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Quantum of Solace Poster

By Rodney - July 30, 2008 - 06:23 America/Montreal

The theatrical poster for James Bond Quantum of Solace is available online, and Rope of Silicon was nice enough to put up a nice clean version for us to gawk at.

Gemma Arterton looks just tasty in this, but frankly this is one story where we just don’t care about the Bond girl. We are still exploring those early events of Bond’s career when he was still ruled by emotional attachment. A lesson apparently taught with a high powered firearm.

And this title? A quantum is a portion or particular amount - lets say “piece” and a Solace is a comfort or resolution - lets just call that “peace”. So we can deal with Quantum of Solace or we can just be thankful it wasn’t called A Piece of Peace

After seeing the trailer last week, I think the ONLY thing I have to complain about is the title. That is not a lot to complain about.


  1. learnfilm says:

    I seen the preview last week it looked great, always been a big fan of 007.
    And yes the Bond girl we will always care about her:)

  2. Jordan says:

    I think that poster looks pretty damn bad-ass. The image of bond with a powerful piece of weaponry instead of his usual small pistol is bold and totally works. The muted colors help make it look more “raw”. If only the title wasn’t so wordy!

  3. Paul says:

    The title is from an Ian Fleming short story, and in the film will apparently refer to Bond attempting to find a ‘measure of comfort’ after Vesper’s betrayal and death in “Casino Royale.” I think the title is a good one and refreshingly free of “Die” or “Kill”. I’m happy the producers did not choose to dumb the title down.

  4. Loki says:

    Michael G. Wilson chose Quantum of Solace only “a few days” before its announcement on January 24, 2008.[4] It was the name of a short story in Ian Fleming’s anthology For Your Eyes Only (1960), although the film is otherwise unrelated.[51] Daniel Craig admitted, “I was unsure at first. Bond is looking for his quantum of solace and that’s what he wants, he wants his closure. Ian Fleming says that if you don’t have a quantum of solace in your relationship then the relationship is over. It’s that spark of niceness in a relationship that if you don’t have you might as well give up.”[19] He said that “Bond doesn’t have that because his girlfriend has been killed”,[51] and therefore, “[Bond is] looking for revenge [...] to make himself happy with the world again.”[4] Afterwards, Quantum was made the name of the organisation introduced in Casino Royale.[6]

  5. Rodney says:

    Paul, Loki, we all knew that already. Its still a lame name.

  6. Sound Designer Dan says:

    I don’t really like the poster. Looks like he gonna pinch a loaf and it’s a really big loaf.

  7. Mozzerino says:

    Daniel muthafucking Graig is the man, it’s as simple as that.
    I’m a big Bond fan, but I probably never ever looked that much forward to a new Bond film. I expect it to rock the shit and nothing less.
    The only thing that bugs me a bit is that “Bond out on a revenge crusade on his own”-concept. That’s nothing new at all, this happened plenty of times already in the series.

  8. Mike says:

    Hell its a Bond movie i cant be upset with a new Bond flick and im super excited to see this simply because it is a direct sequel something that isn’t done in the Bond Universe. Sure they’re all the same characters but never a continuing story or really reference to the film before so i personally can not wait to see this.

  9. Rodney says:

    Bond on revenge before has never been out of True Love.

    He gets revenge because some badguy killed a perfectly nice girl, or someone he cared about as a person. Bond never gets emotionally tied to a girl as deeply as he did with Vesper.

    She owned his soul and she died on his watch. Someone is going to pay.

    After that he gets a little cold and detatched and becomes the womanizing suave superspy we all know.

  10. DJ says:

    I am incredibly excited about this movie. The poster is good, the trailer was awesome, and, contrary to popular opinion, I think the title is good.

  11. Jay says:

    The new Bond, Craig is bad-ass and I love him. The poster is all bravado and gung-ho, though I preferred the teaser shadow one.

  12. EZELL says:

    I don’t get why people are so against the title it’s better than Hell Boy and the Golden Army that sounds lame oh and it was… But bond wont be.

