Tropic Thunder Review

Thanks for checking out our Tropic Thunder review. As many of you know we’re currently down here at Comic Con in San Diego and we were lucky enough to get treated to a screening of Tropic Thunder tonight.

I used to LOVE Ben Stiller. Zoolander, Dodgeball, Meet The Parents and several others. But over the last couple of years it seems he’s put out trash film after trash film and I’ve almost totally lost interest. I sort of feel the same way about Jack Black… used to love him, but he’s disappointed me too much over the last little while. So when the first couple of trailers came out for Tropic Thunder, the only thing that REALLY caught my attention was the presence of Robert Downey Jr. playing a black guy. It looked like it could be too funny for words. So my expectations were that the movie would be bad, but that Downey may be good enough to at least give me some laughs. I’m very happy to say the film greatly exceeded my expectations.


The basic idea behind Tropic Thunder looks something like this: A big budget war movie is being made by a first time director and a hard assed heartless producer staring 3 big name actors. The problem is the film isn’t going so well, the producer is furious, the actors are hindering the process and the director is at his wits end. In a desperate attempt to give the movie a gritty realism, the director drops the actors in the middle of the jungle, but unknowingly drops them in the wrong country… and although they think they’re secretly being filmed for the movie, they’re actually in the middle of a fight for their lives.


I’ve said this many times before, but it’s worth repeating here. If you’re making a comedy movie, the single most important thing is to make people laugh. You can get away with a LOT of mistakes in your movie if you make the audience laugh… at the same time you can do everything right, but if you fail to make people laugh, then your movie sucks. Tropic Thunder makes you laugh. It’s just that simple. They aren’t the smartest laughs… they aren’t high brow laughs… but oh my goodness they are laughs nonetheless. This is a FUNNY flick.

We all expected Robert Downey Jr. would knock it out of the park, and he doesn’t disappoint (although someone else stole the show from him… but I’ll get to that in a moment). He’s always working the character so much that even the most mundane lines that come out of his mouth make you smile. When he switches from “black” to Australian it’s pure gold.

As the movie starts we’re treated to 4 fake trailers, each staring one of the 4 main actors in the movie. The trailers are designed to not only be funny, but also to introduce us to the characters. Sweet heavens THEY WERE HILARIOUS! But they weren’t just hilarious, they were also a very creative and effective way to get us to know the main players before the “story” of the movie got started.

The cameos in this film are some of the best executed use of cameos I’ve ever seen. Very well done.

Ok… this is the big one. TOM “Fucking Scientologist Freaky Nut Job” Cruise flat out steals this movie every single moment he’s on screen. No, I’m not being sarcastic. No, I’m not exaggerating. And no, I’m not kidding. Cruise doesn’t have a huge role in the movie (maybe about 10 minutes of screen time) but wow… each precious second he’s on screen I was laughing my ass off. This was EXACTLY the type of role he needed to do right now. I’m so glad they never used any of his footage in the trailers… it makes it more effective. Mark my words… people will be talking about Cruise’s performance in this movie for the rest of the year. It’s pure comedy gold.


Remember how I said if you make people laugh in a comedy, you can get away with a lot of other stuff? Yeah well, it’s a good thing for Tropic Thunder because making us laugh is about the only thing this movie does right. The story was horrible, it sometimes couldn’t decide if it was a slapstick comedy or just sort of a silly one, and a lot of things just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. I won’t bother listing all the individual items that were bad… just know that nothing else in the movie really worked. But hey… it’s a comedy and it makes you laugh, so it’s all forgivable.


Tropic Thunder is a damn funny movie that gave me about 10 HARD laugh out loud moments with about 20 good giggles to back them up with. As a result, I walked out of the theater having been thoroughly entertained. Yes it has a wide variety of weaknesses, but you can easily get past those as you try to catch your breath from laughing so hard. I can not emphasize this last point enough… TOM CRUISE RULES IN THIS MOVIE. Overall I’m giving Tropic Thunder an 8 out of 10.

