This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 7:24 am.
Categories: News Chat.

All the buzz about Batman is that now that Dark Knight is out, the fans want another. Gimmee more!

Legions of fanboys are praising Nolan for his vision on this franchise and the cast he chose brought us a winner. So the logical assumption is that he would do it again. But nothing is set in stone here. Comingsoon catches us up on what’s going on there:

And Warners and Legendary are both interested in doing a third in the series, but all involved say it will be up to Nolan to come to them with a story and a plan.

“There are a lot of us who emotionally would love to do it,” Roven says. “But it’s really Chris’ call. Chris is the kind of filmmaker who just doesn’t think about the next movie before he has completely finished the movie he is working on.”

For now, Nolan is taking a well-earned vacation.

Says Roven, “When he comes back, we will see how he feels.”

Frankly I would love to be in Nolan’s shoes right now.

Partly because he is on vacation, and likely somewhere very luxurious and warm, and those shoes might be some comfy sandals. But mostly because he is sitting on top of the world. He just hit it out of the park AGAIN with Batman, and the fans are all just salavating to see what he brings us next.

But no one said he had to. He isn’t signed to anything. He hasn’t decided on anything. There is no story, no villains, no direction. Nothing.

Nolan hasn’t put one word to page on this. Because this is his method, but also because it’s not his job. Yet.

The entire Batman loving fans are all just waiting on his nod like the dedicated masses waiting for the word of God to fall from the mouth of his prophet.

So while everyone is speculating on the next movie, its all just rumour.

If Nolan comes back from his vacation of swimming in money and getting a tan from the bright lights of his adoring fans and says, “I am done doing Batman films” then there will be a scramble.

I just hope that if Nolan doesn’t do it that they don’t follow the Batman Curse. Two good movies, followed by two horrendous movies that killed all superhero franchises for close to a decade. Schumacher need not apply.

As long as it stays true to Nolan’s feel for the first two, any director worth his name would be fine.

70 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. SlashBeast

    I think Nolan will come back, why wouldn’t he? Besides, even though the third film in a trilogy usually never lives up to the first two (especially with comic book movies), why not even attempt to make a great third film. Why not use this fact as a challenge and for an opportunity to improve?

  2. giren

    it will be very hard to outdone TDK. But I hope Nolan will back, take a year or two for another brilliant story, cast a perfect actors, and here you go!

  3. Nixon


    But not the same actress for the batman they said earlier… I am still against’ that, and ummmplease use riddler…

    We already had joker from earlier and it we did again, why not do it again with the Riddler…

  4. Rodney

    Actress for Batman? Pretty sure Bats is a guy.

    Just sayin.

    Nixon, your statement kinda came out of left field, so I dont quite get where you are going with that.

    But I do agree that having the Riddler in that Schumacher batman doesnt exclude it from this new generation. Clearly these movies are ignoring the previous franchise.

  5. Obi-Wan Kubrick

    It was only really dead for 1 to 3 years the way you look at it. Batman Returns in 95 or Batman & Robin in 97 killed it. But Blade in 1998 and X-Men in 2000 resurrected superhero movies.

  6. Ransom Betty

    If Nolan does not initially choose to return Warner Brothers will just bring the money truck to his house and start dumping cash on his lawn. It will happen.

  7. EricD

    I assume Nixon is refering to Cher playing Catwoman. A rumor that was mentioned in another post a few days ago.

    A too really hope Nolan comes back. But imagine the pressure he will be under to top himself again. I can’t say I would be shocked if he said fuck it, throw some other poor director to the wolves.

  8. DJ

    I have mixed feelings on Nolan coming back. On the one side, I would love more films like TDK, on the other it’s always good to go out on top. That being said, It would probably be better for Nolan to do the next one than for someone else to take on the project.

  9. JAY

    Nolan had a trilogy in mind right from the onset. You can bank on it!

    After that, don’t expect him to be back.

  10. handle

    I agree with Jay.

    As much as we hear of Nolan saying he’s done or he isn’t signed on for another. I think he planned all along to do 3. The first was obviously meant to be continued. The third ended with the same feeling. No way he could end the Dark Knight the way he did and not have a 3rd film. You can’t leave the character like that and not want to continue the story. I couldn’t see him wanting to hand over his vision to someone else until he has done all he wants to do with it.

    I’m not worried at all. Nolan hasn’t made a bad film and I don’t think he will any time soon, if ever.

  11. handle

    err I meant the 2nd ended with the same feeling.

