Mummy 4

Posted by John Campeaon 04. 08. 2008in News Chat

To me The Mummy franchise has been like a bowl of ice cream. Totally empty calories, zero nutritional value, but for one reason or another I’ve enjoyed consuming them to a certain extent. That was, up until The Mummy 3 which was just a horrible movie.

Don’t get me wrong. The Mummy 3 does have its moments and I like where they were trying to go with it, but I just found the execution failed to get me into the movie. Does that mean The Mummy series should die now? Well… maybe not. I still think there is potential in the characters and world of The Mummy, and maybe one major strike out doesn’t mean all hope is lost… but a lot of enthusiasm is.

There is already talk about a Mummy 4 film. As a matter of fact, director Rob Cohen is practically guaranteeing there will be another installment (he should probably hold off on guarantees until after he sees the box office results). And not only will there be another Mummy film (by his prediction) but that the next one will probably take place in South America.

The good folks over at MTV give us this:

When we spoke to Maria Bello in February, she was adamant that there would be more “Mummy” movies, even going so far as to predict the fourth would take place in the Amazon. When we caught up with Fraser a few months later, he suggested Peru. Geographically, they were too close for coincidence. We wondered then, somewhat rhetorically, did they talk about it with each other beforehand? You bet, Cohen said, declaring that Peru or Mexico would absolutely be the setting for “Mummy 4.”

Ok, if there is going to be a Mummy 4, then I’ll say that I like the idea of moving geographical locations around the world, and South America could be a great setting for it. But having said that… is doing a Mummy 4 a good idea in the first place? Yes, I think there is potential, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea necessarily.

So what do you think? Is The Mummy 4 a good idea? If so, what would you think about it relocating to South America (or Mexico)?

This post was written by :

John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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105 Responses to “Mummy 4”

  1. melbye says:

    They should really see how the Box Office works out first. It got beat by Dark Knight in it’s 3rd week for heaven’s sake. I don’t think the public has any interest in this franchise anymore. I bet Mummy 3 will fall to fourth place this weekend

  2. Ides_of_March says:

    Just watched last Saturday. I enjoyed it somewhat. I agree with John’s review that some of the dialog was lame. The main reason I went was to see Jet Li.

    If there is going to be another Mummy, the dialog has to improve. I just couldn’t believe Fraser’s line, “Here we go again”. I mean c’mon, that’s the best they could do?

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    Aztec mummies are just fine; Mummy 4 is not.

  4. kanthan says:

    if it makes money then why not?

  5. Jake Vermont says:

    @Ides of March
    Ok firstly i have to admit that i havent seen MuMmy3 so far because in germany it starts on august the 7th
    I recently watched the first 2 MuMmy movies and u know what? Rick O’Connel speaks like that…. he is that sort of guy who really speaks like that so there is no rule broken when he says that line
    he is the funny, fighting guy who is a lil dumb thats totally ok…. the movie keeps its line…. of course its weak thats right but the dialogues had the same style in The MuMmy and The MuMmy Returns so what? thats ok… it is its style my goodness
    I’m sure im going to like it anyway no matter what anybody says…

    @ John

    Didnt Doug do the review for The MuMmy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor? So how many points would you give the Movie?

  6. Slushie Man says:

    Loved the first and 3rd, hated the second. I’m all for this one.

  7. Andrew says:

    No Rachel Weisz, no reason to continue the franchise.

  8. charles says:

    To me The Mummy should be have been dead franchise for a long time. The first movie was good, but clearly nothing fantastic, and they already found a way to produce a prequel, a sequel and a treequel. Now there is talk of a 2nd prequel and then Mummy 4? They would have turned an original movie that rates 53% on RT and 48% on Metacritics (with decreasing ratings on the following films) into a 6-movies grand epic?

    This ain’t the Star Wars universe, nor LOTR, and the caracters are nowhere near pop culture icon status (Indy, Batman). I don’t understand what makes them (the studio) authorize these films. Based on what potential?