71 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. joonavar

    I had zero idea that mr cruise has a role in this movie, and I am very pleasantly surprised that he is featured in a comedy.
    This will make the next month an absolute pain to wait for this movie to be released, but I anticipate it nevertheless.
    I completely agree with your comments about Stiller though - and The Heartbreak Kid just killed my faith in him. I look forwards to hopefully being baptised back into Stillerism.

  2. bret

    The only thing about TheMovieBlog growing is that you get to review movies in advance, and make me WAIT IT OUT!!! But I am really relieved to hear that this movie was good. Cant wait for it!

  3. Sound Designer Dan

    Hey John,

    What were your thoughts on Matthew McConaughey as Stiller’s agent?

  4. bigsampson

    wow i too didnt even no cruise was in this and i have been waiting for it lawl sweet.

  5. Kalpesh

    Thanks a lot John…
    Hope i will get to see this one soon.

    Mr.Cruise rulz : Now dats something new…
    themovieblog(your reviews) is my bible of movies.

  6. Kristina

    Great news! Downey looks hilarious in this, and if he’s not even the best thing about the movie, then this should be pretty damn funny. This has been a GREAT year for Downey. Good for him!

  7. Phil Gee

    Excellent; i’m there.

  8. DJ

    I’m really glad to read you review. I had a feeling this might be a one joke movie that didn’t quite cut it. I was holding out hopes for it, but now I’m definitely buying my ticket. Thanks!

  9. Meli

    Cool, I think I might actually make a trip to the theater for this one.

  10. nbakid2000

    Yeah, I like Tom Cruise as an actor a lot…doesn’t surprise me he kicks ass in this movie.

  11. Marco

    Thanks for spoiling the Tom Cruise Cameo for me.

  12. hey john thanx for the great review man, i thought youd give this a bad review for some reason- i thought u wouldnt like it i dont know…im really glad you enjoyed it man now im REALLY looking forward to it =]

  13. Ratas con dientes feroz

    The more and more I hear about this movie, the more I am left wanting the premiere date. I’m excited about every bit I hear of this movie. I’m even wondering who is gonna show up to the premiere and get everybody’s attention that this is one kick ass movie! I want this to rule opening week. Hellz, I’m gonna take my mom to see this with me too!

  14. Mark Ywain

    Tom Cruise rules?!? Now thats something I haven’t heard in a long long time lol
    Robert Downey Jnr. looks awesome
    I also loved Stiller movies before, can’t wait for this one!

  15. 790

    Interesting review.

  16. aaron

    very interesting review john. very ineresting. you said people will be talking about tom’s role in the film for the rest of the year. i loved heath’s preformance in the dark knight, dont get me wrong. it was the best acting ive seen, EVER. does tom’s role live up to that?

  17. that black guy

    do you think black peole will like to see a movie where there is a while guy in black face

  18. Hey “The Black Guy”

    Yes I do, because the scenario called for it and it’s done in a way that is hilarious. It’s not like we haven’t seen the reverse of that 100 times in the last few years.

  19. Jeff

    I saw the sneak preview last night and it was great. I did like Cruise in the movie, but still feel that Downey Jr. was the standout. There were enough one-liners from just about everyone to sink a battleship and almost all of them were damn funny. Regarding blacks seeing the movie, there were a group of friends sitting right in front of us… all black… and all laughing their azzes off… the hardest when Downey Jr. would do his thing as well as when the “real black man” would dig into him for never getting out of character. Anyway, great movie. Good fun for all. You wont be disappointed.

  20. msroncon

    The movie was horrible!!! I won (if you can call it that) tickets to a screening. It was a big disappointment. Wait until it comes to a $2.00 movie theatre of DVD.

    Don’t waste your money

  21. Jay

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)
    Robert Downey Jr. is a black guy in this movie…
    So I guess the studio couldn’t risk putting a real black guy instead because of type casting issues or a shortage of talented black actors..??
    Guess white folks in films portraying blacks hasn’t changed much since the 30’s huh?

  22. Jay

    Robert Downey Jr. is a black guy in this movie…
    So I guess the studio couldn’t risk putting a real black guy instead because of type casting issues or a shortage of talented black actors..??
    Guess white folks in films portraying blacks hasn’t changed much since the 30’s huh?

