Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Plot Revealed

Back when the title for the Transformers sequel was revealed as Revenge of the Fallen, the comic book fans were quick to draw the paralell to the storyline of a badass Transformer who’s name was lost to history and is only known as The Fallen.

Well it turns out that storyline WILL be featured in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. IDW Publishing is creating a line of comics to bridge the gap between the first and second movies that will deal with the Reign of Starscream.

Rope Of Silicon says:

“[We're going to] explore the background of The Fallen — the main villain of the movie — as well as expand on the ‘Reign of Starscream’ story that we’re doing and tie everything in to what this next movie is going to be,” explained writer Chris Mowry to MTV, who partners on the book with artist Alex Milne. “The next movie starts out with just tons of action and there’s obviously going to be a lot of questions, so we’re hoping to answer some of those beforehand.”

So this makes me wonder if Megatron will have a presence at all short of flashbacks. A great deal of Cybertronian history, revealing more about the Fallen as well as Prime and Megatron’s prior encounters will be in the film.

Sadly we are warned that Starscream will not be the ambitious maniacal power monger from the G1 mythos, but more of a loyal military leader. I am disappointed in this as I often liked his scheming in the background. Some of this may be addressed with the IDW bridging comic.

Will Megatron be returning in time for the next film or will the Fallen be rounding up Starscream’s Decepticons for his army?

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23 Responses to “Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Plot Revealed”
  1. Slushie Man says:

    Megatron WILL be back. It’s been confirmed. Plus his robot model was sighted along with some others, at one of the shoots awhile ago.

  2. Rodney says:

    But according to the plot details from the article I quoted they will be revealing a lot of Megatron and Prime’s past.

    How do we know the Megatron model isn’t in a flashback??

  3. MechoPower says:

    I hope they are not going to introduce a badass Transformer bad guy…The Fallen, kill him off quickly, and then try to bring back Megatron too. I hate those kind of plots. I like how they are going to stray away from the original material and give us something new…I just pray they don’t overload the movie with main baddies like the sorry Spiderman movies like to do and old school Batmans like do.

  4. Botluvver says:

    Starscream… what a waste of a FANTASTIC villian…

  5. Slushie Man says:

    ‘How do we know the Megatron model isn’t in a flashback??’

    It was used at the Prison shoot. Which involves Sam and Mikalea, among other characters.

  6. tkt says:

    what a waste of starscream as a villan.

    and pliss dont let the “beef”drives anithing in this movie,he is dangerous.

  7. calviin says:

    From what I have heard and from what I want to believe, I am hoping that this ends up being a red herring. I am familiar with the character and think introducing the Fallen to general audiences, and more than that, the concept of “Original 13 Transformers” is more than they care about. Nobody wants to learn about Prima, Vector Prime, The Fallen and etc along with Primus and Unicron. Are they going to cover that Primus created them, and that he was one of the original Primes, but his name is forgotten to the ages? Their like the earth’s version of the Titans. Will he be on fire like he has always been in the past? This is just so out of the box for the average movie viewer to even start down the road of.

  8. Ryan says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) Do you think unicron will be in the next transformers movie, if you don’t know who that is he’s a planet that eats other planets, he is revealed in the 1986 transformers movie.

  9. Rodney says:

    Ryan the TMB gang is more aware of Transformers mythos than you give us credit for. We all know Unicron. Had him over for tea the other day, nice guy once you get to know him.

    And no. I honestly dont EVER see Unicron being in a Transformers movie.


  10. BEN says:

    From what I’ve read, in the movie, Megatron’s robotic body is stolen by some military thing. There has to be a decepticon in this movie called the Fallen or else why would the name be: Revenge of the Fallen? Anyways, gonna be some great action in this one and I’m looking forward to seeing more new autobots and decepticons.

  11. matt says:

    has anyone ever thought that it could be called Revenge of the Fallen because the decepticons had fallen on the invasion of earth for the allspark and megatron was killed. Megatron is said to have been stolen by scorponix ( cant spell that well ) and revived with its own spark. that could be why its called revenge of the fallen. b/c Megatron is back and want revenge that could be a small possible scenario anyone agree?

