This entry was posted on Thursday, August 28th, 2008 at 7:18 am.
Categories: News Chat.

I caught this trailer online for a new “Britcom” series coming out that kind of reminds me of the live action Tick show combined with Friends and some british accents with a side order of MysteryMen. Just a bunch of superheroes hanging out off duty - at a pub for off duty superheroes.

Tiger Aspect, the same studio that brought us Mr Bean, The Catherine Tate Show (Do I look Bovvered?) BBC’s Robin Hood and Secret Diary of a Call Girl brings us No Heroics this fall.

My fav is Timebomb.

I’m going to stalk this show like that girl who said no to me at prom.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Johnson

    I’m kinda skeptical as it’s being shown on ITV here in the UK and ITV hasn’t produced anything worth watching in a looooong time imo, although i’ve got my fingers crossed this works.

  2. T-Vo

    British TV puts on much better sitcoms than the US Does. Want proof? Spaced and Snuff Box. Youtube them.

  3. EricD

    I can only understand about half of what they say, but it looks cool. I would check it out.

  4. chris (the real one)

    lol…i liked it….hoping this comes stateside

  5. Jen176

    that just looks so awesome

  6. lucaslavia

    looks funny, if it does go stateside tho it’d probably a completely different series like the office or life on mars

  7. Sherrie


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