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X-Men: First Class - The Movie?

By Rodney - July 29, 2008 - 13:49 America/Montreal

Way back we talked about a rumoured X-Babies movie as well as Zak Penn writing some X-Spinoffs and now we might be getting closer to figuring out what one of them is. X-Men: First Class is a title currently being bought up in many forms (listing in production magazines, website etc) that hints to a Young X-Men story.

Coming Soon says:

An interesting listing at Production Weekly caught our eye - “X-Men: First Class.” Could 20th Century Fox be developing a movie based on the series written by Jeff Parker and pencilled by Roger Cruz? Or are they using the title of that comic for their proposed Young X-Men spin-off?

The Comic book by that title was a miniseries that focused on the first 5 XMen: Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Iceman and Marvel Girl.

Well since we are already introduced to those characters in different spans of the storyline already existing in the movies it is unlikely that they will use that lineup in a movie.

My prediction is that this is a new take on New Mutants. New Mutants was a book that focused on the young teenage members of Xavier’s school that formed a junior X-Men team. Not many of the original New Mutant lineup was seen in the three X films, so they might go with Cannonball (who’s real name Guthrie was seen in an Easter Egg on screen). Wolfsbane, Psyche, Karma, and Sunspot.

They might litter up the lineup with popular later members Magik (Colussus’ little sister), Cypher and Warlock. Or even the graduated paramilitary X-Force members like Domino or Cable. This would be a great moment to introduce Cable unsuspected on the franchise though if they did I imagine he would be a late teen to still fit in the ideology of a Young X-Men movie

I think I would really like to see a Young X-Men story, especially if they used it as a platform to introduce younger members into X-Men and let the X-Men focus their adventures on something other than school business.


  1. parker says:

    I wish they would do an Apocalypse or Mr. Sinister X men series or movie.

    Or maybe and X - factor one…..ahhh so many possibilities.

  2. Luke says:

    I would really like to see them use the original characters. I think there is a lot of things that would be very cool to see work out. Mainly because everyone has seen them at the top of their powers.. Wouldn’t it be cool to see them first learning how to use them?

    I really like the idea and I really hope they stick with what the comic is actually about and not do like a Young X-Men spin.. If they do that it will probably be aimed at younger audiences. I think if you use the classic characters they could hit on both audiences at the same time. The fans of the original X-Men line up and the younger crowd.. Will be interesting to see where this goes.

  3. Rodney says:

    If you did a younger version of the original cast, when Cyclops and Jean were younger, Iceman and Angel were babies, and Beast is older than all of them.

    Just sayin.

    They won’t use original unheard of characters, because much of the fanbase loves to see their favourites on screen, and those who don’t know anything will still be entertained.

  4. Brian says:

    The New Mutants was my favorite comic when I was younger so I would be excited to see a movie version but sure it would be totally changed. But I could see how a movie like this would have a good chance of being made. Kind of a x-men meets Harry Potter.

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    I would love an X-Factor or New Mutants. But *not* “young” Cyke, *young* Storm or *young* Iceman- the latter of which… how young? ? In the X Franchise, Iceman is already a teen, as is Angel.

    No, Cable should not be a teen either. Not even a 20 something dude. If folks really, really want that crap, stop bitching about the WB efforts to get a “young” JLA off the ground. I don’t want to see that. Why on earth would I want to see *this* from Fox and Marvel?

    I dislike the idea of “going back” I like the idea of moving forward.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    Follow up: when I say “franchise” I mean the films, not the comics.

  7. Rodney says:

    I agree Darren. I don’t want to see a prequel of the existing XMen film roster, I want to see the story of the kids we see milling about in the school.

    A junior X Men team would be great. Give a proper home to those too young to really be XMen.

    Yes, I am looking at you Kitty, Bobby and Marie.

  8. Kyler says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)if they did use the characters as say early teens first testing their powers theres one power they have barely touched of one of the five,that being iceman.i mean,he iced in for 5 seconds in x3,never used his iceslide and didnt do stuff like creating an ice sheild,its always a mist of ice,they also tend to put cyclops back with a bigger role.

  9. Nick says:

    According to what an interview said with Zak Penn. They are looking at this movie as a prequel, and it would not include Wolverine.
    It would likely include a younger Cyclops, Storm, Jean, Beast, and other characters they would litter in there… maybe Emma Frost, Polaris, Gambit, some of the New mutants. If they are not going to do a X-MEN 4 until later down the road I think this could be the next best thing.

  10. Rodney says:

    A younger XMen Idea doesnt appeal to me. And I am a super big XGeek.

    Emma Frost was Evil, Polaris is much younger than Scott and Jean, Beast is WAY older, and Gambit would be dumb.

    They are introducing Gambit somehow in Wolverine so we will see if any history makes any sense.

  11. chris says:

    they will probably use cyclops as the main character,jean,beast,iceman,gambit and emma frost since they are in the upcoming wolverine movie where it will branch off from and meet back at x 1.)

  12. chris says:

    (i don’t care how they do them as long as they keep them grounded in the real world and keep them coming. i could watch at least ten or eleven more. add a couple new characters here and there,some cool cameos,and spin offs,and make really good stories.i would love to see generation-x with chamber,husk,prosimian,mammomax,and squidboy. also you cant forget apocalypse,and sinister.would love to see the special class kids, like glob hermon have bigger cameo, beak, and anngel salvadore. in a wolverine you need omega red.a really cool human villain would be john sublime a total opposite off any other someone trying to take mutants powers for himself.

  13. chris says:

    sorry im takin the board but, i love the x-men franchiseand besides batman and transformers its one of the best there is. i think batman hulk and some others took a look at x-men and said this is how to do it. i just hope they keep the x-men movies coming.please bring magneto,wolverine 2,3,young x-men,generation-x,special class,and an x-4 with iceman,angel, colossus,wolverine and older gambit.

  14. Rodney says:

    You whippersnappers are just too young.

    Emma Frost was the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. SHES A BADGUY!!! Sorry to ruin this for you all who don’t know the history, but that girl used to be a villain.

    If they make a prequel movie out of First Class it will have to feature the original five in some manner (or cheat a little) but they wont take Emma Frost in it unless she is a villain.

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