  13. Phil Gee says:

    If it turns out half as good as The Dark Knight, i think i’ll be happy.

  14. Joseph Ferrarelli says:

    Actually, I’ll say the title has grown on me. The fact that it actually has significance to the character (which Bond titles haven’t been known for) is kinda cool.

  15. finaljoe says:

    Craig has been photoshoped the hell out of and he still looks butt ugly.

  16. Dragonslayer says:

    Not a Bond fan (I hated Die Another Day), but after seeing the trailer during TDK, it looks more cool. Can’t wait.

  17. jimf42 says:

    not to be picky…but I would translate the title as ” A Little Peace”…

  18. Rodney says:

    But “Piece of Peace” is so much more clever and more effective at mocking how silly I think this title is.

    Just sayin.

  19. Paul says:

    RODNEY, I seriously doubt that ‘everyone’ who is dumping on the title knows that it derives from an Ian Fleming short story. In fact, most of the comments I’ve read about it from talkbackers on various sites appear to come from subliterates who have likely never cracked an actual novel in their life, let alone read the literary source of the Bond films.

  20. Rodney says:

    Paul, the point is that I DO know it is from the Fleming short story.

    I also know that “Quantum of Solace” is not a spy story and James Bond appears only in the background. The real story revolves around a moral story the party host tells. The party is filled with socialites and Bond dislikes them. He mentions bitterly that it would be nice to marry into money and the Host tells his moral tale.

    The movie has NOTHING to do with the short story except to borrow its name for no other reason than it sounded “bondish”

    So the title to a short story that has nothing to do with the movie and that it sounds dumb to begin with is enough to mock it.

    Even those “subliterates” who dont like the sound of the title share my opinion, and I am an “above average literate”

    When something is so great that it spans all demographics it is hailed as a masterpiece. Likewise, when something is disliked so equally over so many demographics, it is considered a disaster.

    Im glad you like the title. You would be the second person to say that.

  21. Paul says:

    I’m glad you read the story; you had claimed that “we all know that” which seemed rather dubious. You say that one of the reasons it’s ok to mock the title is that it’s the title to a short story that has nothing to do with the movie. Did you similarly mock the title “The Spy Who Loved Me” because the novel has zero relation to the film? How about “A View to a Kill”, another Fleming short story who’s title was appropriated for a film that has absolutely nothing in common with the text?

    Your second reason to mock the title is that ‘it sounds dumb.’ That’s your opinion, and you’re entitled to it of course, but I see nothing ‘dumb’ about it.

    And regards my being the ’second person’ to like the title, I don’t see what that has to do with anything. First off, if you go beyond this blog to other talkbacks and to Bond fan newsgroups you’ll find plenty who do like it. Secondly, what is this, a popularity contest? Is the essential dumbness of something now determined by a poll?

  22. Rodney says:

    And you attempt to discredit my choices by countering them with your opinion.. how is that better?

    The title sounds dumb. Its not a popularity contest its just how I feel.

    The other titles that had nothing to do with the books are also dumb for the same reasons.

    In case you hadn’t noticed in my post… since you are an intellectual who prides himself on the ability to read… I already spoke in FAVOUR of this film.

    I said “I think the ONLY thing I have to complain about is the title. That is not a lot to complain about.”

    I don’t like the title. And even you said I didn’t have to. And no matter what they call it, it wont change the movie. So why are you making a big deal out of this?

  23. Corey says:

    I’d like to start out by saying that I have read every bond book and short story, and I think the title is great - It still has relation to the Bond universe and it is semi-applicable to the movie, which is enough for me - it’s a hell of a lot better than stealing a corny one-liner for a title (die another day, the world is not enough). I am buying the poster on moviegoods and can’t wait for the film.

  24. Omni says:

    “Im glad you like the title. You would be the second person to say that.”

    What an over-the-top statement. “The second person”? Go to any Bond sites and you’ll find that the majority of Bond fans disagree with you.

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