Mirrors Review

Thanks for checking out our Mirrors review.

The General Idea

Plot synopsis pilfered from IMDB: An ex-cop and his family are the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home

The Good

The music was the best part of this film. I am no suspense/horror aficionado, but I am starting to learn how important a quality score is to the genre. The music set up so many “gotcha” moments very well and added an eerie air about the film. The score not only made this film better, but managed to make it work.

To match the moody music we have creepy visuals all over the place and of course the use or mirrors. Even when something crazy isn’t happening, you’re still searching the screen for every reflective surface possible, just to get some sort of leg up on where the next threat may come from. Using reflections as the enemy was a kick ass idea and really scared the hell out of me. I may be a horror lightweight, and take that into consideration; but I had the willies throughout the entire film.

There is a bathtub death scene in this film that was fucking grotesque and very graphic. I was surprised to see something like this in a suspense style film, and although I consider it something the film should be proud if, others may consider it the opposite.

The Bad

Within the realm of this story, you try to figure out what is happening, only to discover that no logic, cohesion or care is being paid to continuity or sense. In a film like this, you usually find out more as you go along, eventually putting all the pieces together. In this film, we are left in the dark in regards to the mirrors and their happenings. It is like we are given a bunch of puzzle pieces that never fit together. I wish I could be more descriptive - but I don’t want to give away spoilers.

The film ends in a twilight zone twist that was unnecessary, because it to made no sense. You are left asking why and how, and to the best of my ability - I could answer neither. I was hoping by the end all the frayed chaotic loose ends would somehow be stitched together, but sadly we are left with another unanswerable happening.


Despite the movie’s flaws I still jumped on a few occasions and actually yelled “what the fuck” at the screen once. As a story, Mirrors is not the best, but as an experience I was frightened and in that, it succeeded in what it set out to do. Out of 10, I would give mirrors a satisfactory mark of 6.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. aaron

    i actually gave the movie a 9. it scared the crap out of me

  2. handle

    Not getting so great reviews. 6 doesn’t seem all that bad. I want to see it simply because I’ve very much enjoyed Aja’s previous films. He can take tired ideas and make them seem very fresh and exciting. This movie looks like the same sort of deal.

  3. handle

    OH and I loved the music in his remake of the Hills Have Eyes. Wonder if the same people did the music.

  4. aaron

    it was a great movie


    The jaw pulling scene was really disgusting. Absolutely, I was shocked that put that in it.
    But then, I saw Kiefer cry and tear apart after seeing her dead body. There was something about it that was really funny.
    Kiefer’s character might as well have been Jack Bauer though.

  6. leeloo

    an asian horror film with wtf rules?
    thats gotta be a first.

  7. Dragonslayer

    I’m not really interested. I’m not a horror fan (though I really wanna see The Descent), and the only two things that I consider horror that I’ve seen are The Orphanage and The Sixth Sense.

  8. Frankie23

    “The film ends in a twilight zone twist that was unnecessary, because it to made no sense.”

    Sounds like typical Aja. Check out his film “High Tension”. Great movie, but there’s a twist at the end which almost totally destroys it for most people who’re taken unawares.

  9. Jon

    I’m really not liking this trend of taking Asian horror films and “Americanizing” them. The movies are flashier, shinier, and have better visual effects but the heart is gone. It’s like for some reason the need for a plot is no longer a requirement. They’re remaking tale of two sisters and I’ll bet they’ll destroy that movie as well.

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