  9. John says:

    Hey Andrew,

    I have to disagree with you. I love Rachel Weisz as an actress… but let’s face it… she sucked in The Mummy movies. I didn’t miss her in Mummy 3 at all.

  10. Jake Vermont says:

    @ John
    Please, your rating on Mummy3….. I’d really like to know it.

  11. Seth Rex says:

    I’m with John. While I did like Rachel Weiz in Mummy 1 and 2, the movies are not dictated by the actors. The actors don’t make the movies. Sure the role was technically written for her, but that doesn’t mean that someone can’t fill her shoes. Look. I said this in the actual reveiw, but I loved the 3rd Mummy movie, and I’ve liked ALL mummy related movies, including the first Scorpion King movie. So would I like to see a 4th? Sure. They better have John Hannah though in the 4th, as i’d love to see what Jonathan says about Mummies in Peru :-P

  12. PADTHAI says:

    I truly don’t get you, John Campea.
    You didn’t like Mummy 3, and I presume you don’t really care a whole lot about the characters.
    Why the heck do you want a Mummy 4 or care about it enough to write a post about it?

  13. PADTHAI says:

    ok sorry.. i didn’t really read your post.. LOL. my bad!!!
    guess you already answered my questions

  14. Slushie Man says:

    I felt Maria Bello did just as good a job, if not better, then Rachel Weiz did in that same role.

  15. BobaFett says:

    I liked both Mummys 1 and 2 and the Scorpion King. I think there will be a Mummy 4 based on B.O. The general rule of thumb is it makes a 33% of the total BO in the first weekend (domestic). The second weekend drop is usually around 50%. Obviously when you have blockbusters that changes, but Mummy3 has already made almost 100M worldwide. That’s 66% of the budget already!

    I look at this release a bit like Jumper, bad reviews, tepid writing, but it still made money. The question is: Is the money enough to justify another? I’ll be waiting for Mummy3 on Blu-Ray.

  16. Britt says:

    I got a pretty good deal of enjoyment out of Mummy 1 & 2, and even had a little bit of fun with The Scorpion King. But this third installment just sucked so doggone hard.

    I was worried as soon as this started being billed as “A ROB COHEN FILM”. Yeah, that Rob Cohen is an auteur extroidonaire. His directing “prowess” was on full display here.

    I cringed every time the son opened his mouth in his film, and never could deal with him looking more like Fraser’s brother than his kid.

    Maria Bello was miserable. She couldn’t nail the accent, but it seemed to be the only thing she was thinking about as she acted. I normally like her, but not here. Also, was all the sexual tension between mother and son really necessary? I’m sure ole Mr Cohen thought he was going all high-brow with the constant Oedipal suggestion.

    The script was about as bad as they come. The editing was weak. Just awkwardly bad execution all around. I’m surprised Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh lowered themselves to this.

    Get rid of Bello and Cohen and a 4th might be fun.

  17. Chris says:

    Peru would be perfect! I really dig the whole “everywhere I go, I raise the dead” formula they’ve got going on now and there’s so much history about that in South America.

    If anything, this franchise has already managed to establish itself as being consistently silly, so they can go to town with it where ever they want.

    I really look forward to all the “STOP RAISING MUMMIES” dialog we get in the sequels.

  18. Learnfilm says:

    Saw the Mummy yesterday very disappointed nothing special If there will be Mummy 4 I hope it will be much better

  19. aaron says:

    no!! stop with the franchise. the mummy 3 sucked and therefore ruined everything, a fourth one would be suicide

  20. Kristina says:

    Mummy 3 opened with less money than the FIRST film. That should be a sign to the studio that the public is no longer interested in tripe like the Mummy franchise.

  21. John says:

    Hey Kristina,

    I have to disagree with you. The fact is it made over $40 million while a little film called “The Dark Knight” is still steam rolling to becoming the second biggest box office movie in history. No one will look at that as any sort of indication at all.

