Archive for August, 2008

Gremlins vs the PVR

A great little fan made clip of Gremlins taking over a PVR and invading the movies themselves. When the screen glitches, just keep watching it. You will see that its part of the video.

This is made of awesome. I miss the Gremlins.

Family Guy Movie Set To Start Within Year

FamilyguypartyIt looks like the wheels have started to spin for a Family Guy film. We get wind of this news from moviesonline:

In an interview with TV Week MacFarlane says, “We want to do it. And it is time. In the past six months we have seriously started talking about it. And my hope is that we will get it going within the next year. Doing the show is a seven-day a week process, so I don’t know how we will squeeze in a movie. But we will figure it out. I have an idea about what it will be. It’ s definitely something you wouldn’t be able to do on the show. That’s the only reason to do a movie.”

I’ m not a fan of Family Guy, I don’t hate the show and will watch from time to time - but it isn’t something that I follow on a regular basis. I do have some interest in seeing a film however. The episodes are like clip shows, and that’s fine for 30 min, but for a feature I am guessing that a proper story will be needed. If they hammer out a fable and deviate from the norm, I think we will have a welcome change for both fans and foes of the franchise.

Now we wait for them to begin writing. When news of developments start to surface, we will be sure to bring them to your attention.

International Friends - what are your thoughts on the announcement of a Family Guy feature?

No End In Sight Set For You Tube Launch

The people responsible for the documentary No End In Sight are letting the world see it for free starting Sept 1, 2008. We get the following news release thanks to our friends at the movieweb:

Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary Feature and winner of the Documentary Special Jury Prize at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival, the first film of its kind to examine the American policies that sent Iraq spiraling into a civil war, will also be the first widely released feature film to screen in its entirety on YouTube starting on September 1 and continuing through the 2008 presidential election on Tuesday, November 4. The film will be featured on its own YouTube channel ( and available to anyone with a computer and high-speed internet connection, as well as via the YouTube service on broadband-connected TiVo Series3 or TiVo HD DVRs, which enables subscribers to watch the myriad content of YouTube on their televisions. No End in Sight is being made available free to the public to reveal the facts about the Bush Administration’s invasion and occupation of Iraq to voters concerned with the issues of national security and the adverse economic impact of the war when making decisions in this crucial election.

No End in Sight is a jaw-dropping, insider’s tale of the ignorance, incompetence and blind ambition that ensnared the U.S. in a war without a post-invasion plan. In the film, high ranking officials tasked with rebuilding Iraq, such as former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Ambassador Barbara Bodine, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as Chief of Staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell, and General Jay Garner, who was in charge of the occupation in early 2003, recount principal errors in U.S. policy which opened the door to the insurgency and chaos that engulf Iraq today. From insufficient troop numbers to secure the country to alienating the Iraqi people, No End in Sight details how a swift military victory descended into a quagmire.

I haven’ t seem this film, but will certainly be watching it with al of you the first of September. I love when documentary filmmakers release their stuff for free online. Over the past few months I have seen The Century Of The Self, Manufacturing Consent and The Corporation all on google video.

All of us will be able to watch this film together, for free, and we have a unique opportunity to discuss it from all corners of the globe. I love the internet.

2 New Dragonball Images

We have 2 new Dragonball images for you guys to check out today thanks to our friends at the Movieweb:

Mr. Chow Yun Fat looks like he’s doing Tai Chi in Hawaii. Hang ten brah!

I hope she likes my mauve jacket. I love mauve. It does you good just to say it; Mauve.

Max Makowski to Direct Voltron

It looks like the upcoming Voltron movie has its director, Max Makowski! Ok, I don’t know who he is either. LatinoReview says:

sources tell me he’s actually a great choice. I honestly hope so and I at least give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I’m told he’s on every studio’s hot list these days because of some Sundance movie he made a few years ago about warring assassins called ONE LAST DANCE.

I am wary about giving a movie with as much summer blockbuster potential as Voltron to someone no one has ever heard of. Some kind words are spoken of him, but we have heard that before.

I would like to see some of his other stuff like this Sundance flick that has the studios clawing at him like some giant metal lion, but if he was so hot for a film he did two years ago, why didn’t he do a film then?

I don’t know. I’m holding my breath on this one, but still shaking my head.

Saw V Poster Online

They could make a million of these movies and they still couldn’t get me to watch another one of them. I saw the first one for the genius that it was. Great hook, over the top violence and gore. Lots of cringing moments. But then I lost interest.

But there appears to still be a market for it and people flock to these torture porn movies in droves so they make money. So I guess they have to push out as many as they can before the subgenre loses steam and some other type of horror becomes the “in thing”


Alex Proyas Won’t Direct Silver Surfer

Alex Proyas was rumoured to be directing the Silver Surfer spinoff, but he shot that down in a hurry. He even says that despite it only being a rumour, he wouldn’t do it if they offered it to him now anyways.


But as reported by Slashfilm, Proyas shot that down at ComicCon. He didn’t even know where the rumor originated. And while he’s very fond of the character, he told MTV this week that he will never even consider directing a Silver Surfer movie. Why? “Because it’s a Fox picture. And I’m determined never to work with them ever again because of my experience on I,Robot.”

He also continues on to talk about how he didn’t like how Surfer was handled in the less than popular Fantastic Four sequel.

I have to agree. Although I didn’t hate Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer, I really didn’t care for how unepic they made the conflict of the Fantastic Four’s greatest enemy. I won’t even get into the whole “storm cloud” bullshit.

Surfer is a passionate guy who is carrying the burden of so many deaths on his shoulders, but in FF2 he was truly flat. And I am not talking about the board. There was so much potential lost there.

I honestly don’t need to see a Silver Surfer movie without the Fantastic Four in it. They were key to his redemption. And an origin story would seem a little weak since we all know how that ends up. Kind of a bad story when you give yourself to the service of your enemy to save your planet, he makes you Godlike in powers, and then makes you pick planets for him to eat instead. Yay, you saved millions so you could pull the trigger on millions and millions more. No resolution. Roll credits.