  23. Ami

    I don’t think making fun of people with special needs is really all that funny. Using the word “retard” is derogatory, offensive and hateful. As the stepmother of a girl with Down Syndrome, how should I explain to her why some people find that funny? This is NOT a movie I would ever recommend or promote!

  24. Nokita & Sylantro


  25. The Frying Pan

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so).

    This movie is pretty much geared to an audience like myself who resorted to looking at the cartoons in “Mad Magazine” and “National Lampoon” as a primary source of education growing up in the 60s.

    I would call it satire the way spam is sometimes referred to as meat which is why the reviewer was having difficulty rationalizing as a “comedy.”

    Instead, I would call it a farce for taking a cheap shots at Hanks and Gooding. It would be a real comedy if they eliminated Stiller’s character and focused on Downey, Jr. character albeit racial slurs and “Apocalypse Now” theme. Sorry, Jack, you’re only funny when you’re not playing yourself. The laughs are stale and out of touch like you.

  26. bob

    my review

  27. bob

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

  28. Grabber

    This movie does have laugh out loud moments (And a great special appearance), but I guess you could call me a, “Tightwad,” as Jeff did in his review. I could not get over the blatant slap in the face to the mentally handicapped. I’m all for parody, which is what I believe Downey Jr’s character is (And he and the writers do a great job), but Stiller DOES NOT do a good parody. He’s just blatantly insulting, which is sad because it makes a great movie become intolerable. This movie had potential to be a great one (And like I said, it does have great moments), but the unfortunate material by Stiller makes it simply insulting.
    Such a waste.

  29. Christen

    I am so sick of the protests involved with this movie. How dare they try to censor the artistic integrity of this work. The director of the Special Olympics is mad because they use the word retarded. Come on this was the scientific name associated with this disability like 10 years ago. Now they change the name every year or so because they don’t like the negative connotations associated with the word de jour, but every time they change the name the same connotations are then associated with the new word. Really they are mad because people think retarded people are funny. That is not going to change, even if you try to attach serious sounding words to the disability. Ok, so what happens in five years when intellectual disability (the Special Olympic director’s word of choice) becomes passé. Will we then label this man as a bigot for uttering this insensitive word.

  30. Aaron

    I’ve been talking about watching this movie when I first saw a trailer for it months ago ! I can’t believe the protests either, these people complain about this movie, what about, “Don’t Mess with the Zohan” that movie was pretty out there, what about South Park? I think the Special Olympics figured it would be a great publicity move since the Olympics are going on in China right now. Still going to see this movie opening week, sorry retards.

  31. Aaron

    What about all the stoner movies, TCH, pot causes infertility, birth defects, retards, protesting the stoner movies makes more sense doesn’t it? Duh. Oh, Sry.

  32. Jeff

    I think some folks are missing the point. This particular portion of the movie was not making fun of mental retardation… but was making fun of themselves… the actors who TRY to even “go there” and why some movies like that (ie, ‘I am Sam’) do not get well received because it is does make some people feel uncomfortable… or whatever… but nobody is making fun of the actual people afflicted. So should I be offended because one of the characters in the movie ends up being gay… and my best friend’s brother was gay and died of AIDS?? Or that my Aunt’s significant other had a serious drug problem like Jack Black’s character??? C’mon people… it’s a MOVIE. Geezus…….

  33. aaron

    ok, i basically just saw tropic thunderr. myy hopes were high for this movie, but, it really let me down. you guys can rave on my comment, but my opinion is that i just didnt like it. now, everyone did a good job, and cruise was funny. don’t get me wrong, there were come hillarous parts, like the tobie migure cameo, that was funny. but yeah, didnt like it: 6/10

  34. Graham

    Aaron, you should really read up on your subjects before you say things about them. First off, it’s THC. The second is you should watch Super High Me, in that his sperm count actually goes UP while smoking compared to when he does not smoke marijuana.