  12. miles

    ‘leave on a high note’ - george castanza

    always a good idea, maybe nolan realizes that.

  13. Besley

    I say as long as Nolan can continue making movies that are entertaining and stay true to the movie universe that he made, he should keep making the films.

  14. Mozzerino

    He will do one more.
    Trilogy is where it’s at and after part 3 he and Christian Bale will leave and Batman films will turn shit again. It’s the circle of life.
    Part 4 will be directed by Brett Ratner and star Ashton Kutcher or something horrible in that vain.

  15. Tripp Van Easille

    I’d like to see Frank Miller at the helm of the second series of films, for at least one…maybe a round-robin…..a 1940’s era version would be another pipe dream I’d welcome….so much popcorn, so little time!

  16. Rodney

    A 1940s Batman might be some cool shit, but you and I know it will never come to the big screen.

  17. HAZMAT

    nolan seemed to have forgotten about robin and he looks like the kind of guy whod hate robin in a movie. so this is good news sinse im a HUGE nightwing fan..

    have some other guy come in and do what shoemoker didnt- make a decent gritty serious robin without nipples in his uniform

    sorry for those who hate robin but i just really like the guy.

  18. Rodney

    Nolan said so long as he was in charge there would be no Robin.

    Besides, with a 20something Batman Robin would still be a toddler in this timeline.

  19. HAZMAT

    i know he sayd that which is why i think its good news if he fucking leaves. i love nolan but you just cant imagine how awsome i find robin rodney, you cant.

    and who cares? just get a teenager (19) in and have a good story to it that makes sense and give him a black uniform, no one will care about the age factor which dont get me wrong- youre absolutely right about but its just irrelevant to me since i just want to see robin no matter what (with an awsome blue robin logo like the one he uses when hes nightwing)

    compare the screaming bale to the casual clooney and imagine that same change made to the old robin….can you imagine how cool they can make robin look?

    cmon rodney…im i really the only one here that would like to see a kick-ass robin?

  20. Rodney

    Oh believe me. Robin is probably my favourite DC Comics character. (Tim Drake - The third Robin) So I know how a modern take on Robin can work, but unfortunately as much as I like him, he just wouldnt work.

    And Tim Drake is 15, as was Grayson when he was taken in by Bruce.

    This Batman doesn’t need a Robin. (And I say that as a HUGE Robin fan) The whole point of Robin was that he grounded Batman, and Batman isn’t out of touch with his humanity just yet.

  21. moviegab

    I do believe that Nolan will be back for a third one. If he does, he should take his time doing it not to rush it (2011-2012 release dates). Im sure WB wants him back and will do whatever it takes “MONEY!!!”.

  22. HAZMAT

    yeah- nightwing and rorschach are my two fav DC characters ever…

    oh gosh youre crushing me man, ugh…i want robin in the next batman so badly…

    do you think maybe the death of rachel is just the thing that mest this batman up so that robin could step in to help? and now hes considered against the law…so…maybe..hopefully…thats what makes batman sorta need robin.

  23. Tommy

    I hope Nolan is back as well, but one thing I really hope is that they somehow resurrect Two Face/Harvey Dent and have him as the villain of the third film along with a re-casted Joker awaiting trial (which is what I heard was the initial plan that Nolan had for films 2 and 3, to have Joker be the villain in the Dark Knight and have Two Face come out at the end and then have Two Face as the villain and Joker in Arkum for the 3rd) or bring in a new villain like Riddler to team up with Two Face. I would prefer the option of Two Face as the main Villain and Joker awaiting trial and I know that Two Face died at the end of TDK, but maybe they can say they faked his death or something … I don’t care what they do you can’t kill Two Face before he even becomes a bad guy … You can’t do that. Two Face is the best villain in the whole Batman universe besides Joker and he needs to fulfill his destiny of taking over the criminal underworld before he can be killed off. Bring back Nolan and Bring back Two Face for the third installment and I fully support the idea brought to my attention by John of casting Guy Pearce as Joker.

  24. George

    Lets for once and for all settle this silly idea that twoface/dent lived.

    I have finally read the final shooting script and here is what it says in the final scene.

    This is word for word from the nolans script.

    “Dent lies at the bottom of the hole, his neck broken. Dead”

    And there you have it. If it wasn’t clear enough for you when you saw him DIE at the end of the film here it is in the script the nolan’s wrote.

    It doesn’t get much clearer then that.