With any luck, Fox will let the Fantastic Four franchise rights lapse, so Marvel films can reboot it like the Hulk and bring them into the crossover movie world they all belong in.

Shyamalan gives Wahlberg’s Worst Advice

Mark Wahlberg is one of my favourite actors. I typically enjoy just about anything he is in. Well recently he got some advice from a guy he respects and calls him “a true artist”, M Night Shyamalan. But he calls that advice the worst he ever heard.

MTVMovies Blog

Because as Wahlberg related, when he saw his ucpoming weapons-toting hero Max Payne in the editing room, “I was like, ‘Yes! This is the sh-t I need to be doing! This is the stuff that makes people say, ‘You know what, you’re the man!’ This is it!’”

Which brings us to M. Night’s probably ill-fated recommendation. “[Night] gave me the worst advice he could have ever given me. He said, ‘After [‘The Happening’], you can never hold a gun again. You know that, right?’ I said, ‘Are you crazy?’ He said, ‘I’m serious, don’t ever hold a gun again.’ And I said, ‘I don’t know about that, man.’”

I don’t know. That’s like telling Van Damme to never do the splits again. Or telling Swayze, you got cancer, you should quit.

Just because he did it in a film that flopped doesn’t mean he should avoid those roles altogether. And it seems a little specific. Its not like he advised him never to do action again. It was just about guns.

If Max Payne flops (its potential success is hotly debated) then the ShamHammer might bark back a “toldya so” but I still don’t think it would hold much weight.

Imagine how many movies Walberg held a gun? Id wager its at least a third of his movies. Just sounds right. So one movie with a gun in hand that flops and his advice is to never go there again?

I haven’t seen the Happening, so I don’t know if there is some deeper meaning to his character and the gun, but this just sounds so random that it doesn’t make sense.

WB and the Case of Intellectual Property Rights

Ah the internet is all the buzz about WB’s apparent hypocracy. See they filed against a movie titled Hari Puttar because “Warner Bros. values and protects intellectual property rights” and then news came out that Fox has not filed last minute against the Watchmen, in fact they have been trying to get WB to recognize their claim for a couple years now. Before WB even moved forward on production. Seems they didn’t “value intellectual property rights” unless its already theirs. They have no problem crossing the line of OTHER properties, but don’t dare come close to their own.

Fox paid for the rights to the intellectual property of Watchmen, and though WB owns Watchmen, they have a legal agreement with Fox to produce it which Fox alleges is still in place. says:

Stop a film’s release?! Even though WB (allegedly) illegally moved forward on the property when perhaps it wasn’t supposed to? YES! It’s called THE LAW!

I checked around town to nail down when exactly 20th Century Fox contacted WB in regards to Fox’s Quitclaim. I am told it was months before production even started and that Fox made plenty of attempts via e-mail, snail mail and phone to get WB to address the issue.

It’s hard to understand exactly what WB was thinking when they decided to move forward on Watchmen without first taking care of all the legalities. A source close to both studios tells the IESB that, “Fox reached out to WB in 2007, early 2008 and that WB simply dropped the ball, someone over at WB legal didn’t do his job.”

WB may have been caught with their pants down. I originally pointed the finger at Fox saying they were being the bitches starting the lawsuit over the rights to Watchmen at the last second when the WB was making the film over the last year. Well apparently proof comes out that Fox HAS been calling them on it and the WB just ignored them.

But the instinct is to side against WB in their OTHER lawsuit against Bollywood producers releasing a film called Hari Puttar for similiarities to their wizarding mega franchise Harry Potter. Its just not right that WB can (allegedly) violate intellectual property law on one day, and then sue someone for doing it to them the next. But you cant.

It sucks, but it is the law. Just because someone might be breaking one law doesn’t make them immune to the same law. Much like if someone breaks into your house, you might feel legally justified to beat the fuck out of them, but that is still considered assault.

Justice is blind. Not in that it doesn’t see what is happening, but in that it is blind to all other influences that might deviate it from its cause. Justice is the execution of the law. If the law is discarded because you feel bad, then Justice isn’t served.

So while I would agree with you, that if someone was to break into my house and I was home he would pay. Dearly. And I would likely face assault charges. Sounds stupid, but its the law.

The result of the Hari Puttar case will not have any bearing on the Watchmen Case. It sounds like Fox might have them by the short hairs, but that doesn’t mean WB cannot pursue its other legitimate cases.

New Max Payne Trailer

The new Max Payne Trailer is out on the web now, and I’ve got to admit I like this one a little better than the last version that was out there. I’m still not sold on it however. The whole thing with Angles and Demons still makes me scratch my head a bit. Still, it’s looking better than it did before.

(Source: ComingSoon.Net)

The Movie Blog: Uncut - August 28th 2008

Hey there folks! This is your 316th installment of The Movie Blog: Uncut, originally recorded Thursday August 28th 2008. Doug and I are happy to be joined once again by Ashely Oxford. Listen in as we discuss:

1) Does nudity in movies matter anymore?

2) A Batman movie without Nolan?

3) Facebook the movie

4) Vin Diesel as a comic book villain

5) A special announcement

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Transformers 2 Set Explosion Video

A video of the Transformers 2 set. Yup… this is a Michael Bay film. Thanks to Movie Chronicles for the heads up!

Explosion at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Shoot from OneMoreNone on Vimeo.

Manolis Zantanos and Alice Cooper

For those noobs out there who are not watching the Live Uncut shows that happen daily here on TMB, John made a little announcement.

John and Doug made a script, wrote a movie. And now they are making said script into an actual movie. I will let John get into the bigger details of this, but one of the few things he mentioned on tonight’s show was that semifrequent Uncut guest Ashley Oxford was going to be in it as well as Canadian Comedian, Manolis Zantanos.