  35. aaron

    if your talking about the aaron that commented about two comments back, i’m a different aaron

  36. stephen

    no one has mentioned one of the other actual, real, true to life geniuses who has a body of comedic work that has depth plumbed deeper than all the stars combined - and that’s STEVE COOGAN…

    has NO ONE seen Saxondale? I’m Alan Partridge? Knowing Me,Knowing You? the animated I’m Not an Animal? or the work of his Baby Cow production co - ie: The Mighty Boosh?? Hot Fuzz??…seriously man…if you know your comedy, and want something where Monty Python meets Surrealism and the nuanced brilliance of shows you can watch 10 times and still see something transformed, then you’ll understand why Ben Stiller held on to Steve Coogan so very long . Mark my words…you’ll be glad I mentioned his work!!

  37. mkfreak2

    What’s wrong with the story? It’s absolutely brilliant. The writing is spot-on.

  38. Kirk

    I don’t know…. I loved the movie and I thought it was amazing. Robert Downey Jr was hilarious as expected and I thought there was exactly enough Stiller without going too overboard. Then what suprised me was that Jack Black, Jay Baruchel, and Brandon T. Jackson all had equally significant roles in the movie that complemented the first two. Usually when we try and focus on a group of people a couple of them get left out, but this time everyone’s character stepped up exactly how they should have making each scene greater and greater.

    …I just didn’t like Tom Cruise. The first scene that I saw him in I thought he was hilarious and was excited to see more. Unfortunatley as the movie went on he just kinda irritated me.

  39. Michael

    After seeing a review on the Fox News website, I did not know what to think about the film prior to seeing it. I am glad I went, one of the better comedies that has been out in a while (reminded me of the Stiller from “Something About Mary”).

    Really enjoyed all of the actors, even Cruise who usually leaves me with a “why is this guy still doing films?” . There was a lot of talk about the Mentally Disabled parts of the film. It did nothing but make fun of all the actors in Hollywood who do a line of films then do a heart warming story about someone down and out to get an Oscar (A.K.A sell out) Go see it, do not take it seriously and have a good time!

  40. aaron

    mkfreak, your right the stroy is brialliant, and some parts are so funny. but overall, i didnt like it

  41. Amanda

    I for one loved it. I laughed out loud several times and left knowing that I’ll purchase it when it’s out on DVD. Here’s the thing…I don’t at all condone making fun of the disabled, or of racism, or of drug addictions, or for sexuality…but that is NOT what this movie is about. In fact, this movie uses comedy to slam the Industry for USING those serious issues to win awards. And does it brilliantly.

    And I thought Tom Cruise was hilarious. Though I think he would have been even better with the exact same role but without the costume.

  42. Grant

    This was probably one of the better films of the year. Excellent satire, good laughs, and great performances. As for the derogatory terms… I can’t help but feel it helped with the satire, showing how the movie industry thinks (as well as bring a point about how idiotic Stiller’s character is).

  43. aaron

    its cool you guys liked it, and i will respect your opinion, but, i didnt. granted there were some HILLAROUS parts, including that one cameo with Toby Migiure. but, overall it just didnt do anything. and im not one of those people who took the derogatory terms seriously, because they were obviously just making fun of the actors

  44. Gallegos

    I know many of you think that making fun of kids (yes, these are kids too) with disabilities is funny, and that those of us who are offended just need to get a sense of humor.I’ve heard complaints that this is just another extension of censorship, let them make their movie and if you don’t want to see it then stay home.I would just ask you to step back and try to see a more macro view of this issue.If you just take a few minutes it is not hard to empathize with a parent who has a child like this, or that child, his sibling or their friend to realize that there is no honor in this kind of humor.The trouble is Ben Stiller is a very funny guy and a LOT of people will see this movie.And it is running right at the end of summer right before these kids go back to school.I know it’s rated R but don’t fool yourself into thinking that kids won’t see it.And if they don’t see the whole movie, clips of the “funnier scenes” will manage to permeate into our culture through YouTube or various other media over the internet. And imagine them going to school for the first time, just a few weeks from now, excited, enthusiastic and a little scared.This kind or BLOCKBUSTER comedy where the likes of Stiller, Downey, etc have actually made a movie that makes these kids the butt of their jokes is nothing less than sad.You don’t have to be a kid with a disability to identify with cruelty or humiliation, you just have to think back to being a kid. It wasn’t right then and it isn’t right now.I was raised to stand up and defend the little and weaker folks.That’s all I’m asking of the adults of my community.Don’t support a film like this that at least 17 times refers to them as “retards” and pokes fun at them.I know it’s a satire about actors, but it capitalizes on the backs of kids all over the country, members of our communities that are least able to defend themselves against cruelty and bigotry.Stiller’s intent falls hollow against the realities of our world from the viewpoint of these kids that are too frequently abused and humiliated.For those of us who know them, have them as members of our family or work with them, we know the truth, that they are special and offer a unique and refreshing view of the world.When we laugh at them behind their backs we become less than human ourselves, and that is not really funny at all.

