Alex Proyas Won’t Direct Silver Surfer

Alex Proyas was rumoured to be directing the Silver Surfer spinoff, but he shot that down in a hurry. He even says that despite it only being a rumour, he wouldn’t do it if they offered it to him now anyways.


But as reported by Slashfilm, Proyas shot that down at ComicCon. He didn’t even know where the rumor originated. And while he’s very fond of the character, he told MTV this week that he will never even consider directing a Silver Surfer movie. Why? “Because it’s a Fox picture. And I’m determined never to work with them ever again because of my experience on I,Robot.”

He also continues on to talk about how he didn’t like how Surfer was handled in the less than popular Fantastic Four sequel.

I have to agree. Although I didn’t hate Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer, I really didn’t care for how unepic they made the conflict of the Fantastic Four’s greatest enemy. I won’t even get into the whole “storm cloud” bullshit.

Surfer is a passionate guy who is carrying the burden of so many deaths on his shoulders, but in FF2 he was truly flat. And I am not talking about the board. There was so much potential lost there.

I honestly don’t need to see a Silver Surfer movie without the Fantastic Four in it. They were key to his redemption. And an origin story would seem a little weak since we all know how that ends up. Kind of a bad story when you give yourself to the service of your enemy to save your planet, he makes you Godlike in powers, and then makes you pick planets for him to eat instead. Yay, you saved millions so you could pull the trigger on millions and millions more. No resolution. Roll credits.

With any luck, Fox will let the Fantastic Four franchise rights lapse, so Marvel films can reboot it like the Hulk and bring them into the crossover movie world they all belong in.

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