John mentioned that Manolis had his Comedy Network special on YouTube so I go and check him out. Well he is funny enough, so I want more. I start surfing around and that’s when I found this special little gem.

Doug and John ran into Manolis (friend and colleague of Doug’s) at FanExpo in Toronto 2 years ago and he tells the story of this Collage he did of Alice Cooper in highschool that he GAVE to Alice Cooper (through Cooper’s daughter) and then years later asks Alice about it in front of a pile of fans at FanExpo during a panel. Apparently Alice Cooper liked the collage so much he hung it up in his restaurant. In the vid Manolis gets closure and finally finds out about the fate of his collage gift to his hero.

This guy scores high on my cool meter already and he is really funny in a genuine “guy telling a funny story at a party” kind of way.

Don’t drink pop when watching his comedy. All I am saying. Your nose will thank me.

Traitor Review

Thank you for checking out our Traitor review.

The General Idea

Plot Synopsis From IMDB: When strait arrow FBI agent Roy Clayton (Guy Pearce) heads up the investigation into a dangerous international conspiracy, all clues seem to lead back to former U.S. Special Operations officer, Samir Horn (Don Cheadle). A mysterious figure with a web of connections to terrorist organizations, Horn has a knack for emerging on the scene just as a major operation goes down. The task force links Horn to a prison break in Yemen, a bombing in Nice and a raid in London, but a tangle of contradictory evidence emerges, forcing Clayton to question whether his quarry is a disaffected former military operative - or something far more complicated. Obsessed with discovering the truth, Clayton tracks Horn across the globe as the elusive ex-soldier burrows deeper and deeper into a world of shadows and intrigue.

The Good

This is a film about the war on terror and the war of terror. We see both sides of the battle and the film does a very good job of showing the global networks, intelligence and skill that exists from each faction. The film certainly takes a side against terror, but not without showing us that their reasons are much more complicated than just “hating freedom.” In one particular scene we see both the FBI and the terrorist organization reading off Samir Horn’s (Cheadle) life history.

This film takes us around the globe to multiple locations, and not only did I appreciate the different location shots, it was necessary to show the global nature of terrorism and the sophistication of the organizations that make it happen. You are reminded that people with nefarious plans are armed, organized and smattered across the globe, this reminder creeped me out after the film was wrapped.

The acting in this film was very good all around, Cheadle in particular is a dude I always like to see; and this was no exception. The guy has chops and is among my favorite actors working today. Most of the action in this film was at his hands, and not only did he kick ass, he did it well. I normally wouldn’t have slotted Cheadle for an action role, but I wouldn’t be averse to seeing him in another punch em up.

The Bad (possible spoilers)

I am generally not a big fan of films that involve undercover officers. They show us the underbelly of the crime world, but have a hero that is only “in it” to out them. I guess this is done to make the audience feel better about being part of the situation (through viewing). I would much prefer a film about a scum-bag, who is among scum-bags, is never redeemed and eventually gets justice - see Dillinger.

This film was long and the story got a little boring nearing the end. I understand that this is a serious film, and a lot of “espionage” work had to be covered, but it just doesn’t make for much cinematic excitement. They did throw in violence here and there to pick up the pace, but too many “meeting” scenes happened on both sides of the law and the film dragged because of it.

The main cop (Guy Pearce) investigating the case is too perfect, he knows the language, has read the Koran and is the theologian son of a baptist minister. If they had a scene where the FBI purposefully searches out an agent for the job - that would make sense, but to randomly have this guy on the case was a stretch beyond my reach.

As an aside I would like to see a film like this where the guy gets found out half way through and is made to pay because of it. The guy you thought was the main character is now dead, and you have to adjust to the story.


I enjoyed this film. Problems aside they had a fairly balanced perspective on the problem of terrorism, and the story was good enough for an enjoyable theatre outing. Out of 10, I would give this film a 6. I would count this a safer bet than Disaster Movie this holiday weekend - that is certain.

Dreamworks Casts Tina Fey And Robert Downey Jr. For Mastermind

It looks like Dreamworks has their eyes set on making their own Incredibles, and have tapped two hot tamales for voice work. We get the following scoop from EW via comingsoon.

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) and Tina Fey (“30 Rock”) are in negotiations to voice characters in DreamWorks Animation’s MasterMind, scheduled for a November 5, 2010 release.

Produced by Ben Stiller’s production company, Red Hour Films, the film is a satirical send-up of the superhero genre, built around the story of a super villain who must find a new motivation after accidentally killing his archrival, Uberman, in the opening scene of the movie.

Animated super hero films are fine with me; I will watch Rocket Robin Hood if it’s on TV. With the comic book genre doing so well, I’m not surprised to see Dreamworks throw a contribution into the mix. The premise sounds nothing like The Incredibles, but they are no doubt hoping for similar box office results.

Once again however, I must mention my dislike of having celebrities do the voices for animated characters. There is a segment of the population that focuses their energy on voice-work, and they should get the jobs. I don’t believe that a film benefits in quality by having celebrities, and I am still doubtful that a name on an animated film draws enough to warrant the sacrifice.

All that being said, Tina Fey And Robert Downey Jr. are both exceptionally talented individuals.

Does Nudity In Movies Matter Anymore?

boobs.jpgKnockers. Boobies. Tits. Canons. Mounts of Olympus. Jugs. Mounds of Joy. Ta Tas. Melons. Nipple Holders. Breasts. Lovely Lady Lumps. Baby Feeders. Bazookas. Cans. Cupcakes. Rack. Milkshakes. Hooters. Fun Bags.

Yes, young teen and pre-teen boys are so obsessed with women and their breasts that over the years we’ve come up with literally hundreds of slang phrases and variations of those phrases. That’s just how much we think about them. All the time. Non stop. It’s sad. It’s pathetic and juvenile, but the cold hard fact is that it’s also nature… and if women didn’t know that, they wouldn’t wear push up bras with low cut shirts. But that’s a rant for another blog.

