Columbia Pictures picks up Maximum Ride

Posted by Rodneyon 08. 08. 2008in News Chat

Maximum Ride a book series aimed at young adults and now it is being adapted to the big screen.

MovieWeb gives us

Don Payne (Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer) has been tapped to adapt for the big screen. The story revolves around six young children who have been genetically mutated so that 2 percent of their DNA is of a bird, which enables them to fly. They escape their secret government testing lair and are hunted down by “Erasers”, who are part human and part wolf.

Maximum Ride just sounds like the wrong name for this project. At first instinct I thought this was going to be about cars or something that you RIDE, but after reading the synopsis I see that is not the case. The main character’s name is Max Ride. Guess you can’t pick the name you are born with.

And apparently all it takes is to alter 2% of the human DNA to make it possible to GROW WINGS! I would have thought it would be more than that, but they are pretty specific it is just 2%.

The series is aimed at a younger adult crowd (read: Late teens) so maybe thats why the hook just isnt grabbing me.

Avi Arad is producing, so perhaps that’s why it has a little bit of Mutants vs Mutants vibe going on and I am normally down for that, but this just misses the mark for me.

Have any of the International Friends read any of these books? Is the story any good?

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Rodney who has written 8339 posts on The Movie Blog

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41 Responses to “Columbia Pictures picks up Maximum Ride”

  1. Seth Rex says:

    I for one am 26 and found Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment to be very good. It’s told from the point of view of Max, and is mostly in the ‘first person’ view unless max isn’t involved, then it’s normal 3rd person.

  2. Slushie Man says:

    Apart from the ridiculously short chapters, I also loved the first book. I haven’t gotten around to the others yet, but I plan to soon.

  3. Moviereign says:

    There is also The Lake House by James Patterson that’s a sequel or prequel to this. It’s the same premise, but I think they are already on the run it’s been a while. My best friend and I listened to the audio CD on a road trip like 4 years ago and I remember saying that it would make a great movie. So far people are like WTF about the news? But I guess we’ll see. I myself would look forward to seeing this.

    • MaxFan says:

      Patterson states at the start of each Maximum Ride book that these are NOT the same characters as featured in The Lake House or When the Wind Blows. Those 2 books did inspire him to write this series though.

  4. Steve L. says:


    The Lake House by Patterson is actually the first book that came out that involved the “bird” kids and it was actually adult oriented. However, James Patterson has stated that the Maximum Ride series has no connection to “The Lake House” book. The only similarity is the fact that it’s a kid with wings in both books.

    I don’t believe the movie will be based off that book. It will probably start from the first “Maximum Ride” title, where all the flock are already together.

  5. Haole says:

    Slushie, the short chapters is what John Patterson does. It doesn’t give you time to put the books down. Its that way with all his books

  6. Rodney says:

    @Haole, a well written book will keep it in your hands regardless of the chapters.

    I finally got around to reading Frank Herbert’s Dune. There are 3 chapters in that whole book.

    I can’t put it down.

  7. Freeman says:

    From what I remember, 2% is A LOT of DNA. Most DNA is considered junk, hence the name “junk DNA.”

  8. Slushie Man says:

    It’s just annoying when a chapter ends and a new one starts…for no reason. It happens RIGHT in the middle of conversations some times with no rhyme or reason beyond the fatc that ‘Oh no, this chapter is 3 pages long…longest one yet, must end it.’

  9. tzaylor says:

    I’ve read Maximum Ride “the angle experiment” and it’s sequel “school’s out forever”

    I liked the short chapter style. It’s definitely an easy read.

    My opinion is that the books, however, are not that good. Lackluster is how I’d describe it. I’m neither female, teenaged, nor mutant, so maybe that’s why I just could not relate at all to the main character or really empathize with her problems.

    I read the second hoping the series got better but it was still just blah for me.

