This entry was posted on Thursday, August 28th, 2008 at 10:12 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Rodney

Facebook is a phenomenon that hasn’t been met since the creation of MySpace. But then MySpace got dominated by hack musicians trying to pimp their wares and 12 year old girls and wannabe gangsta boys. So everyone else got onto Facebook.

So why not make a movie about it? Ok… they are.

FilmJunk says:

Facebook feature film is currently in the works, focusing on the story of 24 year old creator Mark Zuckerberg and how he became one of the youngest billionaires ever. The surprising thing is that they’ve got a pretty credible writer on board in Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, Charlie Wilson’s War), and he’s even joined Facebook himself just to see how the whole thing works.

I am glad to hear this will be based on the success of the young creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.

Could you imagine a movie about people getting asked to join the war of Vampires vs Werewolves (horror) or Mobster gang wars (Street Crime drama) or even figuring out which Hogwarts House you would belong to (Fantasy) or just a story about long lost friends who find themselves rekindling love (Romance) or just a lot of poking (Porno).

I will have to wait til we get closer to find out what the whole deal is with this movie. I can’t imagine anything more exciting than watching some geek hold up a disk saying “I think I am on to something” and becoming a millionaire overnight.

Maybe the movie will end with the truck full of money backing up to his house saying “Now we are making a movie about this”

Its an endless cycle.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping


    tom would kick mark zuckerfuck’s ass…

    why make a movie about facebook when myspace is out there? more people have myspace anyways….

    itll be stupid anyways….

  2. Slushie Man

    Sounds almost like Pirates of Silicon Valley.

  3. Obi-wan kubrick

    I am going to delete my myspace because it sucks so bad and I only use facebook now.

  4. Rodney

    Hazmat…MySpace isnt half as popular as it used to be.

    Especially since “Tom” is a marketing ploy and a gimmick and MySpace is only for promoting your band that wont make it and for 13 year old girls to show their cleavage.

    Its just for kids now. When they grow up they get onto things like Facebook.

  5. Jasper

    I made a short film about ‘Myspace’ last year for school. It’s a mockumentary about how Myspace effects the lives of teenagers. I think it’s good.

    Check it out:

  6. Random

    I think Eli Manning or John Kransinski should play Zuckerberg….wait Michael Phelps can do it too….I’m confused

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