  22. 790 says:

    Worry about the script more than the location,,,,perhaps.

  23. Slushie Man says:

    “the public is no longer interested in tripe like the Mummy franchise”

    Maybe you should let people speak for themselves. Honestly, the only people I know who DON’T like it, are movie nerds like us, on sites like this. Every single person I know personally, off the net, really enjoyed it.

  24. Paul says:

    I loved Mummy 3.
    It was better than The Dark Knight, Mummy had field goaling Yeti… three. THREE YETI. The best Yetis I’ve ever seen, not that there’s much competition, the last one was in Monster’s Inc.
    Basically, Mummy’s a fun movie, and everyone hates it. Has everyone forgotten how to occasionally have FUN?
    Bring on more MUMMY Movies! It wasn’t even trying to be a main course summer movie like Iron Man or Wall-E… It’s AUGUST, this is the whipped cream left on the side of the bowl, what’s wrong with enjoying a movie for being fun, when that’s all it ever wanted to be?

  25. bigsampson says:

    paul serioulsy are you ok….i watched both movies and man tdk was just a awesome movie….i even like the fact that bale made his voice sound retarded….cause i mean every one knows what bruce wayne sounds like….on the other hand the mummy 3 was basically a really crappy movie with 2 scenes that have par level cgi…nothing major just good in the situation it was used in…like jogn said…when the clay guys mold back together is good…i thought the dragon was just plain lame…any wats to say that it was better then the dark knight makes me wonder if you worked on this movie somehow…cause thats just sad.

  26. Doran says:

    To me, I think their over doing it. The first mummy was nice, second was good, third ok, and now fourth!?!? I really don’t like when movie makers, aka producers, over do a movie and really beat it.

    Hopefully I am wrong, and this will turn out good, but time will tell..

  27. Free Credit Provide says:

    To me, I think their over doing it. The first mummy was nice, second was good, third ok, and now fourth!?!? I really don’t like when movie makers, aka producers, over do a movie and really beat it.

    Hopefully I am wrong, and this will turn out good, but time will tell.

  28. TericK says:

    maybe they will do a 4th movie straight to dvd with only the jonathan guy the brother as from the original cast lol

  29. Good Film Review says:

    I really hope there is not a Mummy 4. I don’t know how it would be any good. You’re overview of Mummy 3 seems to be spot on based on what I’ve read (very similar to’s movie review

  30. RantingMan says:

    If they killed off Alex and Evelyn, I’d be keen to watch Mummy 4. Bring in an actress that has better chemistry with Fraser

  31. Movie Freak says:

    OMG!!!!! I’m a mummy fan the 1st and second were really good and the 3rd was good (I miss the real Evie) but I would love to see a 4th. Maria Bello even signed on for 3 more sequels. I think it would be great. (Hopefully they don ‘t recast anyone this time!!!)

  32. :P says:

    I think a Mummy 4 is a good idea but in Mexico?I’m tired of Mexico.
    It should definetly take place in Peru.There would be so much more to it.

  33. y says:

    Well, to tell the truth The Mummy 1&2 are good, Scorpian King good story but a bit of bad acting and as for The Mummy 3 goodness everyone was good, with exception of Maria Bello (cold, ridgid, and not her style, especially the accent?) Luke Ford (bad american accent or whatever that was. When the son was first introduced he has an english accent because he’s born and raised in england, so should of kept that) and Isabella Leong (pretty doesn’t always work, bad accent). only watched it because of Brendan, John, and Jet Li. I say they should of fixed the script and waited for Rachel Weisz, so she could of reprised her role. Then maybe the movie would of been at #1 in the box office. The movie was missing that chemistry, spark, that magic that made it so lovable. It was more like the life got squeezed out of it at times and restored for a split second. Either way i would buy it when it comes out on dvd, since i already own the first two. As for the supposedly up coming of The Mummy 4 in Peru, sounds good. I really hope that they take their time in writing the script and to cast the original cast back from The Mummy 1. Also to make better choices on the casting for new characters aswell.

