Saw V Poster Online

They could make a million of these movies and they still couldn’t get me to watch another one of them. I saw the first one for the genius that it was. Great hook, over the top violence and gore. Lots of cringing moments. But then I lost interest.

But there appears to still be a market for it and people flock to these torture porn movies in droves so they make money. So I guess they have to push out as many as they can before the subgenre loses steam and some other type of horror becomes the “in thing”


10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ryan

    Even thought the saw series has lost its steam, the art for the film series IS great.

  2. Obi-wan kubrick

    It may have peaked with Saw 2 if you ask me but there is still something about these films that are exciting. I can’t wait to see Saw 5 on DVD in February 2009. They are pointless seeing in the theater. Better to wait and get the extra gore on DVD with bonus features, alternate endings, yada yada yada.

  3. Phil Gee

    More like:

    “You won’t believe it ends”

  4. Slushie Man

    I LOVED Saw 1-3, but hated Saw 4. I’ll give this one a chance, but I don’t really have a lot of hope for it.

  5. JordanC

    Oh wow. This is pretty funny; I can’t believe people are actually defending this pending abortion. All this winding and escalating nothingness from the previous films is classed as a good trilogy?

    Perhaps they should market this as a comedy, then they _may_ get some critics on their side.

    Totally agree:

  6. blockkhead

    They have twisted all of these sequals so much that I wouldn’t be suprised that John didn’t die in part 3. Maybe it was his twin brother named Fred or maybe in somebody kills the remaining New Kids on the Block.

  7. RareAddict

    Despite the horrible tagline (assuming that this is the official one), I am actually looking forward to this film. I haven’t lost interest in this series ‘yet’, with #3 being the only entry that I was not really a fan of. That said, I do hope that they wrap things up soon. There’s at least one more Saw movie planned after V, apparently, so….we’ll see.

  8. 790

    What’s the mystery, looks like it ends with some guy with a box on his head.

  9. Nixon

    i think movies liek this is just dumb and boring infact there is no different between this crap and Snuffs !!!

  10. HAZMAT

    this movie makes me sick. not the gore thats fine but i cant stand wathcing innocent dudes choping their own legs off. ugh i cant stand that shit!

    why or why isnt that guy in jail yet? locked up till he rots???

    (i know i know..just a movie..)

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