    • Rhino272 says:

      The only prob I have with Megatron being stolen is that he was dumped into the Marianas region of the ocean. How could the military have him. I’m gonna have to agree with the “flashback” hypothesis. Also I wonder (forgive me if this sounds stupid) are the Constructicons in this one? The trailer shows a huge Decepticon destroying a bridge.

    • Rodney says:

      Still under that rock?

      Use the search feature in the top right of this page. There are lots of articles related to the Constructicons and Devastator.

  12. Rodney says:

    Matt, it has already been clearly explained that this story will parallel the comic book storyline of a legendary bot who’s name was forgotten and was called the Fallen.

    Speculation is kinda moot at this point since they already explained it.

  13. Rick says:

    The Fallen HAS been comfirmed to be the “main” villian in Revenge of the Fallen. All though, I did agree with Matt’s idea before I knew that the The Fallen will be in it, and I still agree with the idea that Skorpinok (don’t know how it is spelled) brings Megatron back using his spark. Wouldn’t that kill Skorpinok though?

    I don’t think that they will have any of the Primus stuff in Revenge of the Fallen, because they all ready replaced him creating the Cybertron and the original 13 Autobot creations with the All Spark in the first film. So, to just bring him in or to bring his back story in would not make scence, at least to the non-fans.

    I also do not think they will have Unicron in this film, or the third film they have all signed on to make. The Fallen might allude to him when he is introduced though.

    P.S. Does any one else know besides me that Megatron’s new vehicle mode is rumoured to be a Cybertronian tank?

  14. Rodney says:

    Rick, it appears you are the only one who thinks you are the only Transformers fan to know about it.

    We posted about it last week and it was confirmed that he would be a tank (with the bigass gun being evident in his bot mode)

  15. Fraser M says:

    Im not joking here is the correct plot
    The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron’s dead body has been stolen from the US Military by Skorpinox and revives him using his own spark. Now Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticon reinforcements on the way, the Autobots with reinforcements of their own, may have more to deal with then meets the eye.

    • Rodney says:

      Fraser, you are about 9 months too late. Check the trailer, the website, hell even THIS site.

      The Fallen is a character, a demigod of Transformers lore. This is not Megatron’s revenge.

  16. Louise says:

    Hi there, ok i’v never read the comic books but i enjoyed the cartoons :D i completely agree that if they start skipping info that was in the comics, changing charicters and covering things up its going to ruin the film.
    As an average movie watcher i love movies like this as long as they stick to the history it was given by the original creators, it takes away the story they were originally building on and when they want to do that they should just leave it all well enough alone.

    • Rodney says:

      Because new ideas? Not allowed.

      They should make sure just to retread every story that everyone has heard a billion times. Thats a formula for success. Don’t try something new or hit on a part of the established canon that is less popular.

  17. blitzy says:

    I’ve been doing A LOT of research, and this is what I’ve gathered from the plot:

    The Fallen is in it, ALONG with Megatron. Megatron’s revived and transforms into a Cybertrobian Tank. They choose not to change his name to Galvatron to not confuse the readers.

    The MAIN plot is that Sam finds some information on the Transformers, and creates yet another battle. The Decepticons need to capture him in order to get the information, but the Autobots, being who they are, would not let that happen, thus, a battle in Egypt, around the pyramids if I’m not mistaken.

    Autobots in movie:
    Optimus Prime
    (undecided name[sister to Arcee and Chromonia])
    Jolt Wheelie

    Decepticons in Film:
    The Fallen
    Consticons/Devastator(Since Devastator was given to Brawl I think he’ll be called Demolisher)
    The Doctor/Scapel(he tortures Sam hehehehehehe)
    Alice(she’s a pretender)

    Humans are:
    Sam Witwicky
    Mckayla Banes
    William Lennox
    Robert Epps
    Reggie Simmons
    Leo Spitz
    Ron Witwicky
    Judy Witwicky

    It is said that in this movie there wll be more close ups of the robots. They snort, sweat, and all them cool/nasty stuff humans do

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