  10. Kathleen Botley says:

    I the 45-year old mother of a soon-to-be 12-year old son. My son could not put any of these books down! From the first - Angel Experiment - to the last. He not only got several of his friends hooked as well, but the school librarian who ordered all of the books for the school and read them herself. In addition, the school librarian made them AR books so the kids could all get credit for reading the books.

    I myself just finished the first and have started the second. I too, am unable to put it down. My son and I are very excited to hear that there is going to be a movie and we will definitely be there!

  11. Sabs says:

    Maximum Ride as a great literary work is complete suck - but it’s ‘book candy’, as I like to call it. Despite the overly simple rhetoric, the utter lack of detail, and the retarded concepts of 2% avian DNA allowing people to fly + the personalities of the characters + the names of the characters + the basic premise…you read it for entertainment. It does keep pace, and it does entertain kids into reading all the way through (which is lacking these days), but there’s definitely more worthwhile things to read if you’re above the age of thirteen.

    As a movie…I don’t know. I’d still hate the basic premise and Patterson’s idea of good writing, but it’d all depend on how much they change in the script.

  12. Kat says:

    i think maximum ride would make a great movie
    with all the action and stuff
    if they made a movie out of this they would make a lote of money

  13. Kelzzzzz says:

    I think it will be a great movie unless they cast some really stupid people who can’t play the characters at all. Which they could very easily. Like in the Twilight Movie I’m so not wanting Kristen Stewart to play Bella. She might be ok as Max though because she seems kind of tough. I don’t know I think they’ll have to find some really good Unknowns as Fang and Max to make the movie great. The others would be ok with big actors that way people who haven’t read the books will be intreged and the people who have will be satisfied. The problem usually is that people hate the actors who are playing the main characters and end up hating the movie. I could be wrong though. It might suck anyway.

  14. Ramona Snyder says:

    My name’s Ramona and I’m a 20 year old just starting to read James Patterson books. Anyway I was actually waiting for my paycheck at work and was reading the back of some books on Wensday… at like 1 am. Anywayz I came to the first book - The Angel Experiment _ and then it sounded interesting so I read the first chapter then the second then before I knew it I was on chapter 17 and still going so when I got my check I just had to get it. So I finished the first one on thursday afternoon and continued to reread it until my work had got in the next shipment of the second book - School’s Out Forever - so I just got it last night and now I’m at page 375 out of 412. I got my neice hooked on it and several of my closest friends now we’re all completely EXCITED about the movie coming out. Weather it be 2010 or when ever I can SO WAIT!!!

  15. thebenz says:

    My sister and I have read all the books and frankly, If you haven’t read them all or you aren’t a teen then you have no business even commenting. the books have short chapters because James Patterson wanted to get more young people to read books, not just his books but all books in general because there aren’t nearly enough young people who read. I can’t wait to see what they’ll do with the movie, but if it stays true to the books then it will probably be a box office hit.

  16. thebenz says:

    personally I think James Patterson is a great writer and anyone who thinks he isn’t, is a dried-up tasteless hack. You obviously woudln’t understand the book if you aren’t a teen or are close to one.

    P.S. Mr. Patterson, if you’re reading this, BRING BACK ARI!!!

  17. Guest says:

    I love Patterson’s writing style. When I read Harry Potter and the chapters were SO long and I was tired but Maximum Ride has alot of stopping points. The books are very good and i can’t wait for a movie. I heard that it will be about the first three books.

  18. guy says:

    The movie is about the first three books because the the others don’t have the same plot

  19. Kimberly says:

    First I think everyone is entitiled to their opinion but…The Maximum Ride series is simply….amazing. Those who have read the books will see the movie no doubt. Those who haven’t will still see it because the plot is….amazing. I think the only crucial factor will be the actors playing the parts.

  20. Kimberly says:

    Columia… idea!! =)

  21. Kimberly says:

    Columbia… idea!! =)

  22. pheonix says:

    I cant wait for the movie.2010 is a long time .

  23. kiersten says:

    i’ve been trying to find out when in 2010 maximum ride is coming out but can’t ever find out. Also does anyone know who’s playing the characters yet?