    Dents story is over in Nolan’s universe. Move on everyone.

  25. Audioout

    My fantasy cast and story (sort of)…bear with me here.

    The Penguin- played as a normal man (not freakish fat or short) running for mayor as Oswald Cobblepott who also steals priceless art and historical relics to fence them or for personal collection. Always wears a tuxedo in his heists, therefore, he is known by the underworld as The Penguin.

    Played by…Leonardo DiCaprio….seriously.

    The Riddler- an inside dirt man for hire who is a raging egotist and overall genius. Loves solving and providing puzzles. Dons the famous Riddler persona after being hired to draw out and challenge Batman in an attempt to destroy him.

    Played by….no big stretch here, Casey Affleck.

    Talia Al Ghul- an exotic, mysterious, very wealthy, woman who comes to Gotham under the name, Talia Head. She eventually comes forward to Batman to help her take back control of the now out of control League Of Shadows. The group is now supposedly lead by a man calling himself The Red Hood.

    Played by…. Penelope Cruz.

    Also, small cameo (ala the Scarecrow) for Jervis Tetch, aka the Mad Hatter. Batman saves a young woman named Alice from the completely maniacal Hatter wielding an ax near the beginning of the film. Afterwards, Bruce to Alfred explains that the face of Gotham crime is becoming more and more mad as the years progress. He tells Alfred that a once brilliant neurotechnician is now just another of Gotham’s costumed “freaks”. He shortly explains Hatter’s modus operandi where Alfred retorts, “My that is a strange one. Oddest yet I’d say.” Bruce quickly corrects him, “No, the one with the puppet. That was definitely the oddest.” Alfred just laughs a little as does Bruce then. Seems the puppet story always gets a little snicker out of them.

    The Mad Hatter played by…David Tennant whom currently plays as Dr. Who.

    Sorry for anyone who read all that and didn’t find it interesting. I want to go ahead and write the entire screenplay but doubt I could get it into Nolan’s hands anyways… Oh well, maybe I’ll do it just for fun.

  26. Tommy


    I understand where you are coming from, but really I don’t care what it says in the shooting script … The way it played out in the movie definitely backs what you are saying. Two Face was laying motionless looking dead, they had a press conference with a huge picture of Harvey Dent in the background as Gordon spoke on his behalf … Yes it looked pretty clear that he was dead. What I am saying is that it is possible to change this … I’m not saying that they will change this, but anything is possible in film … Stranger things have happened. They set out to kill him off, but who knows maybe they will change their minds … It could be as simple as Gordon and Batman deciding to fake his death to protect his legacy as the white knight of Gotham City as he escaped after the police went chasing after Batman. Now that is one idea I have had, I’m sure the Nolan Brothers could come up with a much better idea. Who knows what will happen, but would you not be open to the possibility of Two Face returning? Do you not think he is one of the more elite Batman villains? And do you really think he got what he deserved in TDK? I think he got the Venom treatment from Spider-Man 3 and was wasted as he was only in like 20 minutes of the film.

  27. Rodney

    @AudioOut…. very interesting. But never going to happen.

    Penguin will always be a chubby guy even if they dont make him a freak. Your Riddler is close, but craptastic actor for the job, and lastly your Talia…. Penelope Cruz can’t do action and Talia is a martial arts expert.

    Sorry, can’t buy into any of those. Good try though.

  28. handle

    As someone else said. It would be really kewl to take Batman in a whole new direction (film-wise) once we have Nolan’s take finished. I’d like to see Frank Miller’s version on screen.

  29. George

    I am not at all open in anyway to them bringing dent back.

    I think it cheapens and ruins the tragedy of the dark knight and would for me ruin the film.

    Dents story is almost the point of the film.

    Batman is thinking that dent is his chance to stop and lead a normal life. maybe the city doesn’t need him anymore. At last there is a guy who doesn’t wear a cape who is prepared to take the fight to the criminals of gotham. He was the face of hope for gotham and in a few short days what has the joker done to him

    He winds up with his fiancee murdered, his face deformed, turned into a murderer, threatening to kill an innocent child and dead at the bottom of a building. The Joker completely broke him. He couldn’t break batman
    Batman can’t stop. The city needs him. He can never stop being gothams protector.

    that is why they cover up what has happened to dent. They don;t want the city to see that the one guy who was prepared to take them on wound up a deformed murdering lunatic. To make it sound as if their hero died a hero death would keep hope alive. Making people believe batman killed some people is something I wasn’t for but having seen it again I don’t mind it so much. if the criminals believe batman is prepared to kill people it adds to their fear of him. Rather than worshipping him the city needs to fear him.