Yes, our adolescent preoccupation with “boobs” doesn’t end in our teen years either. As we get older, some of us men just learn to mask and hide our genetic fixation and act more civil about it… but make no mistake about it my friends, it is still very much there and still very much alive, and any man who says otherwise is either A) Living out an alternative lifestyle, or B) LYING THROUGH HIS LYING TEETH OF LIES!!!

If you’re a woman, and you’re having a face to face conversation with a man… trust me… the moment you look away at something, he’s checking out the boob meat. A skillful man will let his eyes feast just long enough that he can get his eyes lined back up with yours just before you turn your attention back to him. In some respects, we are ninjas that way.

We aren’t objectifying you. We aren’t disrespecting you and we certainly aren’t belittling you. You simply have something we love, fixate on and are genetically driven to desire… and as kids, the only way most of us would get a chance to see the object of our desire was in movies.

Yes, for many of us, movies (not porn, just the regular ones) were our gateway, our conduit if you will to the wonderful world of nudity. Yes, the benevolent magical porn elves of the forest would sometimes leave dirty magazines around for us to find in the woods, but for the most part, regular movies held the potential to show us that thing we infatuated about the most… naked women. Yes yes yes, I understand how pathetic that sounds, but it is what it is.

I still remember my first “exposure” to a movie with nudity. I was 11 or 12 and I saw “Police Academy”. I was already in love with movies by that age because of Star Wars, but I was about to discover a whole new purpose for movies… to show me boobies! What man among us didn’t fantasize about Callahan at some point?

But now let me fast forward 20 or so years. It’s now 2008. The internet is here. As full grown men all of us have seen “boobies” in real life. Full blown porn is available to us for free… anytime… 24/7. We no longer need a Hollywood movie to provide us with images of naked women, because we can get that just about anywhere any time. And yet… we still obsess about it.

I’ll be honest, the main reason most men (including myself) had any sort of anticipation level about the new Woody Allen film “Vicky Christina Barcelona” was because we heard last year that there was going to be a threesome in it involving Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson. Just look around the interweb, and that’s the part everyone was talking about.

This week a new 80’s style comedy flick called “College” is opening up. The main draw of the film is that it promises nudity and sex (and hopefully it’ll be funny too). But the reality is that if I’m dying to look at some nudity or sex, I don’t have to wait till Friday, drive the the movie theater and pay $12 to get in to see it while surrounded by hundreds of other people. If nudity and sex are what I’m looking for, I don’t need the movies at all anymore.

So why do some of us still give any weight or importance to the idea of nudity in film as a drawing point, if nudity and sex are available 24/7? Why do some studios still rely on it as a selling point? Even kids today don’t need the magical porn elves of the forest anymore. Watching the scrambled channels late at night in hopes of a fraction of a second of clarity on a nipple is a thing of the past.

I’m not talking about artistic nudity, like Viggo Mortensen in “Eastern Promises” fighting nude in the steam room. That made sense. It had a purpose other than trying to be sexually titillating. Sexually titillating scenes can also serve a purpose and the story at times when used right. No, what I’m talking about is gratuitous nudity for it’s own sake just as a selling feature. Does it matter anymore?

So let me ask you this. AND BE HONEST… we all know that the promise of nudity in a movie USED TO appeal to you a great deal, but does it anymore? Does the free availability of nudity on the web, or age or maturity negate the draw of sex in a movie for you? If it still holds some drawing power for you (I admit that it did for me a little with the “Vicky Christina Barcelona” example), why do you think that is?

Vin Diesel Wants To Play Marvel Villain

In a one on one interview with MTV, Vin Diesel announced that he hasn’t done a comic book film to date because he’s holding out for a role where he can play the villain as the protagonist. He mentioned that he had a character in mind, but wouldn’t say. I would guess that he is thinking about Venom, but it’s impossible to know. Everything he said could be false. This article may be false. Trust no one.

For those of you that would like to see the interview for yourselves, please go to the source article over at MTV

Kevin Smith says Zack and Miri Make a Porno will not be in the Askewniverse

Its no secret that I am a big Kevin Smith fan. I have nearly completed my Kevin Smith collection of movies (yes, even Jersey girl) because they mostly make up the parallel universe known as “the Askewniverse”.

But Kevin Smith just announced that his own private world will not have a mailing address for Zack and Miri.

MTVMoviesBlog says:

“We don’t need put a foot in both worlds,” Smith said. “This is a different thing.”

Sure, we didn’t expect a Jay and Silent Bob cameo (not least of all because Jason Mewes is starring in the film as a different character), but not even a little nod?

“Nothing, not even like a little wink,” Smith said. “There’s a moment where we needed to showcase a pack of cigarettes at one point. I don’t even think it wound up in the final cut. And our designer who’s been on almost every movie with us was like, ‘Should we use Nails?’ And I was like no, find some fake movie cigarette brand.”

I don’t know why he doesn’t. Not that it makes a lick of difference either way. Jay and Silent Bob do not have to make an appearance to throw in a tribute to that world and something as obscure as a pack of cigarettes to tie them together.

So does the exclusion of Askewniverse branding make this an Apatowniverse film? It does have some Apatow staples with Rogen and Banks, who suggestively got it on in 40 Year old Virgin. It isn’t like any of the Whack Pack haven’t played other roles in Apatow movies.

Guess this is not that big of a deal, it just seems like he flipped a coin and said “This one is OUT”

Australia Moved back after Bond

Looks like more shuffling is happening in the void left by Harry Potter now dominated by Bond. It looks like the period piece Australia will now skip itself back a couple weeks.

InContention says:

Jeff Wells reports that the release date for Baz Luhrmann’s vast period romance “Australia” has been pushed back from November 14 to November 26.

I just couldn’t imagine that it was good news for this movie to get a change of format for competition that month. They likely didn’t think that Harry Potter would be a big competition, but a film like this might just appeal to the more mature crowd that will make up half of Bond’s draw.