  34. beka says:

    i personally think the mummy 3 is best of them all yeh i miss rachel wiez but what can we do if she didnt want to return.

    it was a better come back than the other indiana jones movie cos i didnt fall asleep during mummy 3 so that got to tell you someting.

    maria bello had to be a bit poor but it wasnt her thing she didnt ruin the movie at all

    it was awesome and i’d be glad to see a forth shot in peru specially seen as johnathon moved there to get away from mummies at the end of the 3rd one which should be funny.

  35. bloodmage478 says:

    yeah mummy 3 had major problems
    no racheal weisz

    no oded fehr {he is an awesome character}

    no alex {dont know his name}

    and story was pretty same………

  36. Dwayne Anderson says:

    Hi the mummy 3 was great but the mummy 4 will be even better i think u should have the mummy that was on mummy 1 and mummy 2 on the mummy 4 and it should take place in peru or south America. Hope it succeed

  37. Lily says:

    I would love to see a 4th installment to the series. I really liked TotDE. I thought it was great!!

  38. John says:

    Mummy 4 filming! There is a new Mummy movie in production and I think it will be called The Mummy 4: Rise of The Aztec (2010) I do not have much Information of the films production and I am excited about the installment to the Mummy movies.

    The Mummy Returns Reminds me of 2001 and when the the 3rd film came out I couldn’t believe it was 7 years I almost cried were did my life go.

  39. julian says:

    I think there should be a mummy 4 and 5 if there is one
    i think it should be called : Rise of madusa
    and all same actors
    And 5 it can be called mummy:Temple of doom

  40. fillet says:

    we want Rachel Weisz to play Evelyn Carnarvon O’connell in the next mummy movie/s.. There is something between Mr. Brendan Frasier and Ms. Rachel Weisz in the past Mummy Movies. Cast them together… AGAIN!!! PLS!!!

  41. John says:

    I don’t want to dissappoint anybody but I think Brendan Fraser agreed to 3 mummy movies it is said that Luke Ford will carry the torch for Fraser in the next Mummy movie. I do not no for sure he might be in it but i heard he agreed to 3 mummy movies. I think Alex should Marry Lin and they have a family and they save the world I’m saying that because in every mummy movie they go like ten years ahead so Rick and Evey are retired and a believe that was there last mission and I think their tired of saving the world. Rob Cohen is to make The Mummy 4,5,and 6 the movie series is likely to end at that that time it will be 1970 something so Alex will probably be retiring at the time. Remember they are making another Mummy. The Mummy 4: Rise of the Aztec.

  42. John says:

    I don’t want to dissappoint anybody but I think Brendan Fraser agreed to 3 mummy movies it is said that Luke Ford will carry the torch for Fraser in the next Mummy movie. I do not no for sure he might be in it but i heard he agreed to 3 mummy movies. I think Alex should Marry Lin and they have a family and they save the world I’m saying that because in every mummy movie they go like ten years ahead so Rick and Evey are retired and a believe that was there last mission and I think their tired of saving the world. Rob Cohen is to make The Mummy 4,5,and 6 the movie series is likely to end at that that time it will be 1970 something so Alex will probably be retiring at the time. Remember they are making another Mummy.

  43. dave says:

    I dont think Italian-americans look like a british people so maria bello looked wrong. Also her accent sounded like a bad impersonation of the Queen, which is also pretty ignorant of peoples and customs.
    Finally Alex was Blonde, now hes become reddish-Brown, Bad continuity.

  44. Rodney says:

    Because “British people” look a certain way? Thats weak.

    Not saying you have to like her, but the fact that you identify her as “Italian American” just shows that she could be from any culture living anywhere.

    She might have had a poor accent, but that combined with complaining over hair colour and your presumptions about her heritage are all pretty shallow.