  30. Nixon

    Sorry guys,
    Actress for Batman :?
    No I meant actress for Catwoman!

  31. Audioout

    @Rodney…well yeah, I’m pretty sure never going to happen.

    Though… Penguin needing to be chubby has nothing to do with his actual character as John pointed out on numerous occasions in the past when referring to comic vs. movie character interpretations. Nolan seems to be the kind of guy who understands this.

    Talia is a martial arts expert in the comic, true, but I don’t think it lends itself well to a Nolan version of the character. My opinion. Also, it isn’t important to my version of the story for her to know martial arts.

  32. Rodney

    The man who taught Bruce his martial arts, that would be the father of Talia.. makes perfect sense that she would be a martial artist.

  33. Tommy

    I think the way they handled Dent cheapens the tragedy. Joker did break Dent in a couple of days but what did Dent do? He killed some crooked cops and some mobsters … Oh my God … What horrible crimes! … Yes he was going to harm Gordon’s son and that would have been bad, but Batman stopped him.

    You know George I’m not surprised you have a copy of the script because almost everything you say is like a direct quote of Gordon. All your arguments are basically a synopsis you probably got from IMDB. “He can never stop being Gotham’s protector” … Yeah no shit. I think you are just trying to cover up one of this films biggest flaws. The way they handled Two Face was horrendous and the only way it could be made up for is if they bring him back in the third therefore making their biggest flaw from the second film disapear.

    You are completely entitled to your opinion and I respect your opinion but don’t act like you speak for everyone, because you don’t. Even John agrees that Two Face was completely mishandled in this film and all your arguments about Dent’s story being the point of the film are irrelevant, because bringing him back in the third film wouldn’t change that fact. Basically every argument you have is irrelevant because bringing Two Face back wouldn’t change any of them. They could still cover up what he did, they could still blame Batman … that would make things much more difficult for Batman if he was a vigilante on the run and still had to deal with Dent rising to power, killing people and trying to figure out how to stop Two Face without letting anyone know that it is actually Dent.

  34. Audioout


    I didn’t say it wouldn’t make sense. I just feel it’s

    A> Unnecessary to the story I have in mind and

    B> Visually and thematically not what I am going for. Regular movie going audience will just wonder why she just isn’t Catwoman.

    Either way, thanks for the comments.

  35. Audioout

    About Harvey Dent…Nolan left it open to options. However you may feel about the final scene, it’s obvious that it is open to possibility that he is alive. Even if the script says he’s dead, that isn’t completely obvious in the scenes we all saw in theaters (however sure you may be aside)

    We won’t know for sure if Harvey is really dead until Nolan addresses it now after the movie has already been seen. I am guessing he won’t say.

    Either way, I feel a third movie doesn’t necessarily need him to be in it. There are many other stories one can use without recycling a villain at this point.

  36. Vederick

    I’m pretty postive Nolan will return. As for the film itself I think the perfect villain for the next Batman movie would be Bane.

    B&R was terrible, yes, but that wasn’t the real Bane. The REAL Bane is a very interesting character: a cunning assassin with incredible physical strength as well a brilliant strategic mind. Someone should hire him to take out Batman, and what starts out as just another job becomes personal as they start matching not just blows, but wits as well.

    The Riddler would be the secret villain: using his clues to guide Batman closer to Bane before revealing himself in the end as the one who hired Bane in the first place. Then he’d trap them both in one of his classic deathtraps, forcing them to work together (which they’ve done in the comics) to escape.

    Or something like that, I’m no Nolan.

  37. Audioout

    Actually I was tempted to go to Bane when I challenged myself to come up with a Nolan worthy (IMO) sequel.

    I chose not to simply because fist fights and the kind of action involved with using that character doesn’t play to Nolan’s strengths as a director.

    I instead chose to go with The Red Hood which brings a much more mysterious presence to the film. Also, would be a popular target of speculation from the big comic fans.

    The question everyone would be asking going in would be, “Who is the Red Hood.” Fan boy speculation over it possibly being Joker or Robin would seep into the mainstream and it would be just another thing for people to stand around and guess at.

    Which is good business.

  38. Audioout


    Oh, one thing I forgot to mention.

    Casey Affleck, however you feel about him, was nominated for best supporting actor in The Assassination Of Jesse James and was fantastic in it.