I like period movies, but mostly because my wife made me start watching them. I get fascinated by the peek we get at a historical time and social values that are long forgotten. These are things that the Harry Potter crowd wouldnt likely have to make a tough choice on.

But now the more discerning Bond crowd would be challenging for cinema seats, so they moved it.

But honestly, will it make that much of a difference? One week before or after Bond? Is there enough crossover to worry in the first place?

The Strangers Gets a Sequel

A modest little filme called The Strangers managed to elude my attention amidst this summer rush of Blockbusters, but it is being hailed as quite the success. The Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman film had a $9 million budget and made about $54million. Score!

So in good Hollywood form, there will be a sequel. says:

Rogue Pictures has set in motion a sequel to its summer hit “The Strangers” and has set Bryan Bertino to return to write the script.

Bertino wrote the original and made his directing debut on the film; it’s yet to be determined whether he’ll helm the sequel.

The expectation is that Liv Tyler, along with several of the original villains, will return. Production is being slated for early 2009.

I wonder about the sequel stigma affecting this movie. I hadn’t even heard of the first one, and now I imagine with its success the stars would want to see a little more cash for the sequel raising its production costs.

With the exception of some major blockbuster titles, most sequels are not as successful as the first.

But with news of a sequel are you curious to seek out the first one?? I know I suddenly want to check it out.

Outlander Being Shipped Directly To DVD

It looks like the viking film Outlander may be heading directly to DVD. We get wind of this news from our friends at cinematical:

I think this’ll be my last Outlander post for a while; you’re probably sick of hearing about it by now. But I think I owe you this one as a matter of follow-through. You see, the buzz on the internets is that, as feared, the Weinstein Company is sending the nearly $50 million dollar Vikings-fight-aliens adventure film to direct-to-DVD oblivion.

The source of this semi-substantiated rumor is that a couple of online DVD retailers, such as Movies Unlimited and Amazon have listed a November 18th, 2008 release date for the movie, with Movies Unlimited now accepting pre-orders. No theatrical release date was ever announced, and needless to say, if the DVD release date is accurate, it rules out any sort of theatrical appearance. Important to note that there’s no official confirmation from the distributor on the DVD release, so this could all be one big mistake. But it doesn’t look good.

Aliens vs. Vikings! I would like to see this in theaters sure, but if it going direct to DVD means that I can get my hands on it faster then so be it! Vikings are bad ass and I am unsure why more quality raiding films have not yet been made. We meet the vikings, they sack a monastery, kill the monks, steal the booty and return home to celebrate the plunder - roll credits.

I will hunt this film down when it becomes available and gladly review it for all of you. I just hope it’s better than Pathfinder. Vikings vs. Natives sounded awesome as well, but it certainly didn’t deliver.

In the name of Odin, the all-father and by the roots of Yggdrasil the world tree; I hope for excellence.

Facebook: The Movie

Facebook is a phenomenon that hasn’t been met since the creation of MySpace. But then MySpace got dominated by hack musicians trying to pimp their wares and 12 year old girls and wannabe gangsta boys. So everyone else got onto Facebook.

So why not make a movie about it? Ok… they are.

FilmJunk says:

Facebook feature film is currently in the works, focusing on the story of 24 year old creator Mark Zuckerberg and how he became one of the youngest billionaires ever. The surprising thing is that they’ve got a pretty credible writer on board in Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, Charlie Wilson’s War), and he’s even joined Facebook himself just to see how the whole thing works.

I am glad to hear this will be based on the success of the young creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.

Could you imagine a movie about people getting asked to join the war of Vampires vs Werewolves (horror) or Mobster gang wars (Street Crime drama) or even figuring out which Hogwarts House you would belong to (Fantasy) or just a story about long lost friends who find themselves rekindling love (Romance) or just a lot of poking (Porno).

I will have to wait til we get closer to find out what the whole deal is with this movie. I can’t imagine anything more exciting than watching some geek hold up a disk saying “I think I am on to something” and becoming a millionaire overnight.

Maybe the movie will end with the truck full of money backing up to his house saying “Now we are making a movie about this”

Its an endless cycle.

Descent 2: More Descent

John raved about how good the Descent was, and he is actually looking forward to the sequel. I haven’t seen it yet, because I get uncomfortably claustrophobic. But if you wanna get creeped out, I would vote for that movie to do it.

I am a little skeptical because the sequel is being organized by different people. Its own creator didn’t want to go back, and that says something to me.

Cinematical says:

The sequel picks up where the first film left off (that is if you are following the events of the North American release of the original film). The story follows the return of a mute and unbalanced Sarah as she heads back down to the caves with a rescue party to locate the rest of her group. Of course, this being the ricketiest cave on earth, the group is soon trapped and left to deal with the nasties down below.

Now the premise for this movie kinda bothers me. The same character has some noble cause to go rescue her lost friends. But seriously.

She escaped certain death and a traumatic experience, so … lets go back?

If I managed to live through an experience like that it would only be to get other people to go back and get my friends for me.

She goes back and gets stuck… again. You gotta hate yourself after all that.

Reitman Has Sights Set On Clooney For Lead In Up In The Air

Jason Reitman is working on bringing Walter Kirn’s book Up In The Air to the silver screen; and today we have word that he wants George Clooney To Star. We are made aware of this from the following announcement from cinematical:

Reitman has already shifted the project into a higher gear by setting his sights on George Clooney, who’s in talks to star as the narcissistic protagonist. While I’m pretty sure the character is quite a bit younger than the actor, Clooney has precisely the effortless comic chops this project needs. His profile won’t hurt, either.

I haven’t read the book, but the story of a businessman on the hunt to rack up his millionth frequent flyer mile sounds good to me.

I am guessing much of this story takes place in a plane, so you will need a person who can be interesting just sitting in a seat. George Clooney is such a gentleman and think Reitman is wise to court him for this project. We will be sure to be on the hunt for confirmation of this casting, and will keep you up to date on the developments.

