This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 at 2:22 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

StylerWe have a cool new film to bring your attention to called American Reaper. It is based on an upcoming graphic novel of the same name and we get the scoop from the memory caves of Yahoo:

Rocker Sting’s wife Trudie Styler has acquired film rights to the upcoming graphic novel “American Reaper.”

The story is set in a future where identity theft leads to victims having their minds erased and replaced by those of the elderly rich seeking a second youth or by criminals and terrorists with more sinister motives. A team of special agents, known as Reapers, are formed to track down and terminate those responsible.

It was created by Pat Mills and Clint Langley. Mills, who will write the screen adaptation, has helped to create a string of hit graphic novels, including “Judge Dredd” and “Marshal Law.” Langley, who is known for his innovative use of computer art imagery, has been his regular collaborator since 1991.

Trudie Styler has a bitchin’ name - I was ignorant to the fact that Sting was married to a movie maker; but many facts escape my realm of knowing. I must admit - this story sounds like a kick ass tale of memory wiping, body snatching and the rich finding an all new way to own the poor.

I love tales of dystopian futures that seem out of reach, but possibly achievable; given time. I am very interested in the idea of being able to “download” your memory and personality into a machine, and by doing so living on as a data ghost well past the demise of your body. I welcome these advancements and one day hope to achieve this sort of life in either a cyborg body or virtual universe.

This is a film that has hooked my interest and I will follow the developments closely.

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