    He’s very talented much like Heath Ledger was.

  39. Rodney

    Nominated for a role doesnt mean you are perfect for all roles.

    And I knew Ledger was going to be big long before Brokeback.

  40. vargas

    I’ve always found Manbat to be an interesting villain. Talia too. Normally I gravitate towards lesser known villains because I’ve always felt that the popular ones got played out (Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, etc.) but Nolan has restored my faith with his version of the Joker that he can come with something fresh and interesting, even with popular characters.

  41. George

    Tommy. What more do you need to accept that the nolans decided in their film they would kill dent other than the fact that they actually write it explicitly into their script that he is dead.

    I repeat - It is in the script the nolans wrote. If it was ambiguous or open ended they would not say He lay there with a broken neck. Dead. They would say Dent lies there lifeless. A broken man or something shit I dunno ambiguous. Using the word DEAD to describe someone situation to me is rather final.

    So my thoughts about two face fate are based on what I read in the script the nolans wrote and shot. What exactly are you basing your “he might be back” ideas upon??

    There is no argument. You can buy the script now in shops and see for yourself. he is dead.

    And no I don’t go and get ideas from the IMDB. See I watched the film and came to a logical conclusion. But since you seem to get your thoughts from campea and use his ideas to back up your thoughts I am surprised you question Dents fate since campea believes he is dead too.

    I guess he believe dent died because at the end of the film dent clearly …. dies.

    It is in the script.

    how can anyone argue differently apart from just clutching at desperate straws.

    It is not even an opinion. Its a stone cold fact. Please tell me why they would write the word DEAD into the script if he isn’t dead???

  42. Rodney

    George, that was a LONG post just to say you think it is absolute because the word dead was in the script.

    Just for the record, a LOT of scripts are never seen fully to the point of execution simply because things happen on set that work better or just happen and they use it.

    And if Nolan comes back from his vacation and says “what if Harvey wasn’t dead like everyone thinks he is” and he puts him in the movie… then so be it.

    Its not your decision any more than it is mine or Tommy’s.

    It CAN happen. Its just a movie. Maybe he intended him dead, maybe he intended the statement to imply that everyone thought he was dead. You don’t know for sure.

    Neither do I.


  43. BamBamAlakazaam

    If Nolan comes back and do a 3rd, another question arises, will there be a 4th Batman? if not then the 3rd would be final and has to end according to Nolan’s direction of Batman. Joker, Scarecrow is still alive, Dent is dead (maybe), and if they introduce more villains, the likes of Bane, Riddler or Catwoman, for a final 3rd film, its pretty heavy. Unless Nolan finds a way to pull it off, i dunno i’m just saying that, maybe we will get another 2 batman films, i say its to soon to wrap it up on the 3rd film, a fourth should balance things up story wise.

    The Joker is a very powerful presence, knowing him to be alive and not having to show anything about Joker in the 3rd film would make the story unbelievable, how can a psycho like that be in Arkham? if he does, how long would he be in it? Not having Joker in the 3rd is kinda wierd. If they show his presence, maybe thats fine, but then the criminal tides are getting wilder as new villlians are introduced. If Dent is alive, and theres Bane or Riddler or Penguin .. well you know where im getting at, it has to be balance somehow. But the Joker’s presence HAVE to be in the 3rd.

    So another words, the 3rd could be Darker than TDK.

  44. George

    I do know though.

  45. George

    Sorry rodney but I just don’t understand how anyone can argue the fact that when the script says he is dead some how he isn’t?

  46. BamBamAlakazaam


    Nothing againts Dent being dead or alive but, i think it would make alot more sense if you argued about Joker than Dent, if Dent is alive fine, if he is dead fine. but Joker? he is Definitely Alive and well, and thats big trouble for Batman lol.

  47. George

    Rodney I have to take you to task for the “it’s only a movie” comment and telling me to “exhale.” l;ike I am some kind of hyperventilating asshole.

    Gimme a break.

    Would you say that to john when he is ranting about shit? How about doug?
    No. You wouldn’t.

    Of course its only a movie. every single thing we talk about here on this site is “only a movie”

    Thats the whole point. we talk about movies because we love movies. This place was built on the rants of movie talk bullshit so to try and play that card is really lame in my opinion.

    But thats how you talk to the folks who visit this site?


  48. Tommy

    Thank you Rodney … Well put.