Crank High Voltage Image

We have a still from Crank: High Voltage to show you this morning. Thanks to our friends at IESB for the hookup.

This is a fun pic. Having the High Voltage sign in the pic is a cool tip of the hat to the title.

I would now like to present the video for Danger! High Voltage by Electric Six for your enjoyment. Much thanks to Poultor for hooking me up with this one.

No Heroics

I caught this trailer online for a new “Britcom” series coming out that kind of reminds me of the live action Tick show combined with Friends and some british accents with a side order of MysteryMen. Just a bunch of superheroes hanging out off duty - at a pub for off duty superheroes.

Tiger Aspect, the same studio that brought us Mr Bean, The Catherine Tate Show (Do I look Bovvered?) BBC’s Robin Hood and Secret Diary of a Call Girl brings us No Heroics this fall.

My fav is Timebomb.

I’m going to stalk this show like that girl who said no to me at prom.

The Movie Blog: Uncut - Recorded August 27th 2008

Hey there folks! For your viewing and listening enjoyment The Movie Blog: Uncut is very pleased to once again be joined by the writers and directors of “Crank”, the upcoming “Crank 2″ as well as the upcoming new Gerard Butler movie “Game”, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. It’s always… ummm… interesting when these guys are on. This episode was originally recorded on Wednesday August 27th 2008.

You can WATCH the show here:

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The Fly Opera

We have some news about David Cronenberg’s upcoming opera based on The Fly! We get the following scoop from the science caves of Yahoo:

David Cronenberg’s sci-fi terror movie “The Fly” has taken on a new life in the Canadian director’s first foray into the world of opera.

“The Fly,” described as a classical re-imagining of the 1986 movie about an eccentric scientist who turns into a massive fly, will open the new season at Los Angeles Opera in September with LA Opera director Placido Domingo conducting the orchestra.

The Fly is an opera that I would see! I remember seeing the original as a child and being creeped out. The fly mask is almost laughable now, but the quality of the acting in reaction to the reveal, more than made up for it. I prefer the original but didn’t mind the work of David Cronenberg. This is a remake that I actually enjoyed; as a rule I hate them, but this is a noted exception.

I think the story of The Fly will make for an excellent opera. The story of The Fly is a tragic tale told within the realm of science fiction. For its time the idea was absolutely brilliant and still stands up as an tale if the unforeseen dangers of science. I would very much like to see this in LA and hope I am able to get tickets in September.

Dracula: Year Zero Plans To Keep It Real

MTV recently interviewed Alex Proyas about his upcoming vampire film Dracula: Year Zero. Mr. Proyas plans to spin a more “realistic” take on the character and MTV was nice enough to press the issue for us. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Draculas, and vampires in general, are known, of course, for some pretty unrealistic things: being able to transform into bats, for instance, or aversion to garlic, or a lack of a reflection in mirrors, or giant fangs.

“Oh, you’ve got to have teeth,” Proyas exclaimed. “I mean, the teeth are really important. I think Frank Langella in the ‘Dracula’ movie that was made in the 70s, I think he didn’t want to have teeth in the movie. But, no, I like the teeth. I want to see girls with a lot of teeth.”

Ok, so teeth are in. Garlic? “I think the garlic thing is kind of weird,” Proyas laughed.

And the transformation into a bat? Well…Proyas wouldn’t say. So what parts of mythology DO make it into his version? “Stakes and teeth,” the director smiled. “And we’re lots and lots of blood!”

I see where Proyas is going with this and I think I’m on board. Turning into a bat or a wolf is cool, but what really makes vampires interesting to me is their hypnotic sensuality. They woo the willing into giving up their necks in exchange for their last lusty rendezvous. Those that are fancied by the Vampires are spared and eventually turned into beasts themselves. Forever dammed for giving themselves up in exchange for carnality, they must now feed the hunger that first brought the curse upon them.

Some victims have no choice in the matter and are drained like pigs at the slaughter; but the drinking of the willing is far more interesting to me.

Garlic, Crosses, and bats I can do without. Steaks through the heart are essential, as are fangs and blood. If you are going to strip a vampire story down to the bare essentials, I think Proyas has the right idea.

What do you guys think? Will removing some of the more supernatural powers of Dracula upset you, or will you be fine with a stripped down villain so long as it works?

Bad Teacher

We have news of a new workplace comedy titled Bad Teacher to share with you today thanks to our friends over at movieweb:

Columbia Pictures has purchased the spec script Bad Teacher, by The Office co-exec producers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky.

According to Variety, the story follows a foul-mouthed, gold-digging seventh-grade teacher who’s dumped by her sugar-daddy boyfriend and turns her attention toward a colleague. That pits her against a rival who happens to be the school’s model teacher.

I do not like the title of this one. Bad Santa already exists, so this film automatically sounds like a porn rip off.

The premise itself sounds promising. Good girl vs bad girl for the heart of a co-worker sounds quite promising. The Office is a program that takes the piss out of everyday work life and makes fun of daily absurdities. If the producers make make good in similar fashion here; we will all benefit from the hilarity.

I would like to see Geena Gershon vs Amy Adams or something to that effect. As for the dude, you would have to have someone that you could see going either way…actually Toby Mcguire might be good. If Gina Gershon licked his face in an uncomfortable setting (like the copy room) it would be pretty funny.

We will be sure to keep you posted on the updates, and will fill you in on the details as they are made available to us.

Transformers 2 Spy Pics

We have some picks from the filming of Transformers 2 to show you today. Some sleuths photogs were able to snap some pics in Long Beach (dressed up as China) and have put them up for all to see on their Flickr accounts. Thanks to comingsoon for the heads up!

For more pictures, please head over to the source pages of mylordsinuhe and fq9. I salute these crafty samaritans for hooking up the world with these shots.

Now we need to figure out who the hell the corvette will is.