  45. Hey Gallegos

    Clearly you haven’t seen the movie. It never once makes fun of mentally handicapped people. NOT ONCE. It pokes fun at the ridiculous way Hollywood often portrays the Handicapped. That was the point.

  46. Mike

    Gallegos, I have to agree with John on his response to you; I’m assuming you’re missing the point because you haven’t seen the movie.

    Your comment, “Stiller’s intent falls hollow against the realities of our world” may actually argue the opposite of your opinion. It almost seems like you’re saying that the movie is offensive *because* of people’s insensitivities. What’s the real root of the problem then; the movie’s material, or society’s attitudes towards the mentally handicapped? If it’s the latter, couldn’t a vehicle like this be a great way to bring it in the open?

  47. adguy31

    I don’t understand the whole fuss about the retarded pieces throughout the movie. Special Interest groups are helping to turn this country into nothing but PUSSIES!!!

    The last time I checked I still think we live in the greatest and most free country on earth where people have the right to think, say and right what they want. And, if you don’t like it you can walk away or turn something off. I CHOSE to see this movie and I LOVED it! If talking about a bunch of ‘tards offended me then I would CHOOSE not to see this movie.

    This is a great movie with laugh out loud moments, clever introductions and awesome cameos. Go see this movie and…


  48. adguy31


    You are exactly what is wrong with America. You say things without seeing or hearing them in context and look at ways this may offend you. My question to you is… don’t you have anything else to do during the course of a day? I don’t know about you but my day is too full with work, playing with my dog, spending time with my wife and enjoying everything life has to offer. I feel sorry for you that all you can do is bitch and moan about something you do not completely understand. That makes you ignorant.

    It is people like you who will also say that it is a woman’s right to do with her body what she so chooses (obvious correlation to the abortion issue) but you police people like me who want to see this movie, laugh at the Retard reference because it is funny and them condemn me for that calling me insensitive. So, don’t I have the same right to choose what to do with my body and my time. If I want to sit my ass down in a movie theater and laugh hysterically at actors saying words like “retard” then I have that right just as you have the right to not go see it. Why would you want to ruin that for the rest of us you selfish turd?

    PS - I volunteer at a mentally challenged home for children and have worked on fundraisers for that home. I am not offended by the words or their “over-the-top/caricature” representation of mentally challenged people. To quote Matt Dillon… “I love those silly retards”

  49. Vince

    The movie doesn’t make fun of the handicapped. It shows how Hollywood uses the handicapped as awards fodder. The protesters didn’t get that, but at least a lot of the bloggers did. Cruise was funny, but wasn’t expecting McConaughey. That was fun, but when is he going to do something different? I thought the movie was hit or miss, but the hits were so funny they made up for some of the jokes that fell flat. Now I can’t wait for the Rocker and there was a trailer for a movie called Everybody Wants to be Italian. That looked really good. With those along with Pineapple Express and Tropic Thunder there’s been some good comedies recently.

  50. Mastermind (Michael)

    Well to John and all of those who care to read, I do agree that the film was funny. I enjoyed the tone that the film was aiming for, which was a simple parody of itself but, I would like to point out some important things. Like any form of protest either for a right cause or for being considered stupid like John puts it, one must respect that this country’s first amendment gives the right to the freedom of speech, practice any religion and to protest! Many either agree or disagree on any subject what so ever and all have the right to have their own opinion but, one must respect that ability to practice this freedom even when it comes to protests that really does not agree to our thoughts or motives, as for those who protest simply want their voices to be heard for their own opinion and cause. As of the debate on the whole retarded thing, I am neutral about it and respect those who want to protest against it. I will mention this, that depending on how you looked at the film, people can still take it offensively on this subject matter as I witness in the theater when it came to the scene when Robert Downey Jr. and Ben Stiller’s character were having that talk about the subject even though its intention was not to offend. In the end this is how I look at this minor situation. For those who don’t care about the whole protest thing, just watch it already lol.

