2 New Dragonball Images

We have 2 new Dragonball images for you guys to check out today thanks to our friends at the Movieweb:

Mr. Chow Yun Fat looks like he’s doing Tai Chi in Hawaii. Hang ten brah!

I hope she likes my mauve jacket. I love mauve. It does you good just to say it; Mauve.

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Cole

    [Cringe] … Your captioning humor needs a bit of work

  2. dougnagy


  3. HDpunk

    why do sites keep saying these pictures are new? the 2 pictures have been online for a while now, ive probably saw these picture at least a month ago

  4. Bob

    I want to make sweet love to Emmy Rossum.

    Or dirty, filthy monkey sex. Whichever.

  5. LMAO

    lol look at goku….he looks like a gay goth…..”i dont care what people think about me, i hate my life,but i look fabulous!!!”

  6. leeloo

    really nice of chow yun fat to show up and make this movie on his coffee break.

  7. Rodney

    HDPunk is trying out for the new superhero “I knew that before everyone else” man.

  8. Freeman

    Haha, ^^^ Nice one, Rodney.

  9. Campea Fan

    ROTFL good one Rodney…I hate when people say that also…

  10. HDpunk

    lol @ that “I knew that before everyone else man”

    but no, i wasnt trying to sound like “that guy”. im just saying that if you turned the news on today & they were announcing that the olympics were about to start you would probably say “wtf, didnt the olympics just end?”. but whatever

  11. Wow

    You guys are morons. Take one second to think about this movie. One second. And you will see this has the potential to be bigger than X-Men.

    1) Fox not only IMMEDIATELY debunked those cancellation rumors, they also went so far as to say they thought it was awesome and they want a “trilogy as soon as possible.” They know they have a hit on their hands.

    2) Not only that, they IMMEDIATELY announced the trailer would be released during Max Payne (a movie that will make millions) right after those cancellation rumors.

    3) They haven’t revealed a single new promo pic (these aren’t new, these are MONTHS OLD) because they want to surprise everyone with the trailer.

    4) EVERYONE INVOLVED has nothing but great things to say about this movie. And this isn’t Jay Leno enthusiasm. This is genuine, heartfelt enthusiasm. Every cast member is a HUGE fan of the show, and the director thinks the manga is a classic.

    5) The budget is DOUBLE the amount of “300″ and the company that did the special effects for 300, Spiderman, The Matrix, and Sin City are doing the special effects.

    6) The stunt company did “The Matrix,” “Fight Club,” “Bourne Ultimatium,” etc. etc.

    7) The producer is Stephen Chow. Chow Yun-Fat is in it. “DRAGONBALL” is in the title. INSTANT CASH.

  12. Kristina

    Emmy deserves so much better than this garbage.

  13. giren

    Rodney, that link was totally funny!

  14. Nixon


    wasn’t it ?

  15. duca

    *These pictures are considered ‘new’ because they are the first High Res release of them, rather then tiny little scans from a magazine

    These pictures do nothing for me. Just because something is called Dragonball, it doesn’t mean it IS Dragonball. Looking at these pictures I find it so hard to believe that this Goku once turned into a giant, rampaging monkey that killed his adoptive family. It just doesn’t feel right. The charm of the original Dragonball manga was the humour and the charactors. It was not a ‘action epic’ like Dragonball Z eventually turned into, although it did have its share of action especially near the end of the series.

    With this obviously realistic approach it makes it hard to picture them fighting Picollo or even Chatzu for that matter. I suppose I’ll withhold my judgement until the trailer comes out, but if they f* up Piccolo I ain’t going to be happy. A remake should at the very least keep the feel of the original series it’s being adapted from, right? I just don’t see that so far.

  16. HAZMAT


    thats so retro…ive known about that link sinse pluto was a planet…

    and ive seen these pictures a while ago…

    tomorrow you will bump your knee on the living room table and spill your can of “full throtle” all over your new crocs..

  17. Dragonslayer

    Why is still on? Dragonball should’ve been canceled before the legend began

  18. HAZMAT

    it got canceled because it sucked but that was GT…it had nothing to do with DBZ.

    anyone inthis website that likes dragonball likes it because of dragonball z not gt…maybe dragonball but mostly DBZ….DBZ and DB would never get canceled it was gt that fucked up and this movie has nothing to do with the abortion of a show that GT was…

  19. Kanthan

    these pictures really make me sad, I mean that apartment looks like its in new york or something what happened to that semi quasi fanastical world that these characters inhabit. I also try to leave my judgement till I ve seen the movie but wow have they taken it in a direction that i wished they hadnt. Goku looks fucking awful.

  20. chris (the real one)

    im down with duca on this one….it doesnt look or feel right at all

  21. shinye

    Stephen Chow’s not producing this, WOW

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