War of Gods

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 06. 2008in News Chat

We have news of a promising sword and sandal film called WAR OF THE GODS thanks to the professionals at Variety!

“War of Gods” is a mythological tale set in war-torn ancient Greece, as the young warrior prince Theseus leads his men in a battle against evil that will see the gods fighting with soldiers against demons and titans. “Titans” has been in development at the studio for some time, with Basil Iwanyk producing through his Thunder Road banner.

Nunnari said his film has the goods: “Gods, titans, warriors and a fantastic script. An incredibly visionary filmmaker like Tarsem and a partner like Relativity who fought and won already in a battle in getting the package that everybody wanted.”

My favorite film genre has always been a toss up between post-apocalyptic and sword and sandal films. I love when ancient warriors test their mettle against the elements, beasts, monsters and the gods themselves. Joining the Gods in battle against demons and titans is pretty fucking awesome, and if they can pull this off - I will be birthing joy in the theatre aisles.

Now in a previous post we learned of a 300 sequel; the same production crew is also responsible for this picture. I am not certain if this is the follow up film they were talking about, but from what I understand this picture will be in addition to a 300 sequel. This picture is written by Charley and Vlas Parlapanides and will be directed by Tarsem Singh, whereas the 300 project still looks to be Miller centric.

One thing is certain - these guys are pumped about the sword and sandal genre - and I welcome as many original films as they can throw our way.

I will follow this one with great interest and be sure to keep you all up to speed!

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Rodney who has written 7982 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “War of Gods”

  1. Steven Carroll says:

    Sounds like it could be a fun ride. I am deffinately looking forward to this.

  2. Rob Forest says:

    Hey Doug… since you love the genre soooo much, then you might be interested in reading about the possible remake of “CLASH OF THE TITANS”!


    I think this film could actually be one that I wouldn’t mind a remake of. I know that in the current age of Hollywood that it seems like all they do is to remake films… and I know that it isn’t “cool” to like the remakes either. I really don’t care about being “cool”, however, if the remake (of anything) is a good addition to the franchise, I say, “LET IT BE.”

  3. doug nagy says:

    I don’t want them to remake it …. but if it kicks ass I will eat my words off of Medusa’s face!

  4. Rob Forest says:

    Then here’s to hoping it kicks ass! …and just because I don’t want to be let down by it either. The original is one of my all time favourite movies next to “King Kong (1933)” and “The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)”.

  5. Tzaylor says:

    It’s about time we get into some greek mythology! Frankly I’m surprised fantasy filmaking hasn’t cashed in on the trove of possible stories in myths. Would a greek myth film be classified as a fantasy film? Either way, I need it.

    A Clash of the Titans remake would be great….but I don’t think it’s really that necessary. There are so many stories and heroes to choose from. It’s too early to say this but I would love to see greek myths follow the success pattern of superhero movies.

  6. Dina Fusaro says:

    Does anyone know where this is going to be filmed?

  7. lp says:


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