This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 27th, 2008 at 11:04 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We have the new HD TV spot for Eagle Eye to show you this morning. I will warn you that the version we were able to get from You Tube looks more like a recording on a 20 year old VHS tape from a UHF channel. Enjoy your lo-fi hi-def!

Still not sure whet to think about this one. I enjoy films where characters are “on the run” but I am wondering if the invisible watchers will come off as cool, or annoying 60 minutes in. I suppose we will soon see; Sept 26th is not too far away.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. J Allard

    How many movies are they going to do where it’s some uptight jackass over-the-phone controlling the protagonist’s every move? They’ve done these kinds of paper-thin plots so many times I’m surprised they still get green lit. There are much better stories to tell that give-way to a suspense movie.

  2. handle

    Phonebooth wasn’t too bad :)

    Then there is Die Hard 3 that had that concept too and I love that.

  3. 790

    From what I’ve seen in the trailer this looks super lame. Shia’s worst film yet.

    Simon Says meets The Island

  4. Nixon

    I’m looking for to this movie !!!
    But Sheia is the last person i expect to be in any movies…

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