Angelina Jolie Being Courted For Catwoman

Fresh out of the birthing chambers, it looks like Angelina has her sights set on Catwoman?! We get the following scoop from our friends at monsters and critics.

Angelina Jolie is reportedly being lined up to star as Catwoman in a new movie. The 33-year-old actress is said to be in final negotiations with studio bosses to play the feline villain who first appeared in the Batman comics.

Angelina has already been approved for the role by Julie Newmar, who played Catwoman in the ‘Batman’ TV series from 1966 to 1968. Julie, now 74, said: “Angelina would own the part. My industry friends tell me she has already made enquiries about the role. I can understand how it would pique her interest. Catwoman is Batman’s one true love.

I think Angelina Jolie would make an outstanding Catwoman. She is a sultry minx, and if anyone could play the character today; it would be her. I just have the same thought in my head that almost all of you do. Are people ready for another Catwoman after Halle Berry’s disastrous cinematic abortion?

I think Jolie is a name that will put asses in seats, and the right outfit will help to quell any doubts. Who knows, maybe they are even planning a tie in to the current Batman franchise. I personally think they should make the film in a few more years…but show us the outfit as soon as possible.

What do you guys think? Will Angelina be able to pull people back for another helping of Catwoman, or are its chances shot because of the previous film?

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