  24. Lady Phoenix says:

    I have only read the first book but I thought that it was acction packed. The final fight against Ari was to short though. I didn’t know that it would be a movie but I felt like it would make a great one.

  25. scratches says:

    I have read all of the books out and have loved them all also. Please say that the rumors are not true…. that the cast looks to old… that rumor…

  26. scratches says:

    Oh and i think they know who is going to play the cast at least thats what i have heard… i realy hope from all of the trailors i have watched that that is not the cast… max is the one who they got the worst person for.

    • Rodney says:

      If you have seen trailers for this movie they are fake.

      This movie has not been cast yet, and is still in the development stage.

      No news on it for months!

  27. Hanachick says:

    i have read all the Maximum Ride books out….
    and they are awesome!!!!!!
    this will be a good movie if they don’t screw up the cast!!!!
    if the caster is reading this: Don’t slip up!
    find a hot unknown for Fang and a cute toughie for Max
    Iggy has to be Perfect

  28. mickey says:

    hey, im twelve, and i loooooooove maximum ride!!! OOOOH SKILLS! and dont trash max!!!

  29. heather says:

    I LOVE max! she is so cool and fang sounds hot!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Abigail says:

    Ok i love maximum ride i read all of them except Max if she lives the world lives its that simple but i mean when they kissed, her and Fang, it was cool i love maximum ride and i cant wait till the movie,im in school so yeah bye I CANT wAIT AND heather your right he does sound Hott :) see ya byee!

    • sierra says:

      yall both sound right fang does sound hot. i wuz reading the first one cuz my mom got me to read it and the next thing i no im done with the series. i think that they should put brie larson for max and ethier robert patinson(total hotie) or teddy giger(another total hottie) in for fang.its only like 5 monthes until the first max ride movie and 5 monthes until new moon and im not really looking forward to new moon cuz edward leaves(when he left in the book i started crying for like 20 min). as a matter of fact im 11yrs old and i read twilight 4 times in less than 3 monthes. i read the maxuim ride series twice in less than 6 weeks so you can say im a nerd but im a nerd with good taste in books so BYE.

  31. Mika says:

    Well DUDE just so u know the max ride books are AWESOME! I’ve read the first four books and loved every single one! Oh and for your information, my 71 year old GRANDMA likes to read them to! So just keep your MAX critizism to yourself!

  32. rose says:

    i love the book maaximum ride! its the only series of books i have ever read…and im 15.and the actors that will play the parts of the characters from the book should be realy close to the age of them in the book! cant wait for the movie to come out.

  33. sarah says:

    if i remember right, max did actually pick her name.

  34. lunawolf15 says:

    I have read evry single book that has come out of Maximum ride including the anime versions and i love all of them. i for one cannot wait for the movie to come out but i am angery that they might be putting the two main charecters of twilight to play as Max and Fang which is stupid because they dont fit the discriptions AT ALL!!! i think that would ruin the movie and hope they dont do it!

  35. lunawolf15 says:

    I really hope they get the perfect cast for this movie because if not it will ruin it big time! Like they better get a tough independent girl to play Max! and a cute silent but smart Fang.
    I am honestly nervouse to see who they get for the actors.
    One mistake like cast can really ruin this movie!
    and i hope they dont!!!

  36. ainah says:

    i have read the books!! and i think they are awesome!!
    i am from the philippines!! and many of other filipinos are also addicted to these books!!
    soo please make the movie!!

  37. fangfan says:

    ive Read all 6 books in the past 3 weeks!!(ireally like them)im not sure wen the movie comes out because some say this yr 2011 and 2013 so idk!! an i really hope they (DO NOT)!!! Ues Rob PAts. And kristen S. Cuz They So DOnt Fit To The Description of Max an Fang Not even with wigs or make up!!!!
    So please GEt the perfect characters At about the same age an make them fit in to the discription of the flock!! PLEASE!!

  38. Drew says:

    ive read every book 5 times and love them, but some movies have nothing to do with the books so im a little worried

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