  45. Paul Jones says:

    its quite obvious that the 3rd installment of this franchise didnt met everyone’s expectations, like the 1st and 2nd movie did..but to me the whole series is good, even if the 3rd film doesnt include Rachel Weisz or Oded is their prerogative if they did not want to reprise their former roles, so why are some people pointing to this as the main issue of the film?

    but honestly, a 4th film would be decent enough to put an ending to this more 5th and 6th film installment, please..Otherwise that’ll hurt this series further…

  46. Ben says:

    There is definitely so much culture and history in Peru to create a story of quest for immortality…it would take profound imagination but the inca empire would be very intriguing. There are more than 10 emperors to be used … you can maybe use all of them in a roll… maybe the lost city of gold “el dorado” of the inca empire can be made more into reality than just a myth with the mummy 4…. so much, so much….the perfect name for it would be…in my opinion…
    “The MuMmy
    Rise of the Inca”

  47. Paul Jones says:

    Maria Bello stated that shee signed for a total of 3 more Mummy films…please Universal Studious, just a 4th film will do…where will the 5th and 6th film will take place? Africa? Philippines? Ireland?

  48. John says: will tell you everything in 2010 the website will change to The Mummy Rise of the Aztec with a teaser trailer and all that crap.

  49. John says:

    Yes prob in 2009 they will have The Mummy Rise of The Aztec and a teaser trailer and the website will grow by 2010. 2010 is to far away.

  50. Michele says:

    Really missed Rachel Weisz…the chemistry just wasn’t there for me. Bring her back or I won’t be back to see Mummy 4.

  51. MAX says:

    there will definitely be a mummy 4 and 5-

    The Mummy 4: Rise of the Aztec (2010)
    The Mummy 5: The Golden Eye of the Saphire (2013), possibe title
    The Mummy 6: TO BE CONFIRMED

  52. MAX says:


  53. shiloh says:

    is brendan fraser ganna be in the mummy 4, 5, and 6?….lets just say if he isnt i wont be seeing them,!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. cherish says:

    luke ford was awesome as Alex, so glad he is signed for another 3 instalements, AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE, OI OI OI….
    however im sending major prayers to the big guy above that brendan fraser is also in the next 3 sequels…. 2 hotties in one, yummy yummy yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. shiloh says:

    i must say that maria bella was actually better at playing evie then rachael weis, im glad she has signed for the next 3 mummies too….

  56. John says:

    The Mummy: The Golden Eye Of The Saphire (2013) Awsome title who ever made that is genious. My friend is an awsome drawer and is making ideas for the mummy rise of the aztec and well idk how we are going to send them in to Rob Cohen.

  57. KAREN says:

    Sorry Guys, Saw Mummy3. No Rachel. New girl awful. Not a decent accent or personality. No chemistry with Brendan either. BRING BACK RACHEL AND THE REST OF THE CAST PLEASE FOR MUMMY4

  58. ginger says:

    NO please …. if they must make another bring back the original Evie!!! Make her smart — could you really see Evie writing a romance novel? I could see her writing a book on ancient cultures, but not a romance novel … and I hope they get better dialogue too … I know, Mummy movies are supposed to be just fun, but c’mon … even porn has to have some sort of plot to work.

    This one seemed so formulated that it is almost scary to think that the next one will be like.

  59. katy says:

    i want to be a part of the movie!!! IM PERUVIAN!!!!