  51. Morgul

    Why is it that everyone’s getting offended on the behalf of mentally impaired and black persons? What about actors, damnit? Don’t they deserve our respect!

    Anyone else highly amused by the Deus ex Tivo?

  52. Steven

    I’m not gonna lie. I walked in thinking the movie was gonna be good and i ended up leaving 30 minutes into it to go watch “Step Brothers” because that’s how disapointed I was. Maybe I should’ve watched more but i couldnt…just bad

  53. pam garwood

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    After watching the first 10 minutes, I told my husband I could not watch anymore of the gore(blood squirting and intestines flopping) and considered walking out. Thankfully I stuck it out and was happily entertained! Specifically, Tom Cruise’s performance!
    He is back in my graces after all these years!

  54. RantingMan

    Tom Cruise’s role in the movie was supposed to be a surprise. I agree that he played the best role in the film but why are there no SPOILER warnings?

  55. Hey Rantingman,

    There was no SPOILER warning because Tom Cruise being in the movie isn’t a spoiler by any definition.

    It was reported over a year ago that Cruise was cameoing in Tropic Thunder… Cruise’s name has been listed on the credits on IMDB for ages…. just because they didn’t put him in the trailer doesn’t mean it was a “spoiler”.

  56. Al

    Okay- first this movie is hilarious. second to the guys who posted this comment

    “Robert Downey Jr. is a black guy in this movie…
    So I guess the studio couldn’t risk putting a real black guy instead because of type casting issues or a shortage of talented black actors..??
    Guess white folks in films portraying blacks hasn’t changed much since the 30’s huh?

    I guess you had issues when the movie “White Chicks” was released too because they didn’t use real white girls- just 2 black guys dressed up as white girls, or when “Little Men” came out- because they didn’t use a real midget. Or when “Scarface” came out because Al Pacino isn’t really cuban. Get over yourself.

    To the people who are offended with all the “retard” stuff. Do you find it offensive when they make fun of East Indians working in corner stores “Apu?”, or making fun of the chineese, or Arabs always being the terrorists in movies?

    The two above guys need to move into the rainforest and creat a society where all they talk about is rainbows and butterflys….opps, did I just offend butterflies?

  57. Jada

    The movie was definitely hilarious! I agree with the fact that if the movie is funny enough, the sub-par plot can be overlooked. I felt the plot was a tad underdeveloped, but the momentum it created was good. I’m still laughing hysterically at some parts.

    And on the whole “intellectual disability” thing… I do agree with both sides. It is not an issue that should be made light of, but at the same time it is a free country and some people will go there. However, this movie doesn’t actually insult the mentally challenged at all… the jokes made, which are apparently offensive to people, are so ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh. I mean, who actually takes these jokes seriously??? They are just meant to be laughed off, it shouldn’t change your opinion on the serious underlying issues, or make you think that the mentally handicapped are funny. The people who can laugh at these jokes, and then let them roll of their backs are probably the most open-minded people of all.

    Overall, Stiller, Downey, Cruise, Black & McConaughey were all excellent, especially Stiller, Downey & Cruise!! The movie was definitely entertaining and one you can watch again.

  58. Jada

    Also, may I add… this comedy doesn’t descend to the level of stupid funny, it’s just hysterically funny and well-panned out. Definitely worth a watch!

  59. marvin nubwaxer

    i want some of what you’re smoking if you think this movie is funny. rdj is great here, but hardly funny.

    when ben stiller and jack black hit the talk show circuit to promote their movie you know it is in trouble and this one is a stink bomb.

