This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 at 3:53 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

Alvin ChipmunksWe have news to celebrate today. Alvin and The Chipmunks will be back for a sequel, as per Justin Long. We get the following scoop from our friends at MTV:

I recently caught up with the very cool, very funny Justin Long, a little voice in the back of my head said: “Chipmunks! There were 354 comments on the last article about the ‘Chipmunks’ sequel!” And so, I made sure when we were done discussing his Comic-Con-buzz-building flick “Drag Me to Hell” that I attempted the difficult transition from a hardcore horror flick to whether we’d ever see the sequel to a family-friendly movie detailing three rodents who sing about hula hoops.

“Oh yeah,” was the response of Long, who is the voice of the rebellious Alvin. “They’re doing it.”

So there you have it folks, from the enthusiastic mouth of Mr. Long we have obtained verification. There will be a Chipmunks sequel, you can pray less and start worrying about other things like peak oil and alien invasion! I don’t think any of our readers will be too enthused about this news, but I thought I would pass it along anyway.

MTV also asked Long about the appearance of the Chippetes in the sequel, and he replied with the following: “I don’t know,” Long shrugged, saying he expects to learn more soon. “I don’t know if the Chipettes are in it.” We will be sure to keep you abreast of the Chipettes situation and up to speed on all Chipmunks news.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Slushie Man

    I thought the first was an awesome family movie. I wouldn’t care if a second was never made, but I’ll more then likely see it when it is made though

  2. Seth Rex

    Well…a definite rental or blind-buy for me.

  3. Yamo

    The first one was good but not what i was looking for in a Chipmunks movie or maybe i wanting it to be like the 1987 cartoon but it was good. Now for the sequel i hope they dont put the Chipettes in these one.

  4. Chris

    The first movie surprised me. They actually managed to update the franchise without resorting to 90 minutes of the chipmunks singing gangsta rap.

    If they’re doing sequels, I wouldn’t mind eventually seeing a live-action take on the original Chipmunks movie. If only to see someone perform as Mrs. Miller. That kicked so much ass when I was a kid.

  5. Dragonslayer

    I didn’t hate Alvin,…but it still was crap.

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