  60. Tej says:

    there will definetly be a mummy 4. it is supposed to focus on Rick being immortal as well as Peru mummies but apparently Brendan Fraser wants to do a sequel to Journey To The Centre of The Earth instead so they will probably replace him. so sad. maria bello and luke ford will also be in it. one piece of good news is that Rob Cohen now has a bad proffessional reputation and someone else-hopefully better-will direct mummy 4. i might watch it but i don’t think i’ll like it. i just want Rachel Weisz bak. i loved her as Evy. she inspired me so much. she made Evy someone to be admired, to be looked up to. she showed me it was good to be smart and made me proud(i’m really smart) so I JUST WANT RACHEL WEISZ BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. Mr. Zee says:

    The mummy three was a failed attempt to bring back the franchise: it just wasn’t the same. Cohen spent half of the movie trying to convince us that Maria was really Evy, when he should have just had her killed off. As much as i hat to say that, the movie would have been another level up had they killed of Evy. There could have been a scene in the beginning, at a dig, where Evy goes in to find something, and winds up dying. That way, Rick could have been remarried, but still sort of disheveled, like he was in the third one. The estrangement between Rick and Alex could have also come from this, and Rick could have been not as great of a dad because Evy was dead. That could also explain why Jonathon moved to china. there was so much potential in this movie, but it just failed to engage the audience. And i also just want Rachel back!

  62. Rachel says:

    I think it was an pretty good movie actually, but they should’ve brought Rachel Weisz back! It would be pretty cool of they made another one.

  63. Rachel says:

    Bring the original Evy back!!

    • erica roades age 11 says:

      i agree 110% with rachel they should bring the original evie back


  64. vika in indonesia says:

    i think,if rachel weist play again with branden faser of next the mummy,that will be good better..and i hope rachel play again in the mummy as evylin..

    • erica roades says:

      i read something on another site where they talked to fraser and he said that he felt a connection with rachel and that he couldnt hear maria bello talking without hearing rachels voice so they need to bring back rachel and i think that fraser wants her back too

  65. Augusta says:

    If they don’t bring Rachel back, they will just kill the Mummy franchiase totally. I think they should have killed her in 3, so they could bring her back in 4.

  66. Augusta says:

    If they don’t bring Rachel back, they will just kill the Mummy franchiase totally. I think they should have killed her in 3, so they could bring her back in 4.

  67. vika in indonesia says:

    oh yeah..i think like augusta..can producer take back rachel again in the mummy,like first the mummy and the mummy return..i want rachl play again in the mummy as evy…plese..come back rachel…

  68. vika in indonesia says:

    why..rachel don’t play again in the mummy..if the mummy don’t have rachel staring as evy..the mummy must stop.!!!!please take rachel in the mummy..i want rachel..just rachel as body can like rachel… mariah bello is good actrees but she’s can’t like rachel..plase producer take rachel come back to as evylin..
    vote me alright..!!

    • erica roades says:

      the mummy MUST stop until they bring rachel back!!!!!!!!!! NOONE can play evie like RACHEL!!!!!! and im only 11 and i vote AGAINST maria bello as evie

  69. vika in indonesia says:

    Rob Cohen take RAchel to starting as Evy..

    • erica roades says:

      i do to if they dont bring rachel back they might as well rip my heart out i loved rachel im only 11 why dont they bring the original alex (freddie boath) back if they dont they can just go back to australlia for the fith one where the new alex is from

  70. jose says:

    i think the aztec mummies would be the next bext sequal. would broaden your fan base to the latin culture

  71. vika in indonesia says:

    ha ha ha..but i think Rob Cohen can give tht mummy’s fans a new film..and play in it film is Rachel Weisz,Branden Fraser,John Hannah..that can will be suprise to fans in indonesian..i hope Rob Cohen take this ide..

  72. maria says:

    before making movie 4 of the mummy…
    please settle the problems of the movie 3 first,,,

    movie 3 is good but sooo disappointing….