  60. Dood

    This has got to be the most vulgar, disgusting movie I have attempted to get through in YEARS!! I walked out with my bother in law (who is 26) behind at least 5 couples of varying ages, mostly 20 somethings. The teenagers in the theater were starting to force thier laughter about 20 minutes into the movie. I wouldn’t allow my teenager into that movie. The people next to me were completly embarrased as I looked around and apparently they didn’t have the guts to get up and leave.

  61. Lon Williams

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    It would be so easy to get carried away on this movie, but i will keep it short…this moronic waste of film could not be saved even with the likes of Cruise. Stiller has become another Will Ferrell for me; time for both of them to move on to something besides making movies.

    This was a true Tropic Blunder of the infinite degree! Halfway through we asked for our money back.

  62. Lon Williams

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

  63. Wild Bill

    This was a hilarious comedy. I thought the writing and layering of the film was absolutely brilliant. I highly recommend this film. Robert Downey Junior gave a masterful performance.

  64. I don't get it

    Okay, help me. I just saw Tropic Thunder. My husband and I thought it fell flat. We laughed a few times (I loved Tom Cruise’s performance), but the movie simply was not that funny. Most of the time, we just sat there as joke after joke fell flat. We usually love this kind of humor (favorite comedies include: Something About Mary, Dumb and Dumber, Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski), but both of us felt this movie was a bomb. I do not think this movie is “intelligent humor” and if you don’t like the movie it is because “you aren’t smart enough to get it.” It just wasn’t that funny. I wasn’t offended. I just didn’t laugh that much. It was a disappointment.

  65. Doug

    Finally got to see it yesterday. Absolutely hilarious. One of the funniest movies I’ve seen in years. Double featured it with Pineapple Express afterwards, but Pineapple, while enjoyable, couldn’t hold a candle to Thunder.

    About the protest stuff, I’ll just say this. As a volunteer for the Special Olympics since 98, I was happy to see a movie stick up for the mentally challenged. Yes, that’s how I viewed it. The polar opposite of offensive. I felt it actually made a great statement in support of those with disabilities.

    Great movie. Just my 2 cents.

  66. Allan

    tom cruse ruled

  67. Martin

    I was really looking forward to this movie. I was really disappointed!!
    I am a Ben Stiller fan but this was terrible and not funny. Downy was great and so was Cruise. I had a smile now and then but not one laugh. My wife thought if was horrible. The story line was rediculous. I hope his next one is better.

  68. navigator

    I saw this movie last week and personally I think it was bad. Others that have posted above me are giving it the thumbs down. So I ask why is it that this movie passes the Batman movie in revenue when it stinks so bad? I laughed a couple of times but really I almost got up and walking out at least 3 times. The others that went to see this came out shaking their heads too. Ben Stiller does silly comedy and that will keep me from going to any other productions in the future!

    Best regards,

  69. Hey Navigator,

    If you didn’t like Tropic Thunder, that’s totally cool because all film is subjective and your opinion is totally valid. However….

    If you want to ask why it’s making money… the answer is that most people disagree with you. Most people really like it. That doesn’t make them right and you wrong, just that it’s the answer to your question.

    I loved it, most people did and right now it’s holding an 84% on Rotten Tomatoes as well.

  70. Aims

    I found the movie to be quite entertaining. I’ve lost interest in Stiller and Black over the past couple of years for their constant flops.
    I didn’t expect much from this movie but it surpased my expectations.
    Stiller and Black perhaps had 1-2 laughs during the movie, but I found their humour to mimick their previous movie flops.
    Downey Junior and Cruise and even McConaughey made me laugh like I haven’t laughed for ages. It was great to see cruise in cameo style and pull out what he did. I didn’t expect to see him in the movie and was pleasently suprised with his performance.
    Overall the movie had some classic scenes, classic quotes and thats basically what I came to see. Sure the plot was pretty bad and there was some pretty bad choices, but you have to look further and realise it for a commedy, and if you manage to laugh a couple of times and it brings a smile to your face then its succeeded.

    To everyone who has taken offence, what was the point of seeing a movie like this? From the trailers couldn’t you see that it would be slightly “offensive” if you can’t take that sort of humour. Be a lil more open minded and see the movie for what it actually is.


  71. Jennifer

    There is a funny and smart review of Tropic Thunder on YouTube
    check it out

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