THE INCREDIBLE HULK Special Features Announced

We have more DVD/BLU-RAY news for you. We have the special features for Incredible Hulk to share with you thanks to our friends over at comingsoon:


- Alternate Opening
- The Making of THE INCREDIBLE HULK: An in-depth look at the making of the blockbuster film, featuring interviews with Edward Norton, director Louis Leterrier, and producers Avi Arad, Kevin Feige and Gale Anne Hurd and the entire cast and crew. The documentary covers the film’s innovative take on the character, look and storyline, as well as the casting process, production and profile of director Louis Leterrier.
- Becoming The Hulk: This featurette focuses on Edward Norton’s approach to the iconic role and the incredible visual effects employed by award®-winning studio Rhythm & Hues to create the character on screen.
- Becoming The Abomination: From the first motion-capture session to the visual effects at Rhythm & Hues, viewers go behind the scenes with actor Tim Roth and watch as he transforms both his mind and body into the super villain known as The Abomination.
- Anatomy of a Hulk Out: Behind-the-scenes looks at three of the movie’s most exciting action sequences:
- Hulking Out in the Bottling Plant – Go inside the first action sequence of the film where both viewers and the army are given a glimpse of the Hulk to come.
- Hulking Out on Campus – A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of a Hulk action sequence, featuring airplanes, guns, and even a sound machine.
- Hulking Out in Harlem – From pre-visualization animatics to visual effects, this featurette shows how filmmakers created one of the largest action sequences in Marvel film history.
- From Comic Book to Screen: See the incredible comic books come to life courtesy of narration, sound effects and “living” panels of action.
- Feature Commentary With Director Louis Leterrier And Cast
- Digital Copy of THE INCREDIBLE HULK: Compatible with PC, Mac or iPod.
- Deleted Scenes


U Control: Universal’s exclusive signature feature, U Control puts viewers one click away from going deeper into the making of the film without ever interrupting the movie, through animated comic book panels, storyboards, early renderings of the visual effects, interactive cast and crew interviews and exclusive information about the characters, back story, and THE INCREDIBLE HULK physics.
- Thunderbolt Files – Explore the top-secret files of the forces hunting The Hulk with this interactive feature that takes you deeper into the movie – without ever leaving the film.
- Scene Explorer – Discover the secrets behind the special effects! Explore all the individual layers that go into an effects-intensive scene with this unique Blu-ray feature.
- Comic Book Gallery – Enjoy a Hi-Def experience of the classic comic book images that inspired key shots in the movie.

BD-LIVE FEATURES – Blu-ray and Playstation3 players with an Internet connection can access exclusive interactive applications that allow viewers to communicate with friends and family while watching the film:
- My Chat – Just plug your player into your Internet connection and connect to BD-Live to chat with friends while watching the movie and conduct your very own private screening discussions.
- My Scenes Sharing – Share your favorite clips with your buddies through the BD Live Internet connection

Of all the features listed; I am most excited about the digital copy of the movie that comes in addition to the player version. This is handy for those that want to bring the movie with them on a hard drive, or play it on their Ipod. When I first heard that they were planning to do this, I was quite pleased and it’s cool to now see it featured on the disks.

I also look forward to seeing Ed Norton talk about the Hulk so I can get a peek into his thoughts and make the connections between them, and the story of the film. Hearing him talk about the character may also reveal clues about how he will proceed with the Hulk from this point forward.

Nothing else gets me too jazzed, but then again, I’m not big on special features. Sometimes I enjoy noodling through them, but more often than not - I have no interest. For those of you that are fans of special features - is there anything listed that you are interested in laying your eyes upon?

Transformers Blu-ray

The Transformers Blu-ray disk (pictured above) will be available for purchase Sept. 2, 2008. Transformers may not have been what we wanted as a film, but it certainly looked good. I assume this disk will be used by salespeople across the land to showcase the clarity of the new tech for players, cables and televisions. Expect to see this playing in every Best Buy round the clock.

Eagle Eye Tv Spot

We have the new HD TV spot for Eagle Eye to show you this morning. I will warn you that the version we were able to get from You Tube looks more like a recording on a 20 year old VHS tape from a UHF channel. Enjoy your lo-fi hi-def!

Still not sure whet to think about this one. I enjoy films where characters are “on the run” but I am wondering if the invisible watchers will come off as cool, or annoying 60 minutes in. I suppose we will soon see; Sept 26th is not too far away.

Is Nolan going to do more Batman?

All the buzz about Batman is that now that Dark Knight is out, the fans want another. Gimmee more!

Legions of fanboys are praising Nolan for his vision on this franchise and the cast he chose brought us a winner. So the logical assumption is that he would do it again. But nothing is set in stone here. Comingsoon catches us up on what’s going on there:

And Warners and Legendary are both interested in doing a third in the series, but all involved say it will be up to Nolan to come to them with a story and a plan.

“There are a lot of us who emotionally would love to do it,” Roven says. “But it’s really Chris’ call. Chris is the kind of filmmaker who just doesn’t think about the next movie before he has completely finished the movie he is working on.”

For now, Nolan is taking a well-earned vacation.

Says Roven, “When he comes back, we will see how he feels.”

Frankly I would love to be in Nolan’s shoes right now.

Partly because he is on vacation, and likely somewhere very luxurious and warm, and those shoes might be some comfy sandals. But mostly because he is sitting on top of the world. He just hit it out of the park AGAIN with Batman, and the fans are all just salavating to see what he brings us next.

But no one said he had to. He isn’t signed to anything. He hasn’t decided on anything. There is no story, no villains, no direction. Nothing.

Nolan hasn’t put one word to page on this. Because this is his method, but also because it’s not his job. Yet.

The entire Batman loving fans are all just waiting on his nod like the dedicated masses waiting for the word of God to fall from the mouth of his prophet.

So while everyone is speculating on the next movie, its all just rumour.

If Nolan comes back from his vacation of swimming in money and getting a tan from the bright lights of his adoring fans and says, “I am done doing Batman films” then there will be a scramble.