  73. maria says:

    before making movie 4 of the mummy…
    please settle the problems of the movie 3 first,,,

    movie 3 is good but sooo disappointing….
    - the old director of the first 2, im begging you please come back and handle this spectacular movie,,, would you like your precious movie to be hated and critisized by millions of people because of this movie crap… (no offense but the movie is great but it wouldn’t steal the greatness of the first 2 mummy sequel,,, i mean come on, the first two has a plot a real plot,,, and not sci-fi plot that a seven year old can predict!!!! HELLO!!!)

    second: The leading lady, Rachel Weisz should be re-casted again,, the movie decreased it’s quality because the sexy, brave, english librarian that everyone loved has been suddenly lost in the movie,,, i really loooked forward to it but when i saw the movie all i can say is,, it would be more fun if Rachel Weiz was there,,,, no offense but fir the mummy 3 eve: pls. your not suitable to do the part your hair, the way you talk, it’s so trying hard…. believe me, you should compare yourself acting, in the first 2 than what you have done ryt in this movie.,

    third the son of O’conells, where is the cute, admirale accent, in real life evethough a person grewa up it’s general characteristics wouldn’t change the physical appearance, and tone of voice could change but the accent,,,, (to the director: have ever considered it???) i think maybe the kid from the movie 2 should have done the part…

    ( im a student of arts, and mass communication, so i know some of the stuffs that went wrong….

    - fact-
    china??-snow man??? did not match
    person turning into dragon??? — mummy connection?? (awkward)… please please someone in the movie please reas this and take an advise from the fans,,, im not speaking alone, we are many, my friends, my schoolmates, colleages, etc… also said the same critizism….

    -Thank YOu

    • erica roades says:

      rachel weisz:please come back to the set for the mummy 4
      freddie boath:please come back luke ford can’t play alex 4ever
      maria bello:no offennse but i really think the real evie (weisz) should come back
      director:can u please solve those problems im an 11 year old and im begging you my aunts,my uncles, my cousins, grandpas, grandmas, mom, dad, and i love the series and want those problems solved

  74. theseus says:

    if they would re-cast rachel wiesz i’d definitely see the mummy 4… the mummy 3 eve is horrible… esp in the action scenes… i loved the 2nd movie where anksunamun and nefertiri fought… and the mummy 3 eve can’t hold a candle to that…

    it’s not true that the actors don’t make the movie… if your actors suck… you won’t be able to see the character they’re trying to portray…


    The Mummy 3 Eve is soooooooooooooo boring…

  75. victoria says:

    I think they should do it in Peru there it is a lot of culture there, I been there and its really pretty!

  76. Erica Roades says:

    i think there should be a mummy 4. but i think that rachel weisz should be in it. and i think it should be in peru. im a big fan of rachel weisz and im only 11, seriously.

  77. EdLac says:

    I believe it should be in Machu Picchu Peru because is very mysteric place too explore and is a nice setting of a knew mummy, with diferent magic. If you put Machu Picchu vertical you could see a face from one side, you could use that for one huge special effect, make the mouth burst with volcanic ash.

  78. Jthauser says:

    Um, I believe that its going to be a great movie, anyways all movies are about is a Good script, good seller, and other peoples thoughts.
    So in that case I believe 100% that its ggoing to bea complete success, in other peoples words it could be a failure.
    But I think my vote is going to win like rain falling from the sky, Its Gonna Happen.
    I think it makes sense going to south america, whats mummy about that place, not historic people like Aztecs or Mayans, but I can see why there going that way cause the history behind is huge and theres already talks about the calander of the end of the world planted there by the Mayans so I think it might deal with an idea of that sort, or it maybe about the old Aztec based rituals.1-3 mummy movies all 5 STARS.
    I just think anywhere but Canada and America, also Off cost Islands and sort shouldn’t be an option, if they plan on Middle the Continents for another movie after the fourth one like, Jerusalem.
    That would stir a junk Load of people up about Mummys.

  79. hanif says:

    i think rachel wieze shoud be in all the mummy series

  80. kate says:

    I agree they really should bring rachel weisz back she was perfect for this roll. Rachel, Rick and Jonathan have great chemistry. It would really be fantastic if some how you can bring back most of original cast back imotep, anksunamun, artis, etc. in the desert or at least somewhere hot.

  81. jOE hAWTHORNE says:

    I really would like for rachel weisz to comeback
    on the 4th mummy sequel.

