This entry was posted on Monday, June 30th, 2008 at 8:29 am.
Categories: News Chat.

We have news today about Drew Barrymore’ s roller derby comedy Whip It! We get the saucy scoop from our friends at comingsoon:

Marcia Gay Harden, Kristen Wiig, Juliette Lewis and Zoe Bell are joining Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore in Whip It!, the Mandate Pictures’ roller derby comedy that marks the feature directorial debut by Barrymore.

The Hollywood Reporter says Harden plays an overbearing ex-beauty queen who would rather see her daughter, Bliss (Page), in pageants than skates. Wiig (”Saturday Night Live”) plays Bliss’ rowdy mentor, Malice in Wonderland. Lewis is Dinah Might, the star of Austin’s top team. Bell plays a medical technician moonlighting as derby star Bloody Holly.

When I first heard about this picture, I thought it was a great fit for Drew’s directorial debut. A film about a gaggle of roller girls has “good times” written all over it.

My favorite part of roller derby is the nicknames, I love hearing people called Malice In Wonderland and Bloody Holly. I think every girl on the planet should discover their inner roller girl and give themselves a nickname. It’ s an exercise in self respect and empowerment.

We will be sure to keep you up to speed on the progress of this picture and with luck we will have pictures of the outfits shortly! Go GO!

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. grendel25

    Just went and saw the L.A. Derby Dolls in L.A. and I saw Ellen Page in the stands. She was obviously doing some research.

  2. v

    Heard they are coming to michigan does anyone know what cities and what days

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