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Outlander Being Shipped Directly To DVD

By Doug - August 28, 2008 - 10:19 America/Montreal

It looks like the viking film Outlander may be heading directly to DVD. We get wind of this news from our friends at cinematical:

I think this’ll be my last Outlander post for a while; you’re probably sick of hearing about it by now. But I think I owe you this one as a matter of follow-through. You see, the buzz on the internets is that, as feared, the Weinstein Company is sending the nearly $50 million dollar Vikings-fight-aliens adventure film to direct-to-DVD oblivion.

The source of this semi-substantiated rumor is that a couple of online DVD retailers, such as Movies Unlimited and Amazon have listed a November 18th, 2008 release date for the movie, with Movies Unlimited now accepting pre-orders. No theatrical release date was ever announced, and needless to say, if the DVD release date is accurate, it rules out any sort of theatrical appearance. Important to note that there’s no official confirmation from the distributor on the DVD release, so this could all be one big mistake. But it doesn’t look good.

Aliens vs. Vikings! I would like to see this in theaters sure, but if it going direct to DVD means that I can get my hands on it faster then so be it! Vikings are bad ass and I am unsure why more quality raiding films have not yet been made. We meet the vikings, they sack a monastery, kill the monks, steal the booty and return home to celebrate the plunder - roll credits.

I will hunt this film down when it becomes available and gladly review it for all of you. I just hope it’s better than Pathfinder. Vikings vs. Natives sounded awesome as well, but it certainly didn’t deliver.

In the name of Odin, the all-father and by the roots of Yggdrasil the world tree; I hope for excellence.


  1. Scott says:

    It looks like it’s already been yanked from both Amazon and Movies Unlimited. Bummer. Maybe this means there will be a theatrical release after all though. Keep us posted!

  2. dollarllama says:

    I am sorta glad about this because the Weinstein Company seems to be raising the bar for the straight to DVD movies. I know that a decent chunk of their DVD releases are crap but then again there are gems like Hunting Party which was excellent.

  3. AD says:

    Yeah, the date was eroneous. So it’s a bit of a shame that people were jumping the gun and calling it Direct to DVD.

  4. n says:

    Direct to dvd spells stinker!

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