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Dreamworks Casts Tina Fey And Robert Downey Jr. For Mastermind

By Doug - August 28, 2008 - 11:25 America/Montreal

It looks like Dreamworks has their eyes set on making their own Incredibles, and have tapped two hot tamales for voice work. We get the following scoop from EW via comingsoon.

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) and Tina Fey (”30 Rock”) are in negotiations to voice characters in DreamWorks Animation’s MasterMind, scheduled for a November 5, 2010 release.

Produced by Ben Stiller’s production company, Red Hour Films, the film is a satirical send-up of the superhero genre, built around the story of a super villain who must find a new motivation after accidentally killing his archrival, Uberman, in the opening scene of the movie.

Animated super hero films are fine with me; I will watch Rocket Robin Hood if it’s on TV. With the comic book genre doing so well, I’m not surprised to see Dreamworks throw a contribution into the mix. The premise sounds nothing like The Incredibles, but they are no doubt hoping for similar box office results.

Once again however, I must mention my dislike of having celebrities do the voices for animated characters. There is a segment of the population that focuses their energy on voice-work, and they should get the jobs. I don’t believe that a film benefits in quality by having celebrities, and I am still doubtful that a name on an animated film draws enough to warrant the sacrifice.

All that being said, Tina Fey And Robert Downey Jr. are both exceptionally talented individuals.


  1. Kristina says:

    Yes to Downey. Not a big fan of Fey.

  2. Mr. Chris says:

    I’d really like to see more professional voice actors get the jobs as well. There’s been a few celebrities who’ve really lent themselves to their roles and gave the animators lots to work with, but the rest of them rarely ever have a distinct style of voice that needs to be heard in an animated film. It’s mostly just an excuse to put another famous name on the movie poster and lure stupid people in, in spite all of those years of classic animated films where no one ever gave a crap about a celebrity voices.

  3. Obi-wan kubrick says:

    Fey is very funny and 30 Rock is hilarious.

  4. Mattiac says:

    I agree with you, Doug! Even though I like Tina and Robert. This movie sounds like a fun and original movie! :D I’m gonna check it out!

  5. mikey says:

    I agree for the most part about voiceovers and professionals BUT you can’t teach comedic timing. I think it’s something your born with. So if you are going for a specific style of comedic timing (which RD Jr and TF both have very distinct and different styles of) then you have to go with that actor. Just my opinion.

    Oh yeah and you can put their name on the poster!

  6. Doug says:

    Very valid points Mikey

  7. Papagena says:

    As much as I love Robert Downey Jr and Tina Fey, I’d rather see this with folks like Billy West and Tress Macneille.

  8. slybri says:

    The premise sounds exactly like this season of The Venture Bros., in which The Monarch must find an arch-rival to replace Dr. Venture.

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