog

Because as Wahlberg related, when he saw his ucpoming weapons-toting hero Max Payne in the editing room, “I was like, ‘Yes! This is the sh-t I need to be doing! This is the stuff that makes people say, ‘You know what, you’re the man!’ This is it!’”

Which brings us to M. Night’s probably ill-fated recommendation. “[Night] gave me the worst advice he could have ever given me. He said, ‘After [‘The Happening’], you can never hold a gun again. You know that, right?’ I said, ‘Are you crazy?’ He said, ‘I’m serious, don’t ever hold a gun again.’ And I said, ‘I don’t know about that, man.’”

I don’t know. That’s like telling Van Damme to never do the splits again. Or telling Swayze, you got cancer, you should quit.

Just because he did it in a film that flopped doesn’t mean he should avoid those roles altogether. And it seems a little specific. Its not like he advised him never to do action again. It was just about guns.

If Max Payne flops (its potential success is hotly debated) then the ShamHammer might bark back a “toldya so” but I still don’t think it would hold much weight.

Imagine how many movies Walberg held a gun? Id wager its at least a third of his movies. Just sounds right. So one movie with a gun in hand that flops and his advice is to never go there again?

I haven’t seen the Happening, so I don’t know if there is some deeper meaning to his character and the gun, but this just sounds so random that it doesn’t make sense.

20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. leeloo

    m nite should stay away from the water.

  2. Reed

    All right, I’ll say it. Does his role in Boogie Nights count as “holding a gun”?

  3. Dirk Diggler

    Yes it does Reed Rothchild!!! Join me again in to make another kick ass movie… Brock landers and Chest Rockwell fight back

  4. Zuke

    Hasn’t Shamalamadingdong lost all credibility yet?

    Wahlberg was in a movie call Shooter, for Christ’s sake, which did very well. Shamalama needs to pull his head out and get a real job.

  5. Malfumax

    Hey John, The Happening was a movie about Wahlberg and others escaping an invisible force. They couldn’t kill it or shoot it, it was an unstoppable thing of nature. Shamhammer meant that after that, Max Payne shouldn’t even think about using a gun to kill every living thing in his way.

    But that’s total bulls**t.

  6. Rodney

    Malfumax…John didn’t write this. I am Rodney.

    Just sayin.

    I see where shamhammer was coming from but you are right.. That is a lame excuse to avoid shooter movies.

  7. 790

    Max Payne will come and go like any other shit movie.

  8. Rafa1215

    He probably wanted him for his next upcoming project

  9. Terry Letourneau

    Someone needs to give M Night Shyamalan advice on not directing any more.

  10. Johnny Boy

    or perhaps he meant that since Walberg played a teacher, he couldn’t play the bad guy anymore.

    Night is a great writer, but terrible director. And people just like to hate on him because its popular. None of his movies flopped except Lady in the water, which tells you that hthis guy is sticking around for a long time.

  11. parker

    Shooter was awesome, and the preview for max payne looks awesome. angels….gooood; demons……goood, gun fights……goood.

  12. bigsampson

    IM WITH parker i am a die hard fan of the game series…and i got to say they did a really good job it looks like….the sets look down right dead on….im just wondering how the dream sequences are going to work and i cant wait to see if they do the part where payne finds out who the bad “person” is in the first game……then he is all drugged up against swat like commandos VALKYRIE for those who dont know is the bestest greatest drug to hit a hood that resembles the crow movie…..GUNS ARE AWESOME IN VIOLENT MOVIES PERIOD…IMO shammy is a Rtard and needs to up his game…..the happening basically took everything cool from the movie SUICIDE CLUB except nature is the beat. shammhammer is a fraud that had 1 good idea then a bunch of crappy ones….he is like a hot women who sux in bed… the end its no fun.

  13. vargas

    >>Night is a great writer, but terrible director. And people just like to hate on him because its popular. None of his movies flopped except Lady in the water, which tells you that hthis guy is sticking around for a long time.<<

    Yeah. I used to feel this way too. Until The Happening. Shyamalamadingdong needs to take a step back and reevaluate his career. And giving stupid advice to actors should be the last thing on his list.

  14. Nixon

    Shamylan is a dumbass, he;s been down since after SIGN movie…

    The Village was the most dumbest movie i ever seen !

  15. BobaFett

    If you’ve seen “The Happening” (which I have), supposedly there was an original ending,


    That showed a team in a bunker in DC, talking about the effectiveness of the weapon and how it would leave the resources in tact but eliminate the population.

    This replaced the Paris Ending. In my opinion, that would change abit of the movie and explain a bit more. Instead of the crap we had instead.

  16. Bobsyeruncle

    I’m with the crowd here, who are saying that Sham’s worst advice was something like, “Hey, how ’bout investing your time in the continual downward spiral that is my directing career?”

  17. Malfumax

    Oh crap, sorry Rodney. Didn’t mean to forget you. Just typed John’s name without thinking about it.

  18. Matt K

    I think shyamalan put a gun to Wahlberg’s head to make him act that poorly in his “first R Rated picture for theaters”

  19. Flyer28

    M.Night is a washed up hack

  20. Ransom Betty

    I wanna see M. Night direct something that is actually watchable. It will probably have to be a movie he doesn’t write himself! As for Mark I think his career will be fine. Gun or NO gun.

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