    That’s my point exactly George, the point I’ve been trying to make all along. It says in the script that Harvey Dent is dead. I’m not trying to deny that fact. It looked in the movie as if Harvey Dent was dead, I will not dispute that fact. But as I was trying to say in earlier posts and as Rodney has illustrated … It was definitely not made 100% clear that he actually did die in the film. It looked that way, but no one ever came out and said that Harvey Dent is dead. So in saying that, then you cannot say for sure that Harvey Dent is actually dead even if that was the initial intent.

    That’s my whole point is that they feasibly could bring him back in the third film. The Nolan Brothers appear to have wanted to kill him off in the film, but decided to leave it somewhat ambiguous so at least they would have the option to bring him back if they felt differently in the next 3 years or so before filming starts on the next one. People change their minds all the time in the film industry.

    Should they bring Two Face back is a different question. I think they should because I am a big Two Face fan and I feel he deserves his own movie. Not everyone shares my opinion and that is fine. Christopher Nolan might not share my opinion and he is the boss man for now when it comes to Batman. Enough said.

  49. Tommy

    I know I’m probably going on way too much about this and beating a dead horse, but one more point about what is said in scripts and what happens in the actual films. Lets take the example of Crank. At the end of that film Chev Chelios falls from a helicopter I think from like thousands of feet up in the sky and lands on the ground or a car or something. I’m sure in the script it says something like Chev falls to his death or he lands and dies or something and I’m sure the intent of the filmmakers was to kill him and have the film come full circle … So it says it in the script he’s dead right? Well here we go with Crank 2 coming out in the next couple years … and It’s starring Jason Statham as Chev Chelios. But he died right? You have to admit his death was made much more clear then Harvey Dent’s death was. All right I’m going to shut the fuck up about this issue now.

  50. Dragonslayer

    Robin’s just off in a crib somewhere

  51. Rodney

    @George “Would you say that to john when he is ranting about shit? How about doug?”

    Yes. And I have. Remember I used to live with both of those guys at one time.

    Its fine to get excited about something you feel strongly about, but you make it sound like the script is gospel and cannot be challenged.

    I like the above example of Crank where its pretty obvious he dies. (Spoiler… movie ends with him falling from the sky and crashing into a car) and yet Statham is in Crank2. Or in Highlander. “There can be ONLY ONE” and he wins….. or did he? Shit happens in Hollywood. The script does not finalize anything no matter what it says.

    Also, to address the “is this how you talk to people”

    Yes. If you are going to go off like that I will ask you to take a breather. We discuss here. Its all about the discussion, not fights or flamewars.

    Want to call it lame. That’s fine. It’s also reality. Get bent out of shape and someone is going to ask you to take it down a peg.

  52. hitesh

    nolan was actually born to make the batman series.

  53. Jacob

    I hope that Nolan would have a bit more care than a movie like Crank. Dent was fulfilled thematically. What is the point of bringing him back? He was a man without anything to believe in, and he knew that it was a situation that he wasn’t getting out of. I think that he would be aimless if brought back in that state, and to make him any more of a villain I think would run against how he was established. Is he going to come back and destroy Gotham’s hopes with the truth? Why can’t the truth simply serve that purpose? Nolan doesn’t really repeat himself either. He tells what he needs to tell and moves on. He likes to stay fresh with new material.

    And if someone wants to make the point that it’s not impossible, then it’s not really worth arguing about. There isn’t exactly any proof for it, and so it only remains a distant possibility. In that case it’s not really worth defending. If it happens, then it does so because Nolan found a new way to use Dent, and that is only if he wants to use him to begin with. And that’s probably why it has very little chance of happening. The Batman mythos is large, and there are plenty of things to choose from. I think it’s much more likely that they build a story around something new than try to resurrect a story they took through its natural course.

    And I do expect Nolan to resurface for a third movie, as he probably has a lot of ideas with the way the second movie ended. A trilogy is usually the standard with these things anyway.

  54. George

    So I cite the actual film where he is quite obviously dead and also the shooting script which says it outright as proof to back up my thoughts and you refer to crank and highlander 2 to back up yours?? yeah I just hope nolan watches them for inspiration as well since they are obviously so similar in quality.

    Jacob has it nailed. What is the point in bringing him back? His story was complete. Its been told. It’s done.

    And Rodney you couldn’t take me down a peg if you tried. You would probably have trouble taking down an actual peg.
    But please continue to be smug and smarmy and act as if you are above it all. If thats how you want to treat your readers then go for it. Classy all the way huh.

