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Austin Powers 4 will be a Dr Evil Movie

By Rodney - July 31, 2008 - 08:48 America/Montreal

Mike Myers might just need this to get the hint. Or redeem himself.

It is official that Myers is now writing Austin Powers 4, but it apparently wont be so much about Austin.

Coming Soon says:

“We’re developing a fourth [movie], entirely from Dr. Evil’s point of view. That is part of what I’ve been doing in the last little while.”Now, Deadline Hollywood Daily has a few more details on which direction Myers is going:

I’m told that Mike Myers has started writing Austin Powers 4 which will be a homage to his father. “It’s very personal with a father and son theme loosely based on his own life,”

Much of Myer’s personal disappointment and insecurity came from his relationship with his father. While Myers was aspiring to be a comedian his father would gently encourage him to try something else insisting “you just aren’t that funny”

Myers spent most of his career motivated to prove his father wrong. Shortly before Myers hit it super big, his father passed away. Myers never got to prove to his father that he could do it and this affected him deeply.

Perhaps this comedic father son story would be a nice send off to his father and closure to this emotional hinge in Myers life.

I hope it is good. I always felt the Dr Evil character and especially Scott Evil were the strongest parts of the film.


  1. Chip Chief says:

    Wasn’t Goldmember already pretty much a Dr Evil movie?

  2. christian says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    regardless, it is going to suck. love guru was an indian austin powers and was horrible so we can predict how bad this one will be.

  3. Slushie Man says:

    I hated Austin Powers 3, but loved the first two, so I’ll give this one a chance. Could be good.

  4. DJ says:

    I enjoyed the Austin Powers series (decreasingly as they went along, but still liked them), but I don’t know if Dr. Evil is a strong enough character to carry a movie without Austin Powers. I’d say the same thing about Austin Powers as well. A large part of what made the movies work was the interplay between the parody of the quintessential spy and the parody of the quintessential villain.

  5. Rodney says:


    Unless he learns his lesson and tightens up his act reminding us why we found Austin Powers funny to begin with. Guru wasn’t an indian Austin Powers, but it was his style.

    If the gags were as funny as Austin was, he would have been fine. But even in Myers style the gags were not funny.

  6. 790 says:

    Love me daddy !!!

    Strange how a guy with so much talent worries about what his dead dad thinks…


  7. Codename 76 says:

    This movie is going to bomb. Austin Powers 3 was trainwreck. Every new iteration has gotten worse.

  8. Rodney says:

    790…. since when does success excuse you from human emotion.

    He is just a normal guy like everyone else. The desire to make your parents proud of you is hardly out of the ordinary.

    All the money in the world cannot buy you happiness. It just rents it.

    Kinda heartless to make fun of the guy over that.

  9. DCMovieGirl says:

    Let the Austin Powers movies die, already.

  10. shadopup says:

    The third one had a few laugh out loud sequences but in general couldn’t sustain the laughs over the course of a whole movie as well as the previous two did.

    I can’t see what other spy/villain conventions he can still spoof, I thought he exhausted all the gags by the third film.

    This sounds more of a lack of ideas on Myers part after bombing out with Guru. It’s too bad, he was one of my favourite comedians.

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