I just hope that if Nolan doesn’t do it that they don’t follow the Batman Curse. Two good movies, followed by two horrendous movies that killed all superhero franchises for close to a decade. Schumacher need not apply.

As long as it stays true to Nolan’s feel for the first two, any director worth his name would be fine.

Spielberg still to direct Tintin

News broke in the wee hours suggesting that Steven Spielberg would be stepping aside on directing the first installment of TinTin, the mystery adventures of a Belgian reporter, to let Peter Jackson take over. Originally Spielberg was to take the first chapter in the planned trilogy and Jackson would take the second.

Now we hear that the story was false. As you were soldiers…

MovieWeb Updates us:

In a follow-up story, Spielberg has corrected the news, which originally came from Brussels’ Herge Studios, home to Tintin. He says that he remains committed to directing this first film in a proposed trilogy. It will be his first directorial gig since jumping behind the lens on this summer’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Both Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg denied that there were any changes to their original plan of attack. Jackson still plans on directing the second film, and will serve as a producer on the first.

I still remain skeptical about this series. When I last questioned its popularity the International Friends rebuked me identifying this cult like following for the stories of Tintin. Its apparently huge.

So this little hiccup in the plan turned out to be accidental misinformation, but it was taken as true since it originated with Herge Studios, the mighty holders of the Tintin properties.

Still not all that hyped.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Animated Series

The proposed Buffy the Vampire Slayer Animated series got shelved when Disney met Fox, but now that its not tied to a studio there is buzz that the powers behind are really pushing for this to happen.

MovieWeb tells us:

“It was a very simple entry point,” Loeb said. “There is a girl in high school who has been chosen to fight evil, and there’s a great deal of it in her town. Here are her friends, and here is her watcher.”Loeb said that the initial idea was for him and Joss Whendon to do an animated series in 2002, which would’ve taken place within Season 1 of the live-action show.”We liked to call it episode seven-and-a-half,” Loeb joked. “It was a much simpler time. Angel had been introduced, but he was not yet Angelus. We could retrofit Dawn as a ten-year-old, so you can really play the older sister gag. Their mom is alive.”

My first instinct was that they couldn’t do a Buffy series like this after all the history that played out, and trying to appeal that to a Fox Kids Market. But it seems they were already on top of that. They are taking the younger Buffy and putting her in the middle of the first season and going from there.

I am not insisting on this because its not the same Buffy. Its not like they are carrying on the story in animated form. They are going Saturday morning with this pitch and obviously targeting a younger demographic. Some of the more adult situations (Lesbian Willow, Buffy the slut phase, etc) will obviously be glossed over as they haven’t grown up that far. Some of the best Buffy years were in Highschool anyways so it is a good place to start.

But it could be fun.

Children of the Corn Remake gets Anders and McClure

Children of the Corn is getting a remake, and though I am typically wary of remakes, this is one I wouldn’t mind seeing. Now we get news that David Anders and Kandyse McClure have been added as the tall folk in the cast.

Cinematical says:

According to Beyond Hollywood, It seems that instead of a big-screen version, the Sci-Fi Channel wants to whip up an original movie tapping an anti-Heroes player and a chick straight out of Battlestar Galactica. Should this rumor be true, it means that David Anders would take on Peter Horton’s role, while Kandyse McClure would take on Linda Hamilton’s.

Children of the Corn was the movie that messed my brain up for years. I saw it at a younger than recommended age and the whole idea of a community that had a ritualistic suicide at age 18 scared the crap out of me.

That line where the adults trip over their cult and find a boy in a church slashing his wrists with a generous smile saying “It’s my birthday” will forever scar my brain.

Corn does qualify for TMB’s 4 Rules Before Making A Remake and the sequels were all getting sillier and less effective, so its time.

The adults play a less significant role so the announcement of David Anders (Kensei/Adam from Heroes) and the beautiful Kandyse McClure (Lt. Dualla from BSG) are not as important as getting a truly creepy bunch of kids that are convincingly a threat.

Malachai seriously freaked me. So much so that later in Sunday School (told you I was young) when the similar biblical name came up I thought it was the same guy. Sent my head for a loop.

This has the potential to be a serious creepy movie if its done right. But its all about the kids.

First Look at I Love You Phillip Morris

We get our first peek at Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor getting all mushy in I Love You Phillip Morris.

Cinematical shares:

The script was based on the book by the same name from the Houston Chronicle crime reporter, Steve McVicker. Carrey stars as Steven Russell, a happily married con-man who finds himself falling in love with his cell-mate, Phillip Morris (as played by McGregor). Russell spent years defying the judicial system, and also spent most of his criminal career hopping in and out of prison through a variety of elaborate schemes. Russell even posed as his Morris’ lawyer to get him switched to a closer prison. But it all came crashing down when in 1988, Russell was sentenced to 144 years in prison. Leslie Mann joined the cast back in April as Carrey’s abandoned wife, and Santoro also stars as another of Carrey’s paramours.

Back in the day, it used to be that celebs would strive for the mentally handicapped role to get a better shot at an Oscar. Then Brokeback Mountain put the gay in the film mainstream and everyone thought it would be the new gimmick. Even Brad Pitt expressed a desire at a gay role in hopes it would increase his Oscar potential.

Now its been a while, so I don’t know that it was the motivation for this role for Carrey (or McGregor) but it is a dramatic role. I honestly do like Jim Carrey better in dramatic roles. I kinda got worn out on him in comedy, but I still like him. When Jim gets in the groove he can hit it out of the park. The Majestic was a great movie for him and I loved him in it.

I’d like to see more of that.

The Movie Blog: Uncut 20 Worst Sequels List - Recorded August 26th 2008

Hey there folks! For your viewing and listening enjoyment is The Movie Blog: Uncut - 20 Worst Sequels of All Time list special installment that was originally recorded on Wednesday August 26th 2008.

1) We talk sequels and run down The Movie Blog’s worst 20 sequels of all time list!

2) We take questions and comments from the live chat board

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