    And as I said all along if he does bring him back then FOR ME it will ruin the dark knight.

    It will cheapen it FOR ME and I won’t like it as much.
    if they change their mind and bring him back it will annoy the shit out of me because that was not their original intent. They wrote the script with him dying and I like my film makers to have a vision and stick to it.
    That is all I was saying all along.

  55. George

    and rodney please don’t misread my posts as angry rants. they are not meant to be taken as seriously as they come across.

    believe me I am not taking any of this as serious as it may appear.

    Its only a movie ;P

  56. Audioout


    No one likes it when someone claims to know as an absolute what can’t be discerned at face value. All anyone is saying is in the film it isn’t completely clear that he is dead which is obviously true because a lot of people didn’t see it that way. That’s just fact. Dead on fact.

    The script doesn’t mean anything. If you think it’s the definite word on the matter then you don’t read enough scripts (please don’t argue that with a list of ones you did read).

    Also, you don’t come off as making a big deal about it because the movie is so important (your “it’s only a movie”). You come off as making a big deal about it because you are afraid of seeming wrong.

  57. Rodney

    George, I would nearly believe that if you hadn’t reacted so adversely to me asking you to take it easy.

    You compared your emotional rant to John or Doug getting wound up and now your “what? It was nothing” routine seems empty.

    Sorry man. It is what it is.

  58. George

    Rodney rodney rodney. jesus christ. O.k. have it your way. everything is deadly serious and I am crying. In fact this is the third keyboard I have gone through during this exchange because I keep breaking them once in rage and twice with my tears.

    I compared my rant to doug and john because I don’t believe they are deadly serious when they rant about things. Thats what I meant. I wasn’t being deadly serious with my rants. I have always assumed there is a wink and a smile behind their rants.
    I know they believe what they are saying but are going overboard for amusement purposes. That is what I meant when I compared it to their rants.

    I did get mad when you then tried to talk down to me and act as if no one rants around here and that I was somehow being an asshole but that was mainly because I wam hardly the first person to rant about something and also I had not directed any of my posts at anyone or mocked anyone elses posts yet I had been singled out but apparently that makes me the asshole. Fair enough.

    @ Audioout. I am not afraid of being wrong. i mean how humiliating. Being wrong on the internet. The shame. The shame.

    No, I just like the film and if they cheapen by changing their original vision and ruining a huge part of what I thought made the film so great then that will bug me.

    And no I am not going to list scripts I have read. what the fuck does that have to do with anything. Bringing Two Face back is not a minor script change. Its a gigantic change that for me ruins my enjoyment of the original. Its a cheap cop out especially when that was not their original intent. That is all I have been saying all along. But apparently if it worked for highlander 2 it can work for the dark knight.

  59. George

    Hey audioout please tell me something.

    when gordon and batman stand over dents broken body talking about what to why do you think they don’t rush him to hospital first? Or tend to his wounds. They don;t even try to wake him up and see if he is o.k.?

    No they stand over him having a conversation about what to do showing absolutely no urgency or concern about dents condition whatsoever.

    because he is dead.

    But I promise I will stop talking about it now because apparently I am ranting and ranting is not allowed on the movie blog.

  60. Rodney

    No one said ranting wasn’t allowed, but you are simply not accepting anytihng anyone says because you “know” you are right. You are no longer arguing your point in discussion you are just bantering back “yeah? well Im right” instead of offering valid points.

    Just now you said “They don;t even try to wake him up and see if he is o.k.?”

    So you assume he is dead just like the characters did. How do we know that moments later after the cut to black the ambulance arrives and he turns out to be in critical condition and they revive him… then in a mad fit part way through recovery weeks later he escapes and isn’t heard from again….

    Until Nolan’s next film.

    It can happen. Its Hollywood. NOTHING is absolute. If they want to change what you assume was final, that’s their call. It might be cheap, and it might not make sense to you… but since when did Hollywood have to have common sense to make a movie on a character that tons of fans are itching to see more of.

    Or not. Either way, you dont know any more than I do. Nolan hasn’t said a thing.