  82. kelly says:

    I did like the last movie but, changing casts seriously no good ….
    Maria did a good job but as many people agree we miss Rachel Weisz..

  83. youssef says:

    rachel weisz should be in the 4th one

  84. Marilyne says:

    I agree, they must bring back Rachel Weisz. Maria was good in the actions scenes, however I didn’t felt that she was really Evie. Please they must bring back Rachel. I liked the 3rd, but I LOVED the first and the 2nd movie. The mummy isn’t the same anymore.


  85. louis says:

    wtf is with yah the mummy and the mummy return i fell in love with those movies one thing is because its about Egypt second the characters . idk why they change the settings of Egypt with china hell no ,there’s more stuff about Egypt they could do and if there making part 4 i whant the old characters back Brendan Fraser
    Rachel Weisz
    John Hannah and there son Freddie Boath couse egypt is the best

  86. kevin says:

    bring back the old characters from the mummy and the mummy return please i beg of u my lil bro was desapionted when he heard that bredan fraser was out now the mummy 4 will suck Bredan fraser Bredan fraser Bredan fraser Bredan fraser Bredan fraser Rachel Weisz Rachel Weisz Rachel Weisz Rachel Weisz Rachel Weisz Rachel Weisz Rachel Weisz John Hannah Rachel Weisz John Hannah John Hannah John Hannah John Hannah John Hannah John Hannah John Hannah John Hannah John Hannah Boath Freddie Boath Freddie Boath Freddie Boath

  87. jawdgas says:

    Egypt lol there more stuff egypt they can do imhotep was not the only guy in egypt lmaooooooo there lots of thing in egypt it will be way better lol bring ther characters back evy from the mummy 3 suck real bad like come on just bring them back our words shuld mean alot couse where the ones who pay to see it and make it a better movie with out the fans u guys wont make no money what so ever lol so it our opinions or no movie couse i aint gana see it with boring characters

  88. Paul says:

    I believe Mummy 4 should be made Start the picture in Mexico which a chase thru South Anerica. I also think that Rachel Weisz should be brought back There was a chemistry between the characters she and Fraser portrayed that was missing in Mummy 3

  89. Erni says:

    i love the mummy movies but u need to bring back the woman from the frist two movies and mummy 4 will be alot better. yes i would love to see a mummy 4. please make one.

  90. tyluv3 says:

    I think lin and alex should be together

    check this out:

    Lin left Alex, so he becomes a drunk ladykiller

    So in an effort to stop him from ruining his life, they take him on a rat race to find an old mummy

    One of the other contestants: Lin and her new beau(should be played by rufus sewell, he makes a great villian hehe)

    There should be a love triangle between the two

    So maybe Lins new man probaly made her leave alex because he threatend to kill alex if he doesnt help her with something

  91. Jodi says:

    PLEASE if there is Mummy 4, do all in they can to bring back RACHEL WEISS to the Evey charactor. The combination of the orginal cast is what makes the Mummy movies GOOD. PLEASE BRING RACHEL BACK….

  92. Yadira says:

    I want to see again Rachel Wiesz as Evelyn, it wasn´t chemestry between Mario Bello and Brendan Fraiser, it just feel like something was missing when I saw the movie. It was ok the movie but i didn´t like that Alex become a bad son who hates his father, Rick save his life why he became a rebel?, i don´t why the relationship of Evie and Rick was weak, they fight sometimes in the third movie, in the first movie we all know why, but in the second movie they were so in love, and in this one there have some problems.
    There its a lot of the mummy series, old movies, cartoons, but if they are going to change characters, because rumors says that maybe rick will dissappers from the movies, well its better if they do tv series with other actors, that maybe will have some success.
    Yes i will see the 4 movie but i will rent it, other rumors say that Rick will continue in the series because he drink of the eternal life fountain, but i dont know, when the times go by what about his wife and son?

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