  61. George

    “How do we know that moments later after the cut to black the ambulance arrives and he turns out to be in critical condition and they revive him… then in a mad fit part way through recovery weeks later he escapes and isn’t heard from again….”

    because they showed a flash forward to them holding his funeral so thats one theory that definitely didn’t happen.

    the only possible explanation is this keeping him a secret locked up in arkham theory that is going around. And that is just silly if you ask me.,

  62. Jacob

    I don’t think that “the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence” is a favorable point to reason from. Most of the time you’re not going to argue with absolutes. Nolan especially doesn’t beat it over your head. So without absolutes, you make decisions upon which is most reasonable. I don’t have a problem with George talking about it the way he is. You’re basically saying that it doesn’t make sense. In that case one argument is incredibly strong. At the very least it must be treated as such. He is just taking it to a more natural course and being emphatic about it because he doesn’t like it (and with good reason). People who make conjectures based upon the most compelling evidence are sometimes wrong. But they’re usually right. They can live with that.

    Finally, I would say that Batman going into exile over a mistake would not be a good way to end the movie, and if I know anything about Nolan, he wouldn’t do that. And I think it would be a safe assumption that Nolan would have some idea about where he’s taking the next movie when he helped write that, at least as it pertains to Dent.

  63. George

    Jacob thank you. That is all I have been saying all along.

    I think it is undeniable that their original intent was to kill the dent character. Regardless of the imaginary scenarios you guys have made entirely made up in your heads when they wrote the script they wrote that he died. Then they filmed an ending with him lying lifeless on the ground showing no signs of being alive

    All I have been saying is that there is absolutely no evidence at all to lead you to believe that dent lived. Nothing.

    Of course they can bring him back if they want too. We have Highlander 2 after all. It would be a cheap shitty thing to do. That is all I have been saying all along.

    The other reason is that the way they told his story was so complete that to go through his character again sounds incredibly boring to me.

    If you want to believe he lived and is hidden away arkham have at it.

    But I will bet anything that dent is not in the next film.

  64. Rodney

    “Original intent” means nothing to Hollywood. This is what you refuse to grasp.

    I am not saying they HAVE to bring him back. But they CAN if they choose to.

    Why are you STILL griping about this when you already bowed out with your “I know I am right” rebuttal?

  65. Rodney

    @George “because they showed a flash forward to them holding his funeral so thats one theory that definitely didn’t happen.”

    And you were there to verify the body and identify it? Maybe there is a conspiracy to cover up his survivel and they stage the funeral so everyone thinks Harvey is dead.

    No matter what excuse you give of absolutes, I can write a reasonably plausible story hook to bring him back.

    I am not saying he wont stay dead. No one is claiming that you are absolutely wrong and that he is still alive.

    The point is he COULD be alive. NOTHING is absolute no matter how the film ended.

    In the comics Ras Al Guhl uses a “ressurection pool” to return to life more than once. And thats a little more supernatural than Nolan seems to be going, but it COULD.

    Nothing in Hollywood is absolute.

  66. George

    and my point is that doesn’t stop it being as cheap and as shitty as what they did with highlander 2.

    Hell Tom Hanks could still be alive at the end of Philadelphia.
    I mean if we are just making shit up go hog wild. What if what really happened was that they made an experimental aids cure that they tried only on him and they have kept him in a lab all this time. They needed to keep a secret as a secret government agancy didn’t want it leaking that they had finally cured it. so all this time he has been kept in a lab. But he is tired of being locked away and is going to make a break for freedom to reunite with antonio banderas.

    Tom Hanks in Philadelphia 2: Philadelphia Freedom

    and Why do I continue to post?
    Because you and others keep replying.

  67. George

    and the theory I was debunking was not that they staged a funeral and kept him a secret. That is possible. It just lame.

    I was saying that your theory that he escaped from the ambulance and what not could not have happened because they staged his funeral. They could only do that if they knew his exact whereabouts.

  68. Rodney

    The tactic you are now using is hyperbole. Its ineffective.

    So you know you have no point and you just want the last word?

    Go ahead.

    Im tired of repeating myself so you can keep going.

  69. George

    what are you talking about? No I don’t have a point at all. I mean I all I have to back up my point is the film and its script., Apparently making up shit up like dent awaking in a ambulance and escaping proves your point more than a script does. Fair enough.

    and Hyperbole?!? yeah. no one here at the movie blog has ever used hyperbole. Don’t make me laugh rodney.
    Do you actually reads the movie blog or listen to the show?

    You are the one who said in hollywood nothing is absolute so therefore my Philadelphia example is possible.

    To quote, well, you “Nothing in Hollywood is absolute”

  70. George

    and furthermore…

    Just kidding. Rodney in all honesty all of this is meant to be taken in a friendly spirit. Passionate yet always friendly.

    Believe it or not but its the truth.

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